The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-02-22, Page 131 ICiAgstnittge parish tends synipa. The sympathy and prayers .of the com- munity are :extended to Mildred Mogan, Christopher, Vanessa, and Nicholas; Rita and John Howard and Hogan family on the recent loss of their husband, father, son and :brother, Raymond. The Funeral Mall was concelebrated by Father Ed Den - finger, . our pastor, Father Frank Den- tinger and Father Mike Dalton on February 17 at St. Joseph's. Interment followed in St. Joseph's Cemetery. Ray was a well -loved and respected member of the community and will be greatly missed by family "and friends; may he rest in peace. We welcome with joy, Kenneth Russell infant son of Carl and Lizette Stanley, into the family of God, following his recent bap- tism. Congratulations to the parents and family. St. Joseph's C.W.L. held their regular monthly meeting on Monday evening, February 13 in the Parish Hall. A major part of the discussion focused on the Catholic Women's League commitment to charitable works and how, though they must not lessen that commitment to the impoverished, the abused or the neglected of the third world and poorer regions of our own country, the needs of our own com- munity though perhaps different, are as important and must be addressed. "Chari- ty begins at home.' Also at this meeting two sub -committees were„established._Diaue ss ll c lAtekaaw n el, Pe *e t , February. irstarremostammormaiwak fin—Page 13 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1 Miss Ethel Gawley celebrated her 91st birthday Thursday February 16th. Mrs. Marlene Gregg, Gladys Johnston, Joyce MacPherson, Gladys Arnold, Janet Nixon, Marjorie Thompson and Anne McCosh helped to make it an enjoyable day. Ripley and .surrounding community wish Ethel many more. Mary and Dave Gibson, Dan and Joy of London visited with Mary's parents Don and Alma Gillies for the weekend. Mrs. Edna Stanley, Donald and Alma Gillies were Keith and Isobel Carter's dinner guests Sunday. Purple Grove Valentine party :.had . the usual sleigh ride with Doug MacDonald and his team, this year it had to be a wagon. After the ride they had 50 or more sit down to a good "potluck" dinner. This was follow- ed by a progressive euchre game. The high score for men was ToddThompson, women, Jennifer Collins, low score Harvey Thomp- son. The best decorated valentine cakes were Fran Farrell and Shirley MacDonald tied for 1st place, Tanyia Farrell followed by a close second. Joy Ellen Greenwood spent the weekend with the John Farrell family, the rest of the .Greenwood family had Sunday dinner. at the Farrell home. A capacity crowd attended the benefit dance Saturday eyeing for Darlene and John Macintosh. Sympathy :is extended to this young couple in the loss of the barn and stock. Mrs. Wanda Gawley, Katherine Col-•: fins, Velma and Norman left ,Saturidaymor- ning for a month's holidays at Fort McCoy, Florida. Mrs. Marjorie Thompson is spending a few dayswith her. son Bert on the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Thomson .spent last by Louise Martin a committee dedicated to fund raising while. Betty Lou Dalton and Laurie Dalton will chair another committee which will undertake a review and update of the pre- sent charitable commitments of the league. Kindergarten registration for next year's class took place at St. Joseph's School on Thursday, February 16. At pre- sent 12 children are registered. The newcomers had the opportunity to meet Mrs. Jackie Simpson who will be their teacher, as well as visit their classroom and take part in a few activities. The children were also treated to cookies and a drink. On February 17, Jennifer Tigert, Elizabeth Dalton and Heidi and Becky Martin travelled to Sacred Heart in Wingham for the Zone public speaking finals. Congratulations to all the par- ticipants for a fine effort and particularly -to Jennifer who finished third in the In- termediate Division. Father Ed continues to have masses in the school gym at 11:50 for the season of Lent. This gives the children 'a wonderful _opporti ty to attend daily mass 52&2031 LUCKNOW FARMS CULROSS - 200 acres good productive property, well drained. 145 workable. $130,000. KINLOSS TWP. - Farrow to finish, 212 acres, pit and upright silos, good 3 bedroom home., drilled well. KINLOSS - 100 acres slightly rolling, 76 workable, small lake. Priced 552,000.00 KINLOSS - 100 acres, fairly level, well drained, 66 workable. 550,000.00 TWO GOOD BUILDING LOTS. • Listings Wanted FRASER MacKINNON 528-3013 BARRY McDONAGH 528.3821 DAVID MacKINNON 395-2483 mc TEE r CC, .. t, T C c] . AI .ALTOS% URPLE GROE ' Tuesday with Gladys Arnold, Don and Anne McCosh, Mr. and Mrs. Thomson are retired dairy farmers from Belwood area and are 1st cousins of the McCoshs. Kurt Lawton spent the weekend with the Doug Mac- Donald family Dave and Anna Pt. Elgin, Garry and Donna Seaforth spent Sunday with their sister Shirley, Doug and family. The boundary behind Doug and Shirley's is a good skating ~rink.' Sunday saw around 35 skaters, also Friday and Saturday enter- tained many lovers of skating Jack and Janet Farrell had their grand- children Rachael and Colleen for the weekend. Their parents called for them on Sunday from Thorndale, also Kathie and Jared Martin from Kitchener visited Kathie's parents. Bruce and Kathie Aiken visited with Fran and Jim Farrell on Thurs- day of this week. Bruce and Kathie from Ere and have 2 sons Scott and Paul. Bette MacLeod returned from a two week holiday with Mrs. Norris Smith ' in Font Hill. While there she called on Albert Blackett, brother of John Blackett formerly from the Ripley area. Mrs. Jean Scott returned with her after a stay at her son Ronald's in St. Catharines. Guests at the Legion dinner Sunday p.m. were Bette MacLeod, Jean Scott, Marion Gamble with Jean Steergeon in Kincardine. Jim and Isabel Brook received word their .daughter Barbara Brown was hospitalized for a ;week."We all wish Barbara good health soon. Sieckers purchase Laidlaw pro rty Mr. and Mrs. Marty Jackson of Kit- chener were guests Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw. On Saturday Danny Stewart of Cargill, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Winger of Ethel visited_, there. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Jervis of Clinton visited on Monday evening with Mildred McClenaghen. Mr. ;and Mrs. John Siecker of St. Helen's have purchased the Dian Laidlaw property in Whitechurch. We welcome them to the community. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Simpson spent the weekend with Mr. and .Mrs. Marc Sahli and family sof Windsor. Ch>aisuers %KS. Chalmers W.M.S. held their February meeting in the home of Jean 'Tiffin in Whitechurch.,Jean -Roas_ lave the AB to ,worship with a thought for;the /day. She gavethe.acrjpturefrom P ath I39anldthe meditation followed with prayer. Norma . Rintoul gave..,a Thad ng ; Grace,, uaingeach er with a,peragrgph for each. Mrselloss_cooducted a crosawordpuzzle :ons Paalm17. 201 ACRES - Finishing hog farm, 2 storey red brick home, 750 hog capacity, sealed silo, auto feeding, 140 acres naturally drain- ed, near Teeswater. 306'ACRE' ` Approx. 150 acres drained land, 140 acres bush & swamp. 3 bedroom home, barn, pit silo. Kinloss Twp. Asking $125,000. WEST WAWANOSH - 100 acres, 40 bush, St. Helen's creek, excellent for retreat home. $62,500. ASHFIELD - 200 acres, systematic tiled, 180 level workable, good state of productivity. NILE - 3 bedroom bungalow, 2 car garage, wood stove, deck, 1/2' acre lot. Very clean. $57,500. KINLOSS - 100 acre grass farm, fenced, spring fed creek, 8 acres hardwood bush. ASHIELD - Country'bungalow, 3/4 acre lot, 2 bedroom, woodstove, garage, 11/2 miles • from lake, survey. 100•ACREPASTURE'FARM -.Spring creek, 8 acres hardwood, 16 acres softwood, 10 acres wheat, .balance pasture. Listed at $48,000. DUNGANNON - 3 bedroom home, 1 acre treed lot, hardwood floors. $42,500. KINLOSS - 200 acre farm, 2 excellent barns set up for beef, 2 silos, 75 x 40 shed, 4 bedroom brick home., AUBURN - 99.acres, 86 workable, balance mixed bush, no buildings, land in -excellent shape. ,LISTINGS WANTED PAUL ZINN 528-3710 ALVIN 'ROBB 395-3174 WARREN ZINN 528-3710 SLABW OD Approximately Price of body wood HARD MAPLE & ASH 17 cu. yd. box delivered withiu 20 40P0 SAVE A for every extra order you place for yourself or your neighbour $1 WILL BE REBATED ON YOUR ORIGINAL 1'ORDER LIMIT -ED TIME OFFER CRAIG HARDWOOD LTD.. AUBURN Buying bush lots or selected trees. TOP CASH PRICES Talk to one of our buyers about en- joying the benefits of good Market Price. - 'CALL (519) 526-7220 PROFESSIONALLY PRE HITEcHURcH by Jean Ross s. • Elliott introduced .the guest er Julie Lee from the House of Bat- tered Women from Goderich. Sheandher co-worker told of their accomodation'they have have and how they look after the cases they have to contend with. The rollcall was answered, by .13 with a verse containing the wordcharity. The report of'the annual meting held in St. Andrews in Wingham in Jan. was given by Mrs. A. ,Parc on. ininutos .were :read by Mrs. John Neilson :and mess diwuNiet ;e tidies ,.aid followed. Mrs. Pardon Save the financial revert, stating Plates ter -the J th *re...swung well. A °pot lock ll his.to,he held,after. kIluth,12 church rice. Bev. MeNeilson closed with; prayer. 11 970 Queen St., Kincardine ►5 OTHER SERVICES INCLUDE Financial Statement gyration Personal Financial Miming Bi"s fees Income Tax now* Audi STEVE14 D. WATSON, VA BARRY W Si ,