The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-01-25, Page 5To the editor: A well-read farm weekly newspaper fitly .carried .a heart -wrenching , ac- count o-count -of a particular farm couple's strug- gle. with the Federal. Debt Review=Board and the Farm Credit Corporation. The Queens Bush Rural min' Wiry is receiving numerous calls by people ex- periencing the same problems The Direc- tors of the Queens Bush Rural Ministry wish to make its' services availableto peo- ple with problems, and those who have solved them, by putting these people in touch with each other. In this way, infor- mation could be exchanged in small coali- tion groups, that the co-ordinators of the Queens Bush Rural Ministry will gdly facilitate. -i: If you have .gone through the Review Board process andfound it unsatisfactory, or are having:diffitculty with Farre Credit, please call. If you've successfully settled your situation, please call too. Others need to know how it was achieved. The numbers to call are 3924090, and 357-2149. Collect calls are gladly accepted. Yours truly, Brian Ireland Co-ordinator Tourism association to have 2,000 brochures printed The regular meeting of the Lucknow Tourism Association was held January 16 in the Town Hall, with 14 interested members present. The wain topic discussed was the com- piling of a brochure for Lucknow and area. Two interesting brochure outlines were presented with excellent ideas and sket- ches, which will be combined by the com- mittee in charge to make: a well illustrated and informative brochure. The committee chairpersons had detail- ed information of the different services seconded by Donna Errington that we -available nthe =tires, Stith- as Bed and ave -2000 -brochures -printed -for distribu6 Breakfast, Churches, Camp Grounds, tion in local stores and surrounding area. Recreation and Activities, Fishing, The next meeting will be held February 20 in the town hall. Private Hunting, Maple Sugar Bushes, Picnic Areas, Restaurants etc. A history of the village as well as local activities and a map will also be included. In order to include all the information that has been obtained it will be necessary to have a four -fold brochure; it will be con- structed on soft green textured paper with dark .green ink. The front fold will have a sketch of the Luck now sign with the word Sepoy being the focal point. It was moved by Richard McArthur and Snorers beware • from page 4 suitcase, in the dark, trying to Lind some cotton balls to stick in my ears. No luck! Back to my bed, put the pillow over my head, holding it tightly against myears - I can't breathe! All this time Mr. Fixit is laying there saying he can't believe people snore like that. Under my breath I remark "you should hear yourself." Time goes by and finally peace. They have both stopped. As I snuggled down, I couldn't believe my ears, they were now talking in their sleep and it really ap- peared that they were talking to each other. One would mumble and then the other mumbled back. Sometime later, after they had completed their "conversa- tion" I fell asleep. Upon arising, I did not hesitate to inform this couple about their noisy sleeping habits. Of course, they denied they snored or talked in their sleep. I wissh I could have taped that night as proof. All 1 can say is, my parents are ducky h' love them so much, or 'would have doused them with the ice bucket! Gotcha Mom! may:, s?: `F: Laekaaw Sentinel, Wednesday, January 25,11 --Page 5 Finlay Decorators in 36th year In June 1989, Finlay Decorators of Lucknow, owned by Paul Finlay and assisted by his mother, Marg, will celebrate 36 years in business. Marg and her late husband Bob Finlay purchased the business from Hector Pur - don in 1953. The present building, which houses the business, was built in 1977 and remodelled in 1983 to include theretail store, enabling the Finlays to operate the entire business under one roof. Over her 36 years in business Marg has seen many changes in home decorating products. One she humourously recalls is "a single roll of white ceiling paper sold for .29 when Bob and I first went into business." Wallpaper did not come self pasted, you mixed the paste and applied it with, a brush. Inthe paint line there was no latex or acrylic; these were products of the future in 1953. Floor covering was "linoleum or tile" and the tiles had to be glued. One could not simply peel off the back and stick the tile down as we do today. In the very early years, Finlay Decorators displayed one book of wallpaper samples. Today there are numerous books available, from the very plain to the very sophisticated. Something for everyone! In 1989 + uil-ay Decorators offers y► u a complete line of home decorating products - paint, wallpaper, many different floor coverings and window coverings. For the do-it-yourselfer, they have a wide range of handy tools to assist you in making your in - FOCUS ON LICKNOW Paul and Marg Finlay look trough one of the many carpet sample books that have available for customers to choose from. (Pat Livingston photo) terior or exterior decorating a snap. If you don't feel confident enough to install your own floor covering, Paul is there to do it for you. y r , ra . rs - ; years o service to Lucknow and area residents. Editors note: This is a first in a series of "Focus on Lucknow" businesses or services. AfiendTOC ALPHA conference On December 27, Debbie Nicholson, Janine Helm and Brenda Gibson attended the 32nd Annual TOC ALPHA Christmas Conference at the Mariott Hotel in Toron- to. The four day event was attended by ap- proximately 650 young people. TOG ALPBA; (Taking :an: Coancem about Life, People,and Human Athievennent) is rwi 44by youth -for youth". It's main objec- tive is to tell younger people that you can still have a good time without the abuse of alcohol or drugs. While there, the delegates attended such workshops as peer.., pressure, dream inter- pretation, teen relationships and alcohol and drug concerns. There were also discussions groups and regional meetings. These were organized so that the delegates could meet more people. The delegates also atteadeddanees, talent/tight, etc. -LitylTiGi�fW, the Ludmow-Youth Group, the iiicknow CGIT and the Lucknow Lions ladies made it possible for the young women to attend the conference. Please send me my invitation to gracious retirement female apparel 325slum 'market Kincardine 396-314 POSTAL CODE BOO 4010POn far your :free , information. package mai' roar saWld�ay�2 *oakTRIAL OFF T�..i-.. `. OR PHONE MAIL TO: ri#ii3tog a Living Cottrell lime. p 34 Water St. North 'COl act Vie. Oat. N1R 3B1