The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-01-11, Page 10Oemn9 Soar r ,tic1Cr"tCfvt• Watct to. 1t r Arieriliiipaisriiiia4:1114110411A. •Ntrraerya dlor0orsco tior provided ;VIERYONEWELtOME 8 zoaenictucifilairts-iF Up �uYlti� 1:-1L: SDV Gat-�SAi - "MORS,'INN: 6‘PYO'^=O' ao YHALL eFFutther Informailan Zan' �r :t z MitteefriVAC),,Artgort**WinlieVanaiii VarniN II H _nt-C� hi -the Vaideytatiteek tti*Stotti e ' edneadays hltaitt tlisi ' Sruary 2 .an d ending on - 'li -' Ii' n 9110:14i11. "too:30 .p.m. e will 1prOVIde4arrmtrs ..and `pOtentiallarrners' Alnf rrnation -tin-ra wide ,varlOty of 'sub etts *dated to ragging {e .Ilarr�oc nyy- appra 1. sources of credit, legal �, -`insurance ands .government farm aStriatance zprdgrams. Estate -planning and incomelaws Will be. arid ways of.marke garea lso oniheagenda. l'herourseisliMited triamasimumat50 people. There is:no. charge. but we would .ask. you to preregister Eby contacting the Walkerton .OMAF office .at >'881 11 °or 140026503023 by° Friday, -February 10. BruceCountyl tsture 19SSarlts he:paatureproduced=267,,7151bs.::of live beef in 1968. Two hundreduand forty eight :head of.abort-keep -cattle average 167 lbs. .gain.m 7o days; •4O5rmidterm .cattle:gained 244 'lbs. in 115 .days; 437 fullterm steers :gained. 262 lbs. .• in 144.days; and=65: head of heifers, gained234.flbs. in 145 days. The original part:uf thpasture. has.now been in :production: for. 22 years -rand 'the t efoil:astand••was g thin. -A program of broadcasting seed n e early spring on h•Ithe4tatielkti ltite"fiabrowdozitting A7,�/�ne# r it with.elt e r da: yes 5hthelesty��y- , .`.'ro r Ihelottizawasm �J,yy�� y y, ltie Whiefilt gY°estrigi l ilfoonn<aad Valeo lett ,the palitares,'a`Itf'oi' 'ays Whicbtretikathewortootle. brvorglitAtialitance Zetails of Jibe al!' tight asSi nice ,grani are grradually 1ipg 'trifled Alp. hie program may.cost4up to1850 million and will lie raid on .all -crops in seriously of feeted drought -limas. `The payments 'will be -crop speeifi'c and based on actual acreage. `Tire formula will be based on current marketprices rather than crop insurance prices and `yields` that may be above crop Insurance values: ProducerTeview committees will beset up to-recomrnend adjustments to payment rates as necessary. Crop drought payments will be in addi- tion to any crop insurance payrneftso :the crop insurance program will not he undermined. - Final :details for this program will be available in the' very near future. hfeeted Ar CompT ariItiig4Starter for mdla Contains Ne utraI ESULTS1. improved^ tI ..e.. nby % i2.mprov d - ll sel th st 1Ity 2. tionovorrosive to ih3ederr UNGANNON TSI 4 Ugly JeSS Welcome to the Biogervorst .family to Lucknow, the :new owners of Lucknow Farm Supply• Also it is good to see the .sign in the former Meat Market saying 'raven - burg's Butcher Shop will he opening Marchlst " 'TheIlouston:family:had Christmas with Kenneth:and Joy Houstonand:giris ttliar -riston. -Present -were 11bie `Houston Of Lucknow, J.J..of _Cleveland, :Ohio, :his :daughter .Lynne from Dalhousie Universi- tyHalifax, and Wallace .and Kerry and familyfrorn Aylmer. New Year's Day Elsie Houston :had as visitors Ken and Joy, Amy, •Angela and Sarah ,Fisk of Iiarriston, Jean Hughes of theSepoy Apartments: and Iron:and.-Edna Alton. Leonard and Freda :MacInnes spent Christmas in Palmerston at Jack, Lois, and .John's -home with their family members. .-New Year's Day following Baptismal services in .South Kinloss Church ,.'where David Allan :Glen, son sof :Malcolm and Anne.Maclnnes ofliolyrood wasoneofthe children ,baptized, dinner .guests Twith Leonard Nand -Freda 'Maclnnes r{Included Rev. ,and :;Mrs. =A. 'may, -Mrs.. dna ,Stanleyand,Mrs. Mary dean C Lof Huron, .David :Stanley of norm= liras, .B,C.Jaek, 7.rois and son John of ' , ton, .Malc tr, a nate. a nd alfildren : Katherine, rtand' a d_alidTldMid- :dliebrookiHirlloes. Bev.3Bill anld ' :Henderson vent �a week taro_und , rietmas with ',their ,daughter :Margaret ,in `Toronto.:* them 'C s ,:Day►►ere ftev. -John, Dorothy dd; amily,6f Matetioo,And an- dy, Patty: and mdy of:Toronto. {ew'Y.:e es --1 ayitieitors cwilkliev.20111 and-eggY t .i 't were r sWers d eir,husbands,' a en AndrT.. mB n df Q.101PIVAIldmon 4lvinAu ell;of fiord% it. ward `Margaret `lth .sof „ Toronto visited: th' # thand se d:Pp uliev. 111 and` e - Ientien Dec `l 0. furlwithlailltarttltath : teJ dandEdiwere Y --and •Darryl AbTaIlla Yaz d rys i'Ppn $t. Albert, 41140, , D n and imsoRtklowsi frour Tor_ to,_.1 ► Ted>. d � �t�7 ,t- ebi and mi1y-,of eIu ,fie► "lam. , .yn ,:'Pritchard „ !t (Orb of rediiten. -AftitandileriaillilYWO,J0J0ii410440 Apenka few d aysat -Claremont with ug pe401dVarnlyn i ittl ek: ititea: d 1 • ryan0 Val a? iea d boyscut .twoweleksat Chriatmoso ith;hermo rat -DaYtonoiteaChz F: da• Visiting Pee. 90.,wjtli BobMa , Larissa 'Kugler andboyswasher ArmtLyrlia.frim Ukraine. She was .accompanied by .her Aunt Olga of London with whom she is spending three months and mho name along-fotranslate. iiarokl Burns, a .former resident of Ludgar 1 St., Passed away in a Nursing Homein'Torontoin.lateDeceniber Be was :pr-.edeceased:by-hisparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. .Eurns and his three younger brothers. Miss :Sally .MacDonald from Windsor spent a week with 1essie 2ohnston and visited firer sister.Louise in the Firmer -est Manor. Nursing Home. Home for the weekend with.her parents Bill and DorothyJohnston were Margie and Al Storey and nine -week old •Branden of 'Newmarket. New Nears visitors with Lulu Stanley were Leonard, :Shirley and :Terry, filirthur andDlbbie and:J onyand Connie Rowald'. ,Last .week 'Lulu spent a few days in .Mississauga with Sharon and 'Tony. Bedford. The Lucknow .Afternoon `Womeres Mis- sionary moiety tial .w.as;:held ,at the home..ofyFiniaysvn. `This president, .. MacKenzie, .presided for the -meeting APODpe by -read a po..,ylm d le *over. ;Fain liycrn, :the group •repeatlted the VW PUrPeae;itn Jolson. `T Bible Study,*ken .3YMildre I Loree coding frArn 'rE7salpri 10,tad Ike 'theme .71w *gang of New Life", :followed jg-prayer. e ;,,roil:._.ii was answered by ca New Wises thought. Mrs ,WaltilageWallace Wilson: rea. ;seleetiop of New .Y is POMP, -Ater which M • e on utdy00the people sof p Africa, . was -yeapahiy _Oven by rs. ' - ffertng was Jri,eeqiveti 410d 'the Mites of(thei4ot;were -rva t r ce Ica with. AntwitiOien-NaP ter*tiOdito the. nal m� ,of .**YrefrO,teria1, pan W un:Janna 'y *3. The g of t1i a h p£ WW1 Served`by<tbe hostess andher fr ate. 4.