The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-01-11, Page 6• _ . "a. :filige76—flutekstowliellUsittlhineyday94mmutrylirlIM9 AMU Abut -4Attiaidw .1hitt l'Attrh i WonleoMet jiMilark,•altithelrainstriiith illmettibersTreoent. Mlaiellouston opened 'WithaLpoers Lkeepint-Witifthe theme4.-11_NevrBeginr* Aug". Aliymn4vas-f011owelbyllieScrip- IturelvadingIluthn byAnnie_Shields. velyriCoolcgavelhemeditationt1oshig "witkaprayer. Mectouldall 'relate -104M, .oiiirBIb1e :%Y.omeo :.of the 'II4-onth as told by Elsie lloUston. NewNesrreadingsweretiven by Laura afore, 1,41sWaldeor;Grace :Gibson, Helen 'Todd :and Isobel -Miller. After another Ltymo, Trisie vlosed the .Trograin with Troyer. _Lauraliarethairedthebusinessralithg for theminutes ifthe previous 'meeting .andthettll Ran which was, allible verse Withthe'vairdaevv.isohel Miler gave tier treasurer's-repmt. 'The fellowship :of the _Least Coin was preparedbyaladyfromSriLankataiRuth otieBible-Womenofthemonthandhandled by_LoislValden. _Laura -announced an. Genii:al:meeting on January 31st and the xitizenship coo- venrorMvelyn.Cook.gave hermport. The Offeringwastakenandanembership Aueswere paid. A socialtime followed hosted *Mille ackettandTVBisMarrison. Ht I -Mit 2 The January 'meeting Of the Lucknow 'United thurch 'Women was -held in the 'Fellowship 'Room with eightmenthers and •on visitor. Leader Marion Mc1Farlime opened the meeting with a reading entitled 'Tomorrow". -The -roll 'call was _answered with pay- roentof leesandtheirplarrfor 19119. ;Thetreasurer's 'report was .given. The minutes-were'readandapproved. Mugs will be for sale to support the Wesley.Centre. The jar was passed for Mamie iienderson who wastmahle to he present. The forthe 'Least Coin" andaprayerread. -Mamberswereasked forsuggeStionsfor the 'coming year loassigtheTianning-of programs. itallackettaskedlorheJpand fowl for the Agricultural Banquet to the church Jan..25. -TheEtevotionalpartufthemeetingopen- ad-mdth altymirwith Mary, libithIlvaiyat theTiano. "The scripturemas -read by liklua Mae - 411/4 --veryinterestingAnestionnaire onthe Apostiesancl-resolntionstior :Chris- m 416111 41160*11 Was 11041tOrd 4ittititg the inerdhers. ,AzfititherhytrinWaseang-attd-aTrayeriby iltevlote.Vairitineclootidtbelnetithtg.MiutS -10itiedWititaSifora4lettiOtisititidh. -TAW -Unit 3 -Alf -LuelnuM United -ChUrch Women met in the thurth parlour on January3.1Atutillaelitmterpresidediand tipenedwitivaNew*Yearierhoughtfoilow- *A-Vithprayer. "Theveningliymn was sung - with ,one verse -sung :between -ea-ch reader for the Meditation. Alma Dexter -read The&rip- turealsolheaNew Years Prayer." `TakingTintintheMeditationwere -Lois Goodhue, Jean t•• • • •, and Mary.Sigek. Allene Bray gave the story ,,of the Jemdelle.Phersougave :a -reading '9Recipe foraNew Year." Aima Mae Monter introduced a study of D• • thWebsterplayeda lovelymedley on the Time, as well as :playing for the Theminuteswere-read and.approved. Tenmenhersmisweredthe-rollcallwith theTayment of feesand a suggestion for the 1989programs. Lois :Goodhue -reporting for aims* readaseasonalToemon °Mattes" -which oneasuallystortsin Janonry. • Mrs Tinntengavetheannouncements. • Offering was taken along with the eol- youinovcsomeonemktoitas inade-Ontariaa-betterialace,to ..kthroupjrtixirselfkssness, Anumanityandlcintiness.:41aus: dinAdvisory-Counci of 191tario:eitizens,,whose ' -honoraryvhairmanis-the lieutenant -Governor of -Ontariorn*Honourable lincoltIMAlexandenseleets -lherimipienisfunitnominations --rna-deby you -mit -year. Viewed yaurnominations by March 15, 1969.Noatincition -fininsItmavaitiblezcaft-by writinerheThutriarthuours lindAvauxigretatiat; -Ministry ofintergovernmettalAffairs, --Oh:Floor; Moviet1310K, • Bay-Stnet,lironto M7A 1Ci-orfroznyour ..MIRR's:gonstituencyfilf= * I 1 1' !' lettion Of The Lea5-1,earoteawitti with prayer. aor4 -Unit Vf Ltieltnew Zoltet tbitra Women Thet -lantiary Vfith:Wittelta- 41nce of 16. Illevollcall was eirkeVereti by thepaying Of fees. Thevotriniittee lileharge iVaS Mer 41on jetyley and 'Mrs. .Charlie lgindetSon. Mrs.-0aylemremddedfoYthepntigriunwith The theme ne iand the bent ,wattan. Pollowinglitesciiptureiarticleswere mad pertaining to Methane. A video was -shown Which was a sermon from the-C.G.Vr. National -Camp Council, whereghistrom-acrosseavada, Trinidad, ermuda 4fild Nigeria attended - Activity , followed by a -group diussiori, proved ititensting. Ideas were -dismal to help :understand bow the bent woman musthavetelt. Volloivinga reading on Bible Study. and :dialogue by the .cammittee, Mrs. Cayley olosedthe program 7wititprayer. Mrs. George McBride, =it leader, presided for the :business, .opening with a reading. Mrs. Ren Camerongavethe.10613 treasurers -report; for citizenship Mrs. tuart ,Collyer read an article on .Dr. Robert ,McClure; and 'Mrs. Clarence Bit= chiereported for stewardship. Mrs. Cliff Crawford :gave -the report for community friendship and MM. Lloyd Whytock for social "fimetions. Mrs. McBride closed the meeting with prayer and.asortAltime followed. Keep part of the dollar you soend.SHOP A HOME palm of the Simi] Town by Marg 'Calder • "Themonworraxplitemocky as they stand in the ALM '4.hierpoPtoili2erny,tocicanxiiari hove -tun Aitellhay*, the:case U under one mO And save lots too, xlot that Ave haveTmof." they :lust lbettormany year And tram the-reoalts-riever took any tear lintiimnoilay they met -once Again idandiovaxptaiiim just imatlst, the -maim "Vibarshoppeneditee!" zried-xxie in Ilismay "Their Imes -were-iistten , they hod much.tomay. 'Then oneJscratetted-hishood theother,Asid 4aud "TherVa -no isteraind zOltoe , -not even -crowd; -viifels teal itickand-tightlytt her toot IlzamelorAtotnesituss, aante milk, and aonw most -Theliampftal isigased,theoxtatcy Atoms -1m. Whatinthemeoridiwerivegainffteutio?" 'N:litriwzaaeisahotaindllsepkurbinBaillimnaken." 'TheAtitervnevaipeti, thought -he wasehokill' '1„14y-lares--4yliserverecticand-mylkasare law inentliudisAwd Amber, and literono pisam folta.°' iiitrisientlimallishasidirilpht4own Jo -his -Oast AtiNe'seltaliante;''' -be/MOW, kikvAtiritimidsitlioas-tosi. 1011611.1110.thislowirlor liveglimmervf IOW lioulbtilliigt,V1110Aarigettakidlatik ilterilh16. "IttelpplisAMIthejaiwodiaistihiN/0010111109 Whiteillaglir100811110E0imikilat MP.SdlkIW- -Tltefhiai*esIIIP1111,AIY,rikPA0111t*I•PINMmlAWL -111110-04114gliWYtteWsinter4k1400:" ANAAMOICIIMPAerimonlINIMIderattO1Afifir,"14,040151- litittriiteaWIPWAMMACINSOWItetikilifill41110." "kits1410,10010100,611**110111140P10111~14101,Y. Aliftierike*011ititteesIOINSWAVVIIIPAAWAVAIIY- MArille1111004110.111killeARIOVAINI1010. Ariktial0000, 1 4 •