The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-01-11, Page 11--One 7_Year.-ANVettetaisittiS:4111ftrtif0 welicsoltree-1001.410741/04**4. Noantitter-ThOW-Yla 100k* • Md agt btialtivially been langairsakgifto do -„all thethingsweabouldbavtkrteand 'neEIttU1do,YSafltLWou1d have dale live liadn'theensobn031 'Butnewwehave atiewyearaltldofus. -One yearto liveatetter life;12incsithsto •spendhel • ourghbours;STireeksin whichto--. I, • . enew-frietalsand to cement old friendShips,1054systway for a bet- terworld andwith God'abelp we cando it. The communityand 'Wish you all a very happy New Year. Allan and Janet Peck of Wullaceburg are Inowtheiroud•parentsaafa.baby boy, Steven Je.fferywhowasbornenDecember 30, 1988. 'The privileged spoiling °„,grand- parents are -Charlie and Mayme Wilkins and-greatgrandmother Mrs.. Stella,Irwin. ' The commurdty sends getwellwishesto Mrs. StellairwinorKinlosiTovniship;who bad the .nlisfortune to recently and crack .some -ribs: Mrs. Irwin is now in the Wingham Hospital -recuperating. Charlie and Alayme Villeins bad their family -with:themon Cluisbnas and also, Mrs. Stellairwin andson Lloyd. orKinloss Township, Laura and Mabel Campbell of Toronto. Mrs. LouiseMiller of -Palmerston spent a couple of *LYS with her -mother and sister.:Rbettaand Marion D/LacLemian byclate WebiSter thethrittniagholidaysKae, Jim • and CecillMstet4111dssome visiting: Mrs. Norma-YouriginrioderichAirs.Vinnifred Gammie in Lucknow, Charlieimd Mayme Wilkins and,on -Friday evening' vitited in 'Waterloo NtIth-Bob_aratElsie:Zarnke. Mr. and 'Mrs. Gordon itObb had all:their family'with thein for CiniStmas and on New Yearstheltobbs were -with liVilliara -and Shirley Irvin and family of Ashfield 'Township. ithetta and Marion MacLennan, Jack and -Annette MacLennan of 'Stratford, Finlay and Carey MacLennan, Peggy • MacLennan and daughter Ashley °Han- cardine,' had their' 'Cinisunas dinner with Mrs. MargaretMortanandiamilyof Point Clark. During -the ikilidays lthetta hada munberafhergrandchiltken erdl enter. -Thoselhatwere-withPinlayandiViargie k • Po' • d on .thristmas were Geroge, Andrea, Julie and Michael MacDonald _of •Kincardine and also _Ebner and Edna Culbert. On Christmas eve Elmer -and Edan Cidfxstvitited-with'George, Andrea, Julie and Michael MacTkuuddand en-Taesday, the 'Culberts hadtheir.Cbristmaszlimier. Mr. andMrs...Don-llushell, Mr.andlirs. Bruce Bushell, Rachel and 'Whitney of here, Mr. and Airs. -Glenn•Morningstar. PortElgin spent New Yearamith Mr. and Mrs Brian-Thompson_andtamilyat =aline -Township. -Pastor and Mrs. Marvin Vhristensen were in Milton -dming thezweek with Mr. and Mrs. Don Christensen.andiamily Mr. and Airs. Leonard Stanley and :Kerr, Mr.and Mrs2-Tonyilowaki,-Arthur Stanley and -Mehl* :-Zipfel it New Years-withMr&Lidu Stanley inLucknow. Sheryanditoss Myerscoughandiamily held • a New 'Years day dinner .at their home. Attendingwere Mrs:T.Timpson of Palmerson,Ivirs. GettrudeWalsh,Mr. and Mrs. lifillerifardwick Xincardine, Mr andiVhs.ScottWalsh,..Debbieand John of AfillartonandEdnaand May:Boyle. Mr. and'Mrs. 7-33exam :Stanley, -Michael andTesesatfTonsitovisitedwithMr:.and 111rs_lie3nardStanleyandTerry. Ifisibms With Mr. and Mrs. -Tom Mac- Donaldzwere Mr and Mrs 'Brian---Binholl and family 'of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. PautBushelland Christophervflhe boun- dary east, Mrs. Agnes -Thompson of Lucknow,. Mr. and Iiirs.Stevent'arterand family -of 6 r- - e, Mr...and afirs.lien Macdonald nd family andEdburtBushell -of here,_ -Dr and:Mrs Mae' dand •J.elfery and Mts. MaryStewart tfiCinar- ilineand StevenifouritsenotTiverton. Mr. Aithur -lial.denby -returned -borne from Toronto-where,be.speut,the-hilliday season-Withinslanlilythere. Miss Janet Lane returnedlo-Guelph ,liniversity;after spendingthe-hOlidarwithherparents Mr. INLOAM111 byMayBoyIe Vk:S.MMO KI111110.104,100,41t: and Mrs:StewartLaneandher sisters. 'Mr. Xen MarDonld is a patient in -University Hospital, London for -a few daYs. •HolyroodWI The Ifolyrood 'Women's Institute held their January -meeting at the hall last -Thmsday • Mrs William _MacPherson presided and welcomed everyone. Mrs. Lloyd Johnston was hostess. The odeand Mary Stewart collect openedthemeetini› Therollcallwasanswerecl-withanithm -from the 'newspaper on agrirlilhiral or Ivometeslfairs. The assistant secretary read the -minutes Auld Abe :that* -you :notes lean lime -who -.had -been siven-aypoinaetta Christmas. Mrs: LewMurray-wasilireeterandgave .anplendid-paper Bathe topic,. Canada, A -Great:Domini— on, telling ofitsfamding and inu--rapital.eity Ottawa .and then mated the primeministersand conducted, a eon- testnnlowswelido youinlow Canada. Jack Sena gave a -reading on -New Year. it was -decided to -hold -euchre parties Auringthezwintermottthaatthehall. Mrs. Elwood Elliott :gave _a -reading ._abentlamausVana,dian icatbersrandldrs. "DorfliushellorWlien "and•0) 4 "'"• tedTarm 0-Canadaiond-graei ekeed_themeeting - andlhelostess aerved-refreelmaents. h Kinioss residents busy Nancy and with Nancy's.sister,iielenandlarEenteaand fantilyiniBrooktille. Matartlintktyreiand.SandY00Yeda weeks holiday In ,lArizona Ving -:With Marilyn's pars, Margaret and Virden Mowbray. Donald and - Marilyn. ,Maelntyre ,and „lartilly, limey .,Matinlyre and lawny, Margaret and --Ted t011Yer -zed Mary Macintosh ;were Tis Day dinner Atuotitaltiti[Dr,Alexatadiobannatn DiritecntatVilthIlialSianatkandiatnily imeDiziatmaa-Dayviests:itith-roathy!s fruotherfluiseandUnIadianuo. -Ignaiidlratellakieraweerittattistaus ,-„Day idth der VA ifkaig-Alad itarkArsid Marg were lenael-from Kingston forliew:Yanes. AreOe :And_ boitdLW:Wpe Dowirtuond y:Of, -Ray and Ruth chmeer 'spent `gnistroas with 'Quotailid-iinimhissan- tYreiniCitchener. -Olive :Needham _spent 'Christmas with hernieceinliondon. Koine _for fthe-Chtisttnas Aolday to be f.vdth Aim* -parents, Winn and %Elise --Graham mere -Jamie and _Maine and lawny of ilanetviliejtatirgindliumell _Mississauga and ',Martha and ',Mike of -1"BramptoiLl'heYiallviaitedloYlkonewith Anne,--DananI4tdllianalitindanasia. andliliaartrilhain- celebrated- on Yeat'sdaywithAilionesiliater,MsrY Andilitnligowelt FergtmitannielGrabani ,otTorsatoaadloanandlohn Limes of :„tiassuaailieverealsolitm laziAlattramiWattd-lan*Y-Of VOlbourg -111Kettlielklas'110114asitith lan!a lianilyaknintsialiFzinirMeKsssle• liar ',AftarStatall -Ae for 1;110011010101I4arsloillelltithiletritunag'• ly,4/104:111141410410:110441141010).Vid 1114141100401_11011tilierk1401114iPiailliver lanettnnandlintiOnAld -AMP -10004104td age lad Vitillif 7 ialift-oKtlifts,Teter :Nem ere Bob Shrier's Newest Book • -410•••••••••••••••••••••1111100000.0111.111 TO IGNITE YOUR MIND c...**•11M011111,0110.0.000 FROM THE RADIO PROGRAM LET'SVIIINIU'OR A MINUTE" clbetilik.004110110•0_1101110.0.04110001014 4030Atims Volume MI of a Ilea ,Seller Ammitituitmom.,•.**4.54.0....mflto ompletely New Content Ast•kitmitimesimeibmgeomikome - ,311K10.- frit4 TriNftleitiY Lriar tg) IMO IMPY 214vFKQM, g 111EYO7iWiffNPilsOCATIONS 1111,,eralderieli$ignalVar;lbocafatantiows4roopord,lbe$eaforth r Un•ExpThUck 'S.1$0010 AntOfrifili4vooste, Mke'rki/Vorditie*Nva;-'17be Wa11rton BeraId-Times,'Ficbs (rOtktricklciriP111400*Ni**) 'AIIPAS;4140 in Blyth_ 11w0141.4111itl , 4 •