The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-02-01, Page 1,WiileyaidLaidmitTirearimeatameree00.11 -aahmge berruffirestrikeiminotialatMdatedfifarmiffawitildp, ddgkwayAbovestroilardkalwjast-FridayeTessiWilieve irasmhicerLatspproxinately, caessekroprezumawyjimeomm4aiddimp47 i'sx-asimailer.lonftelheilikt;-Thelaturvias-csagg tidy' tdestrayedgainglvithiriangemniaber lAssiiiilartxuaidlismen-resnaimed onlie acememell-zp- iprszimsdelyV3tmin.(16Viaridutipitte) ,Awruldmately -100tembers ttended IhelAudmovrAricidttwociety!smatual ineetingandlowqacLonlarnutry25. Bob lFilebrist a -past --president, Ipreauded_aserviceiliPioma_tollowand 7741aineM7ington in-recognition:1d :their -past17-yeats service,tolthe_society.-1The Zrringtausitave-meslguedlrontthevosi- :tionvisecretaryireasurer. itcluistwaSthepresidentathesociety _in,1971andaldasneemetting1!iththeY.,rr- ,ingtons nialcknoves -main 'street in August19714edinitheYAringtonsirecom- ing &WIWI Anent= :Of the iciety, --41evating_A-greAllealvitimeanatelfort_to 41eeklmajeds.Vildnist-vommented Andhevouplealwaysitavingitewidessand _Ansiffergtovrottleinsatejoldnglyreterred tothelimestherwerevallediotheartua to ;cover 3113 liblikriz Abe -were 'Mktg threatened- brisairtiecsningrinithe_w TOOL • ;11aas rrtunievaJi 24ack in 19711 ithenmewerefapproatbedaboutthispOsi- Aion,IttiesocletTWAsiiebtOnj-vontintlig thetairrititivisirtribirble" _Smitten _fairs Awe:been -Ad ifince at q*et**aJ3e liateAkediltelocitnew isirtitsiNth- year - iriCae iucknow Agricnitnral Society_ ,to -18 fformer1y12). -Burl Fullerton, :president Of the llomecraftlXvisiontictlOpresided forthwelectieniottlftcers:,pastpresident _Lo Ittnrray -presidentlien Movdtinney; trst -vice Norris Messenger; macaw/ vice Murray Irvin, :secretary Vlerim Messenger. New directoraarel/on Alton,vne-year; Rus Zurington, two years; ilruce EayantithuutFedleSter,,thre-yeatti). ileeleeted for twee year tem -Allan ILIdillereArchieltrdon,. Lloyd Morrison, Murrayirvin. ;Other Abrector: Norm Bolt, DotaM, Afelllitcltie,,Leo _Murray, Bruce Adam 1(en-MeWhimiey, Runts Messeuger,„1111. -Backett. iinmecrnit ,_erecUtive: past prsident, -Dale :Wien; vraident, Bazer Hackett; Twat vieerziorin. Mesassiger; secon.i.i vice, SaalinItiuldJecretarYillimine-Erringten- Survp-37 reminder A reminder is Nal.geniOlt an6 Physically banditapped l*rsons laieknow to be 'SIM RIM -eig the 'survey ;contained in last week% paper vo/ding the n for translotatioN 1 from lour /widen% to 0110 dot 4 rea. me Ludam _Lions need Me results olthisstirvey before,they,car go any further. Sewer update •The gate of approval has now liee,n -received from the bfinistr7 o the Environment for the village 'qanitary ,sewer works, but there is still t lot of work that mut be done. The certificate sconditional on the approval °film final phms, which must yetbecompleted, and a monitoring program before any con- strirction earbegin. Amir ately 7 acres o land bas teen :purchased *Mildew township 'for •thetreatmentsite and five by-laws `have been given theihird reading by Amencil: conneetkenuharge by-law .2. sewer construction and mature by- law S. sewageserviee by-law frentgge Sewer rate by-law b. connection Jaw all of which- beadvertisedirthe near—, future. The frontagerateirastemaset at49.30 Ter foot ($30.10mette)texceptfor corner lots-where1itefirst1001eetuEl1ankage is -exempt. 'Th lammed:km charge is PAW. Payments may be made in cash or over a 11) year -period. The Anigineers are busy -surveying, checking bailments and preparing the finaLplans. The viIIge must now get approval *.the °dad° iiiimirtal Board for monStruetionlif the worksainctforiteben- :maim - - --vtliviteishamismalenlitedatIMMEL abersusbil-remains'<aimnther IsTpro- vednrestotefollosvedbeforethe tender - log stage is -reached, but the project is r. Lucknow central adapts to new po Ontario duration Jinizter flris -Ward-recentlylumonneedvbaiWito= OntarioreigulatkeFancerning-openingor dosing et:seri:dmID iI&e elementary aati-aecontiarykl The Sentinel vontarteli Mr. IN Pike, principal ot-lineinew-UMW SchooJtfiihuwtike-f»3penwI VierillieaaMIIOW I, ,4 " -Themontingiaegins_wthOVanada-be- ilAgAMOYibeztudentsandlitaff,ligliew- *Ylite Aoki* tofuf iNvITS1) nolibRIkenitRaiyor,~wpyof whieb is in4gich nme. wadi% te<retitinp.tbv lours Prayer is by vOluttiorytortmlw AWL Afthortstory isteArlby-gaclitttsWbor their -rftsPective Vim Thi k; 0111W(l 3),ron selectetlreltding frOM the deuufa iy twient nditfildier111 litikWi Om itsal-aedilr4n thuht tsigivan. AnItAPPAP.Of:10411,074,0104rf PO _is-A.5,t0110WS: 4t the b3wuu 41441AWY thery ,wAs ,Start" bedispcNew'YegfraPP °s414147:40.14,00Vtor Yeor.'1* r -VS. lel JY 4U.g 14Veri-POI ° " m 'APU. tbelikv,14443; z- '1)1 '4 iTia Att rk--1147in 11),T• 4 Ael, �C3Vre b-ette's AWAtt, 1