The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-01-04, Page 7Chalmers WMS Chalmers WMS held their Christmas meeting Dec. 12 in the home of Mrs. John Nielson, Twinburg Estates. Mrs. Htigh Simpson was the co-ordinator for the meeting. The Christmas service was taken from the Glad Tidings with Mrs. Simpson as leader. Christmas carols were sung throughout the meeting. Twelve members were present, all taking part in the pro- gram with readings, quizzes, solo, which made an interesting meeting. Mrs. Elliott presided for the business. The group met their allocation, as well as sending $100,00 to a mission project. The` roll -call was answered with a verse from your favourite Christmas carol. Rev. Nielson closed the meeting' with prayer and .the Nielsons served a delicious Christmas lunch. Mrs. Norma Rintoul ex- tended the courtesies. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Vera Falconer. Whitechurch W.I. The Whitechurch Women's Institute held their Christmas meeting a ...e Salvation Army in Wingham on December 14 at 12 noon with a Christmas dinner catered by the Salvation Army ladies. Thirty-four sat down to the meal. After dinner, president Mrs. Helen Cur- rie ,presided for the short program which included Christmas readings by Norma Rintoul, Jean Tiffin, Mae Johnston, and Mr. and Mrs. Russel McGuire. Mary Hehn played several numbers. Jean ..Tiffin a .---piano strumenta1T-Mr-s.-McGuire ng. a solo, a group of ladies which included Jean Tiffin, Jeanette Wardrop, Evelyn Gibb, Jean Ross, Kathleen Elliott sang two numbers, with Mrs. Farrier at the piano. Secret sister gifts were exchanged. Mrs. Ross led m some Christmas carols, singing throughout the program. Christmas Concert Chalmers Presbyterian Church held their Christmas concert December 18 in the church basement. Rev. John Nielson was chairman and the superintendent Jean Ross was the pianist for the program. Corey Rintoul welcomed everyone with the opening recitation followed with the :chorus by the Sunday School children with .Welcome, Welcome, and Over the Bethlehem Illi . 'Karen Elliott's class, with the pre-school children performed Little Baby Jesus. " Mrs. Ross.showed a film, The Christmas Raccoons, followed bythe primary class of Mrs. Elliott's with a party for Jesus. Another short film on Christmas Eve was shown. Hazel Laidlaw's class presented the "Gifts of the Magi", followed with a recitation . by Heather Campbell called Christmas Night. The Christmas pageant with all the S.S. was presented with Christmas carols sung throughout. Michael Irwin gave the clos- ing recitation. The final chorus was. I'm so glad on Christmas Eve; Ring, Ring, Ring 11111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111.111111111111 MnhEcHuRcH by Jean Ross 11011111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111 the Bells; We wish you a Merry Christmas. All sang Jingle Bells and Santa Claus paid his call and gave the gifts to all. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Tony Verbeek and family of Creemore were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Ross. 'Kenand Mrs. Ernest Beecroft, Glen and Ken Sinamon, Mr. and Mrs. Greg Dwyer of Kitchener spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Beecroft of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Dwyer spent the rest of the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beecroft. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Chapman spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chapman and family of Wingham. On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Blackler, Jessica, Alia of R. 1, Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chapman and family of Wingham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Marc Sahli, Brian, and Nicole of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Simpson had Christmas with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Simpson and on Sun- day evening Mr. and Mrs. Murray Simp- son were supper guests. Brian Ross was a supper guest with Mr. Lueknow :Sentinel. Wednesday, January 4, 1989--Patfp tit GODERICH KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS �� and Mrs. Lloyd Crawford and family of Hanover en Friday evening' - --- -- _ . Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong spent` ���� d Mrs. Fred Parry GODERICfi 524-7811 FRI. - THURS., JAN. 6 - 12 FRI. & SAT. 7 & 9 P.M.° SUN. - THURS. B P.M. B I L L• M U R RAY PARENTAL It GUIDANCE Long Distance? Call 1-800.2653438 for Toll Free Movie Info. Christmas with Mr. an and family of Bright. Jessica Perry returned home with the Armstrongs to spend the holidays. Boxing Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Falconer, Timmy, Tony and Amy of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Donnelly and family of Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. BM Glover and Brandi of Sarnia, Mrs. Pauline Adams and Dave spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Terry Zinn near Belfast. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith, Robbie, Michel and Johnnie of Windsor visited a few days with Mrs. Adams and Dave :last week. Mr. Rodney Inglis of Earleton is visiting relatives in the area. Christmas Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sider and Michael of P.E.I., Mr. and Mrs. Marty Jackson of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs: Leroy Winger of Ethel, Randy Long, 'Tillsonburg, Myrtle Raeman of Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw were Box- ing Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Laidlaw, Wingham Thursday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw were Mr. and Mrs. David Bean, Andrea and Michael of Brmapton. Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw spent Friday in Kitchener with relatives. •LITCE- :111a ...A ...J ...J Phone 357-1630 for 24 hour movie information PLAYING FROM FRIDAY TO THURSDAY, JANUARY 6th TO 12th SHOWTIMES: Friday and Saturday at 7:00 and 9:00 P.M. Sunday to Thursday ONE SHOW EACH EVENING at 8:00 P.M. ONLY i t i i i i i Bob Shrier's Newest Book ••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• Cow° Commendatiqjn Medal awarded TO IGNITE YOUR MIND Technical Sergeant Daniel W. Arm- strong, who is the son of Rev. Harry D. and Annabelle Armstrong of Lucknow, has been awarded the Air Force Com- mendation Medal. Sergeant Armstrong distinguished himself by meritorious service while assigned to Detachment 15, 9th Weather ,Squadron, Grand Forks Air -Force Base, North Dakota, from November 1, 1984 to June 1, 1988. Dur- ing this period, his outstanding skill, knowledge, leadership and tireless ef- forts resulted in significant enhancements to the weather support provided to the 319th Bombardment Wing, the 321st Strategic Missile Wing, and various Reserve and Guard flying organizations in Minnesota and South Dakota, His personal contributions and achievements immensely .aided unit morale, readiness, and overall effec- tiveness, and helped to make More effi- dent the operations ,of two legs of the strategic triad. Sergeant Armstrong's unit readiness program was rated `dex- elient" three years in a row by the Strategic Mr Command Inspector General, and his mobility training pro- gram was masted throu;gliout 1th Weather Squadron. The distinctive ac - .••••••••••••.•.•••••••.•••••••.•••• FROM THE RADIO PROGRAM "LET'S THINK FOR A MINUTE" ••••••••••••••••••.••.••••.••.•.••••• Volume III of a Best Seller ••••••.•••••••:•.•••••.•.••.••.•.•••••• Completely New Content ••••••••••d•••••••.••••••••••••••• NOW AVAILABLE $?95 f llislunents of Sergeant .Armstrong reflect eredit upon himself and the United -States Air Force. Sergeant 4rnAgtrong Is currently stationed at the Learrmonth Solar Observatory, Western Australia. FOR ONLY PICK UP YOUR COPY TODAY FROM ' OLLUWIN ► LOCATIONS TIONS 'The Goderich Signal -Star, The Clinton News -Record, 'the Seaforth /boon -Expositor, The Lucknow Sentinel, Tbe Mitchell dvocate, The Kincardine News, The Walkerton Herald -Times, Fi eher's (GGoderich,Kincardine &-Exeter),King's Boolmand in Blyth at The O-1Vl1,& The Saga.