The Lucknow Sentinel, 1989-01-04, Page 6Page £ —411.auekno w seUtinel, ' Pednesday, January 49 111119 BARRY W. `REM) B.A. -CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ,Auditing 306 Josephine St. Wingham, NOG 2W0 Office: 3574522 ,Financial 'Accounting ',Personal & Corporate Tax Consultation •Personal Financial Planning *Manual & Computerized Bookkeeping •Mortgage & Amortization Schedules You still have time to:appeal your 1988 assessment if you feel your home or business property has been improperly assessed. Your assessment is important because the amount of property tax you will pay in 1989 depends on it. The assessed value of your property is multiplied by the municipal and school mill rates to determine yo r prop- erty taxes. F.; i �f..fi doz, 0„,'. 157, nn y, Christopher and Ben Hogervorst lucknow Farm Supply sold As of January 1, 1989, Ben and Jenny always remembering their philosophy to Notices of Property 'Valuation were mailed to property owners and tenants whose assessments gave .changed since last year. Open house information .sessions were held in your area to .give you the opportunity to ask ques- tions and correct any errors. The -Assessment Roll was delivered to your municipality on December 20,1988 and will be used to .calculate the taxes you will pay in 1989. You can reviewthe Roll at your municipal office during regular business hours. If you believe yourproperty has been improperly arse Sed and you have hot yet iegistereci :an appeal, you .still bays .until January 1,0,"98.9:40.fail:or xieliver your epppeal ito the AssessmentReviewTBOard. And remember, -even you ad-notreceivea Notice of Property Valuation, .yu still have the rightto appeal. Appeal deadline January 10,1989 The Assessment lReview Board is an independent tri- bunal under the jurisdiction ofthe Ontario Ministry ofthe Attorney General. It is intended to :provide you with an additional opportunity to -have your assessmentreviewed if, in your opinion, it is not fair and -equitable with the assessment of similar properties in your area. The -Review Board ismore informal and relaxed than -a regular court of law. You may present your own case, retain::a lawyer,.or ask a relative or friend to.speak as your agent. To help you in filing your -appeal, Notice of Appeal fonts are :available from the Assessment Review Board, your Regional Assessment Office, or your municipal 'office. You can.also use the reverse,side ofe Notice ofProperty Valuation, .or0writealetter givingthepropertyddressand roll number :along with your reasons for -appealing. Appeals should :beforwardec totheRegional`f egistrar of the Assessment Review Board at the address shown below. If .you ;appealed yourpreviousassessrnent, it willbe ri ec- eessary to lodge(an appeal against yauraassessmentwith theAssessment ieview3oar_d►ach year, if the:ppeal against yourpreviousessessment has riot.ay_et=heen set- tled, settied, or your 1988 Notice oVProperty Valuation lioes not flect-themost recent deCiSion oftheBoard. In choose parts .of Ontario xles gnated for -French Lan- °guage Services, youvan appear befoma blingual(Eng- lisl1IFrench) Appeal Board. Please check the .-space provided on your appeal form if you wish to ,use this service. °Ministrt -of -Revenue ` taro atRegistrar SSMENTREVIEW8QARD MINISTRY OFlTHE AaTTOL. NEY GENERA 426 Third St., ist90ror London, Ontario ' NSW 4W6 Lucknow Farm Supply. The business :has been owned and operated by Dave Manna since the spring of 1982. Ben grew up in the Watford area on a dairy and beef farm, while Jenny hails from .the Dresden vicinity. Bothare 1986 graduates of The Univer- sity of Guelph. In the spring of 1986 they mored to Southern Alberta, where Ben was -employed as : a sales 'representative for .Eianco and Jenny worked for York Farms, a division of Canada Packers. Theyhavealwayshadadesireto own.a :mess and ibis move aback .to ssatisfies thfaMilyandpersonalnu eds. The Hogervorsts hope to build the business. and intend to :provide their customers with the services they need, e fi • themselves would expect to be treated". Joan Livingston and Glen Baynard will be retained as employees and the Hoger- vorsts expect a smooth transition with their capable assistance along with the expert knowledge of former owner Dave Hanna. Ben and Jenny have a delightful 8 12 month old son Christopher and are residing for the winter months in the Wilson home, during which time they will be looking for an apartment or house in the village. Although they have been in the village for the :short :period of two weeks, the Hogervorsts are .delighted With the sincere . friendliness • they have been greeted with. Welcome to our community Y Trinity. U.C.V. held their regular mon- thly meeting of the home of Marian Zinn. Elizabethlrvin.opened the :meeting with a poem. Brenda'P.hillips_andSally Ritchie were.in charge Of devotions. A .hymn was sung by -All And the _scrip- ture lessons were read. by Sally Ritchie. Brenda Phillips gav meditation on Day .of Wonder. Another was sung and Brenda Phillips eloeed, the meditation with:a poem followed by .prayer. The rollcall of a Christmas carol was answered by,2A ladies. The offering was received and dedicated. .Isobel Kilpatrick gave a reading on Christmas thoughts. The service of the least coin was observed. Annabelle ung conducted the Bi- bleStudy owthe Christmas:stogy. The minutes of the last meeting were Crimestoppers of GreyBruce are seek ing thepublic'sassistance in the invga- tion of: bteak,enterandit, which occur- red ourreed in Carrick -Township, near Mildmay, Ontario. The Walkerton detachment of the .On- tario Provincial Police report that sometime during the t 'pf.:November 27th Inkathed VVBSJrokenintoonwasCon- ex &on -41, of ick, -:near Mildmay. The niove a win- losainaccees. tOnce inside the -alt(s) -recd equipment and•-ninuecous,toOls Wether metal. my*. vldencef+ ► iii t a cle ld tettiketheloOlsaway." .The :;tacks _stOlieh :ins y two 7 ,inch gthglerst one 4 -vim, line r lbl1r s: i1110tifit ►, .a: W, 11014011e104*Men **WOW , i t..p ra h + li$Usv ld"a t rglie iwrenOh. ,APPriNtiOlate virajue of hofs If on Joel you,on,belp,in ny Aber , `CiitOe.;i p is IlwWing to E r 40 $1 for h rtuittion qB to-Autarrest. VaUCtime Std.► f at :.. 4 . You 't Wel° %yoW,'YOulditWith a • • RCH 'NES read and approved, correspondence dealt with and the treasurer's report received. The social committee reported on cater- ingengagements for'1989. The president reported the shutin boxes had been:packed and distributed. A letter requesting camp counsellors for 1989 was read and Will be passed on to the senior class of the Sunday Seh000l. The nett meetaigg is gat Lillian Irvin's home. :The meeting came to an end with all rtg Away in the Manager and the p t giving the benediction. . ' Lunch.w,as served by the hostess, .Pearl Menary and Jayne Ritchie. 1111111111101111111111101011.111011111111111110111111111181111111111 RIMESTPFERS 1400.265-2787 code mer. No line fwaill know who you are, and all information is strictly confidential. Junior farmers to bold annual banquet The Huron -County ,Junior Somers ;will he rempi/jng their -own Ott.the a ssocia- rt's 40001 aAnd 'Dance. The i let Y, Aztga171, 1149 gin the :lieBilVail441311 L1eo v( nton. `e DMus rc its a `pin - r, , 91104' AW011 t s,a SPS, and 'the induittnn let the 1989 gnntY gweentive*Ille guests for MOO " " toy nny. °tact1,411410 Axtmann, 3574451 or itoi) °+>l `y,: $4,02.