The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-02-15, Page 71tDiel9 ViOdneitity, Pebratity 15,1 i rime teppers i Orey'Bruce a re k- C•:Ing=thepublieSgtanceintheinve ga- ch "occ "�!r " reao c r a area 9 The Kincardine Detachment of the 'On- tario Provincial Police report that bet- ween November Iith and 2 th 1988, fifteen (15) bousetrailers were broken into. All of the trailers were parked at the Aintree Trailer Park, in Hurons 'Township, near Kincardine, Ontario. The culprit(s) pried open windows and doors to gain entry to the 'trailers. Once inside the culprits went through cupboards, upset beds, and made a general mess of each trailer. The culprits stole the following articles, two electric .blankets beige in color, a sleeping bag blue. and yellow in color, a deck of playing cards from Westward Ho, Las Vegas, as well as several .full and part full Rua %AMMO/87 bdttles of liquor. Approximate value of 'O. It dis felt that the same group of culprits is responsible for allof the break ens. To date none of the culprits have been identified. If you feel you can help in this or any other case, Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce are willing to pay a reward, up to $1,000, for information that leads to an arrest. Call Cri me Stoppers at 1-80IM65-3787. You don't have to identify yourself, you will be issued with a code number. No one will know who you are, 'and all information is strictly confidential. Gentre Tians Jainaican w by Gloria Workman Lots of activities are planned for the month of February, now that the January blahs are over. We have started a ceramics program this month featuring some very interesting pieces of work. Shrove Tuesday was spent making crepes with a variety of fruit toppings.', A craft wasdesigned with Valentines in mind to be done Feb. 7, 8 and 14. We will be holding the.draw for the quilt on February 14. Good luck to everyonex`who purchased a ticket. On Wednesday the. 15 Ruth Thompson will --ahoy✓- r.slides-ofw -toose who haven't seen thein as of yet. On the Feb.16 Barbara Rattee •will be here to show us the art of'rnaking chocolate. Dur- ing the week ofFebruary 21 to23 everyone is asked to dress appropriately for Jamaica Week. During this week, we are planning to Explore Ontario. . • Christine Gibson, Assistant Director is „ p e s o• e g to adopt the Ministry of`Tourism and Recreation Keeping Pace 'Wailing Program to :encourage participants of the day centre to get more physically active. The seniors canmake their trek across On- tario by riding stationary bicycles, walk- ing or joining in exercise clog -Res On the Feb 22, the Wednesday- group is going to make Sundais for a special treat. I will be attending a ice in Bayfield nn -Working with 'Community groupadmrngFeb.14-16, and will have lots —of information to share with you at a later date. 12? Court House Square f'oxierieh 11,1111.11101111111101111110111,1101111141101111.11111110111116110110110 11 1'hone 35741631 fov 24 hour movie Information FLAYING FROM FRIDAY TO THURSDAY, ' FEBRUARY 17th - 23►1 SHOWTIMES: FRIDAY 43LIATUR E Ay AT 700 and X100 p. . SATURDAY TO THU D`AY S: i� PA. -EACH EVENING Christine Gibson, the Assistant Director will be attending &workshop In Ingersoll on Recreation forisolated older adults on Feb. 13. It is important for staff to con- tinuallyupgrade..their skills to better meet the needs of the aging.adult. The.flu has hit many people hard. It's a good idea to get regular exercise..rest.and balanced meals, to keep your strength to help fight the flu, if you do get it. STEVEMICHAEL N ..MARTIN CAINE PARENTAL GUIDANCE 1 1 Sammestamaimairiiiiiiiimasomensimaninsou It's i0)sna to be an editor fRL-THUR _� : I✓ .: 7 FRI. & SA" 6'. 7 & P.M. SUN.-THURS. a P.M. lt± if we print jokes, people say we're silly. If we don't they say we're too serious. If we clip things .and print them, 'we're too lazy to write. If we:don'twe're stuck on our own stuff. If'we.stick too close to the job, they say we ought to get out and hunt news. ' If we devote too much tune to our publication, we're shirkng our profes- sional responsibilities. And, _like ras mot, .'.someone will say we oopiedtbis from same otherpublication — -And we,did! ! source unknown LONGDISTANGE? :CALL 1400-28513434o FDF 'TOLL-FREE MOVIE INFO. 6 IIJtKNOW STF1ECT MUNITY 14. MAITY 90th BIRTHDAY Wilfred McQuilan February 14 *Saturday, -February 1 Lions ladies Night OPEN DATES February Fridays 17 - .24; Saturdays.25 March Fridays 3 - 10 - 17 - 24 -:-31 :3aturdays,4 - 11 - 18 - 25 `13NLY9 f CALL 528-3532,, f. 991 ahm -& .p.m. Love from Florence and Family Everyone is heading for the Lucknavi Lions Club's BINKicr 1 ay f bt.uary " 1989 W COMMtJNITY L CENTRE Doors n b at 6 . Bingo starts t 715 5 ., 'Guesswho's between 39 And " (Haien 1 orster) 1 APPY 3ryd;ANNIVERSARY Mom februs07th,1 6 • lAlbertand Vivien J iRRIRs PRIZES 4- CHO,...LAWS BAR BINGO :741701.1.011, VOLIMIA440raigrantiChittiren 1'