The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-01-18, Page 16AL,andil3. tr�i*re vythiudritd to Jack Caraarandifir. and Mrs.SHIStewart fortheirhelp arid _kindness en January 1111t3.7The Cranston women -were invelve4 asingle vehicleacciden' t when their Car -went out of eon/rola.% a 'result of ieY road Sympathy is extended to the family of Ilartyand_GerdaBurgsma onlbe passing of Gerda'Sfatherinliolland.renbecember 23. Gerdalett on Deeernber24and-stayed a weekiniiolland. Sympathy -is extended tothe family of Tinle Logtenberg iaed away Sim - day, January 8 in University BoVital, London. Funeral services were held at e and McCrea th Funeral Mime on January 12, with intermentinDitigan- non Cemetery. Congratulations to 'Miss Iva Carr of Dungannon who celebrated her 90th birth- day January 4. 4. . 4.erei 111.01111111111•101110111111111111111MMIIIIIIMIWI UCKNOW by -Mildred .Loree It is encouraging to see progress neat,' made towards the sewer project with -the surveyorsaround town untie streets and measuring the depth of the basement in -the hfillIMPS hada Shetier is hone Irom-lhe -hoapital onvalesetag. Beg wishes for a Weedy reovery. Trungamon Agricultural -satiety held :their _first euthre :tournament V 111119 January 14, -at =Dworman -Agricultural Ball *0145101es. Mrs. Ivan 'Henderson, son 'Brian, Alaaiditer:Darleneandber_fianae, Warren 'Gilroy from-WeStaameret vngthe higton relatives overlheweekend. • :Clair, Bennie, Karen and ltriui Bodges •arid 'lgidon Cullxst viaited with Allister flivinsorho is -a -patientln New Victoria andliscwife Carol, whois stayingliaan- don, on Sunday -afternoon. Allister 'has Xinisherthis treatrnentsand is to, be -moved 'hackle) Victoria, downtown,lbisweek. Dogarnion &Imhof Clureas Wechriesday night card party, December 21 had 11 table.s.Ifigh-man Stanley Dennis, low man Art Stewart, high lady, Grace MacKenzie, low lady Belle Mole. irnilng ..Every quilt has a liistory and the stories that were told on the .quilts entered in Huron County's Ontario Agriculture con- test wine super. The contest was held to celebrate the centesmial of 'the .Ontario Ministry of Agriculture& Food. The winn- ing quilt becomes ithe Trroperty of the Huron County agriculture office and will hang in the foyer of/heir Office. Theivin- nersare: ,2nd Drika Foster, RR 1, Alma 4230. 411111111.11111111111.1110.1111.1111111111.11.0 January4;lhereWas1Stri1les.1ghlady MillleJfllvi. lowladyMarytoStevratt„ high Man -Harvey Culbert, low man Pentland. Jananry 11, there was 14 tables, high man Art -Stewart, low man Ted Bowers, high lady Margaret, Igrrington, low lady Helen 'Thomson. Daagaissai Uataul)astaral Charge Parish Ittplorm will neto Wednes- -day, January 18, 7 p MIL At Dungannon March. Annual congregational meetings will he held January 22: 'Donnybrook - afternoon; Trinity - evening; Jarman, 2): Nile -afternoon, Dungannon evening. - -Caittin.Suzume_Gurtini,..!__was_41 bektild °nisi:Inas giftfor her parents Garry and Syivie of -Dawson City, Yukon Territory. She -was born December 26 in Vancouver -Hospital. Congnabilatinns to Boss and Gram Gammie onthis new grandaUghter. _Leona' rd and Barbara MacLeod of Brantford visited for afew.days_lastweek wfthhis.sister Evelyn little. On Jemmy...11, Mrs MaryllereandMrs TBsie MeNee *4-Goderiph and Mrsalugh McWhinney of Dungannon -visited with Mrs. Olive -Blake -for theafternoon. Mrs. lEbrie1rvialtiGoderichmisited3o1he 14th and Mr. and Mrs. Thfiord Crozier of Godericimpaittheafternoon of January 15 with Mrs. Blake. Dg and Rita Stanley and family of Banriston had Sunday dir with his -mother .1AilitStanley. Beatrice lorbuyim We -vet -good taste -into everythig-we-make! Tom -Andrew fAirvietv:Dairy Lucknow .5284725 IMPIIIffAINTNOTIVE 4- ---TOMMIONI1OUNTY ADINICIPRODUCERS -Take-noticelhatibe 119119A1111111AL MEETING '33PT-HE4llinalstelJUNTY/VRK IzROD_UGERSASSOCIATION -WILL-13E4iEW ISTORMDAW*EBRUARY_2I89), MESTM-14=01.1tatep 3INNER: 121,IMN itxr-miE forthelNataleVIIKOPOrb~ STAPLETON ---DavidandBetty Arnieare happy to anncamee the birth of their son JaretDavid, .8Ib on January 12, 1989,,in Winghlun and "District Howiral. Proud grandparentsarelbiland MaeBimiter of Incimowilltilandinonmee Stapleton:R. 3, Niingham. Great _grandparents .are Mrs:Maryliackett, laudmow nd Mrs_ Alice -,11PluinrP FALCONER -KevinandLorieare proud to _surname the birth of Jacklin's ,baby brother, OrieAlexander, bum NewYear's -eve at .South Almon -Bospital, -Mutter, weighing -7 :pounds, 113 711INICES. 7Prearl gmndparentsareArddeand Idted1Pm- dun ofBR 3Wingbam, and AngusandVera -Falconer, lifibitechnrcli. SIMPSON -1&-- andliirs.Mnirray Simpson ofVadtechurcliare_ proud toontionneethe -arrival oftheirnon, Alexander_Chlford,-7 lb. 3 oz. on,Jarnany10,3189.Prolakgrand- tell -stmies Belgrave_Quilters $106. 4th Majestic WA., Brussels VII 5th Bev Fielder, RR 6, Goderich $25. 1orisEue1wasa1sothequi1twiimerin the Province's Bicentemrial contest in BBC -Her love.lyworkthen was sent on as gift tolierMajesty, iheQueen. Thevults uoll be on disidayon Friday, Jammu .27th from 2:080 pan. at the Clinton Town Ball. Everyone is welcome to this opewhonse. LOCKNOW 0111ES8VIIIHAN /MUNCH Sunday. January 412, 19119 11:410 flAIO &I& lenileySitisni Nssry ilkider4 Views lies. 4111,211 L IMMO -4Olisister „isergerie Waldo% ,LUCICHOW 'CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Wafts Vex TO Worship WO) then Sunday. January 22, 19119 eo�d 2.40 pan. Nursery slownsteits morning & evening VIBRITONE WILCOAtt • LUCKNOW MUTED CHURCH SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, iss9 SwaridayStalso1 401410 '&311. liVersklp Siondee 111110 A-1111. Awash lairrald Nursery and junior corignagation provaled EVERYONE WELCOME ,parerds_areMr-mdMrs-linghSimpaon of wilt and Mr. and Mrs. nifford Boesler,,Pembroke. Mae - Carolandlinmeareprouta to announce the safe arrival of Their' JaneMUM, 4 Ain.8 ,111 JonothaiarichaelAlbs.2 oz.,lintnaiSun: day, January 15, 1989 at St. Maries ilorspital in Kitchener. Proud 'srmd- parentsare Marleand Grantilaclutyre of iiirmgiraraandltuth.nndllayMuclaneier.of lialyrood.113reatomaiparertsareldr.zod -Mrs. Mfffiiran _Of Sarnia and Mrs. 'MacGilliway tifinitutow. .13itthda* Club Meagan 'Cameron 11R 7 Ludusow Jemmy -12, -111118 • .NadriNd Jason Pzittland ..41inusiy21,,19113 Vinton twin 11R71jocknow Alogiumity18, VIM News Did .4$