The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-02-08, Page 13IIIMIIIIMmemomommk Luceow Sentinel, T -1y- -DIr a° February S9 1989—Page 13 R$Y rEID A. •Auditing CHARTS ACk;OW ",HT oancial Accounting •Persona' P, Cr - Ir to Tax Consultation inanciai Planning 1, uteriz ,d Bookkeeping Ar Iontization Schedules 306 Jotephine St. G"WWonghal., NOG Office: 3671522 0 THAT'S HOW MANY CANADIANS ARE ,ROSS COUNTRY SKIERS. 4 Isror The Huron Women's Teacher's Association now has a permanent office in Clinton. It is located on 12 Ring Street, apartment 3. Shown here are President Florence Kefllor with the Chairman of the Huron County Board of Education, John Jewitt. (Paul Rudan photo) Teeswater awarded $40,000 for home renewals A grant of $40,000 under the Ontario Home Renewal Program (OHRP) for the Village of Teeswater was announced recently by Murray Elston, MPP for Bruce and Chairman of the Management Board of Cabinet, on behalf of Chaviva Hosek, Minister of Housing. Teeswater, is one of the seven municipalities receiving more than $337,550 in provincial OHRP funding an- nounced today. Adtinistered by municipalities, the pro- gram assists homeowners in upgrading their ;homes,.,withthe • emphasis on correc- ting faulty structural and sanitary condi- tions, as well as improving plumbing, in- sulation, heating and electrical systems. Loans of up to'$7,500•are made available to eligible owner -occupants who wish to br- ing their homes up to standard. A portion of a loan may be forgiven, depending on the recipient's ° income. Interest rates range from zero to ten per cent, again depending on income. For applicants, the maximum annual qualifying income, after allowable deduc- tions are made, is $21,000. Teeswater has previously received $75,000 in grants which have helped upgrade 16 .units. OHRP benefits are .available to owner- - occupants in all municipalities :which have adopted minimum housing standards by- laws or resolutions establishing standards, and have decided to take part in the pro- gram. In communities without municipal boundaries, OHRP is administered by the Ministry of Housing in conjunction with the Ministry of Northern Development. More than 40,000 Ontario homeowners have benefitted from •OHRP since 1974, when the Ministry- of Housing announced the program to help conserve housing across the province. 0)131P P3R7IC/P (TIff FIR ALL OF YOUR Nile United Church elects officers At the annual meeting of Nile United Church officers.electedwere:as follows: Session: Joan Dougherty, Joyce Stothers, Cliff McNeil, Jameson Ribey, the minister as Chairman. Board of 'Stewards: Wayne Caldwell, Jean Black, , Diane Drennan, Millie Johnston, Bob Shepherd, Vicki Culbert. U.C.W. Rep: Shirley Dustow. Trustees: Cliff McNeil, Ron Pentland, Glen Ribey, Arnold Stothers. Manse Committee: Cora Sherwood and Shirley Dustow. Auditors: Steve and Debbie Park:- Treasurer: ark.Treasurer: Beth Rutledge. Pianist: Shirley Dustow. Press Reporter: Evelyn McNeil. Caretaker: Congregation. Anniversary Committee: organist Cora Sherwood, Rita McPhee, Vanda McNeil, Jean Black and the minister. Sunday School superintendant: Steve Park; Assistant, Vicki Culbert. Explorers :Debbie Park, Barb Johnston, Julie Stothers. Ministry and Personal Committee : Millie Johnston and Steve Park. IJ.C.W.: president - Phyllis Scott, Secretary - Beth Rutledge, Treasurer Yvonne Pentland, Official Board Representative Shirley Dustow. Nominating Committee: Clerk of Ses- sion, Chairman of Stewards, U.C.W. presi- dent, S.S. superintendent.andthe minister. Pre -retirement semina for farm couples Farm couples interested ;in planning for their retirement will tried March 28 and 29 at the Waterloo Inn in Waterloo. This Pre- . Retirement'Serinar will challenge .fes couples to look forward to their transition from ,active farming as an :opportunity for new goals -and new -experiences. Seminar topics willaddress component of .a : suc- cessful retirement -'s i tient inconie, ,a variety of •enjoyable activities, a .flexible timetable and.a healthY11f'ety1e. A registration fee of 4150:00 provides overnight accoMmodutlon, meals and seminar materials. Registrations will be received at Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food, Box 1030, 3ueiph, N1116N1 o a co ue fiirst served basis. Deadlineis March 10,191!9. For more information, 'contact Jane Muegge or Nick Geley se at your local OMt' Mice in "Clinton (4$228 or 14 0285-5170). SING i�i?UIREMENTS Be swm` [11 V!sit the guys at Daup65a n G=eed & Supplies WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF ... *-LAMB CREEP SHEEP RATIONS *SHEEP MINERAL *SHEEP WORMERS • PLUS WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ACCESSORIES •Lamb °Nipples *.Bottles •Elastor tors "Piers, 3etc. DUNGANNON 529-7951 1 0294 133 WALTON $074023. 14004054680 . -• , „,, . . .,..., „,, , H , , ,...„.... . . . ....,, ... ,.., Mak th: ,,.. e , i.., tr.,' • • �� - 14 '. 09:1„/. , -7. . Choice! _ ~r ` .�. -• -== Y 'ed,,, for your personahzed RRSP planning. g.. _7:',r——'"'� s .i _ , •RRSP's •GIC's1 .,,--,•..-.,----__:.:-....,.,., tom;. • z , •BRIF's •Annuities � T ��,, . - _. ' - *Funds Accounts k• .• -... _. _4,..I F- . ,. 50 L''. lo, _ "It doesn't cost any more to deal with a professional" Dave Bending Scot Little v, ,,-., ING ASSOC. Insurance and Financial Services Ltd.' South St., Goderich 524-7377 or 1-800-265-5504 FIR ALL OF YOUR Nile United Church elects officers At the annual meeting of Nile United Church officers.electedwere:as follows: Session: Joan Dougherty, Joyce Stothers, Cliff McNeil, Jameson Ribey, the minister as Chairman. Board of 'Stewards: Wayne Caldwell, Jean Black, , Diane Drennan, Millie Johnston, Bob Shepherd, Vicki Culbert. U.C.W. Rep: Shirley Dustow. Trustees: Cliff McNeil, Ron Pentland, Glen Ribey, Arnold Stothers. Manse Committee: Cora Sherwood and Shirley Dustow. Auditors: Steve and Debbie Park:- Treasurer: ark.Treasurer: Beth Rutledge. Pianist: Shirley Dustow. Press Reporter: Evelyn McNeil. Caretaker: Congregation. Anniversary Committee: organist Cora Sherwood, Rita McPhee, Vanda McNeil, Jean Black and the minister. Sunday School superintendant: Steve Park; Assistant, Vicki Culbert. Explorers :Debbie Park, Barb Johnston, Julie Stothers. Ministry and Personal Committee : Millie Johnston and Steve Park. IJ.C.W.: president - Phyllis Scott, Secretary - Beth Rutledge, Treasurer Yvonne Pentland, Official Board Representative Shirley Dustow. Nominating Committee: Clerk of Ses- sion, Chairman of Stewards, U.C.W. presi- dent, S.S. superintendent.andthe minister. Pre -retirement semina for farm couples Farm couples interested ;in planning for their retirement will tried March 28 and 29 at the Waterloo Inn in Waterloo. This Pre- . Retirement'Serinar will challenge .fes couples to look forward to their transition from ,active farming as an :opportunity for new goals -and new -experiences. Seminar topics willaddress component of .a : suc- cessful retirement -'s i tient inconie, ,a variety of •enjoyable activities, a .flexible timetable and.a healthY11f'ety1e. A registration fee of 4150:00 provides overnight accoMmodutlon, meals and seminar materials. Registrations will be received at Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food, Box 1030, 3ueiph, N1116N1 o a co ue fiirst served basis. Deadlineis March 10,191!9. For more information, 'contact Jane Muegge or Nick Geley se at your local OMt' Mice in "Clinton (4$228 or 14 0285-5170). SING i�i?UIREMENTS Be swm` [11 V!sit the guys at Daup65a n G=eed & Supplies WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF ... *-LAMB CREEP SHEEP RATIONS *SHEEP MINERAL *SHEEP WORMERS • PLUS WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ACCESSORIES •Lamb °Nipples *.Bottles •Elastor tors "Piers, 3etc. DUNGANNON 529-7951 1 0294 133 WALTON $074023. 14004054680