The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-12-07, Page 5Greetings from India Editor's note: The daily mail here at the Sentinel produced a real treat this week: a post card from Lucknow, India. The card was sent to us by Elliot Whitby, the son of George and Jean Whitby of our, fair village. Elliott and his girl friend Ar- dith Ekdahl are currently on a backpack- ing tour of the sub -continent and found a minute or two between adventures to jot us a line. Here's what Elliott had to say about the other Lucknow - Greetings from Lucknow, India. Ardith and 1 have been visiting Lucknow for several days. It is a city of one million peo- ple on the Gomtii River. It has many big, beautiful mosques and gates built in the 18th Century. Lucknow has many beautiful gardens as well. We visited the Residency which was the sight of the Sepoy Rebellion in 1857. Only the shell -pocked walls remain. It is 30c during the day and about 18c at night. Elliott Whitby and Ardith Ekdahl. 1'0 THE EDITOR Dear Sir, The town of Longlac, Ontario will host "The 60th Anniversary of Logging" during July 13 to 16, 1989 and we are trying to con- tact as many former residents of this area as possible. We are inviting all former residents of Longlac tp to return and join in this celebration. If you are interested, or would like more information, please contact the Longlac Homecoming Committee, Box 479, Longlac, Ontario, POT MO. Thanking you, Homecoming Committee Love of the game Does anybody know what last Sunday (Nov. 27) was? Yes folks, it was the 76th Grey Cup Day! I'm sure any women out there, who have sports -minded hubbys, don't need to be reminded. If your household was like mine, the TV had been reserved by the sports lover, be it male or female. Mr. Fixit, as I am sure you all know by now, is very sports oriented and while over the years I have gained a meagre knowledge of most sports he has been in- -volved in, football is the one I feel I am most ignorant about. Yes, Mr. Fixit played football in high school, to which he at- tributes the slight crook in his nose. Last Sunday was a day during which I was very ambitious - making the following week's meals m advance. Between cook- ing a chicken, meatloafs and a ham, I was educated on the finer points of the game called football. The afternoon was quite "informative" as Mr. Fixit coached from the couch, emo- tions ranging from elation to exasperation. My only interest to that point in time was whether the ticket I bought on the game was going to be a winner. Everyone said it wouldn't be; I had 46-16 for the East. The opening remarks of my education began with being informed that the coach of Winnipeg was ONLY 35 years old and some of the players on the teams were playing with injuries. I'm not sure if that statement proved they are dedicated of stupid. I was amazed, when the T.V. camera scanned Lansdowne Park in Ottawa, to see the number of people who chose to sit out in the cold and watch these two teams, made up of gargantuous men, pound themselves and each other into the ground. I wonder if all these players are "pussycats" at home. Apparently playing conditons were fair- ly reasonable, no snow; however the wind could be a deciding factor. AMBLINGS by Pat Livingston Thanks to my "teacher" I now unders- tand the following (thank goodness, there's no test): touch back, sacks, touchdown, convert, yardage, third down, flags thrown on ground, white rags as part of some uniforms, receptions, turnovers, strategy, mind games and wind advantage. , As the game proceeded, I actually got in- volved. At one point a player appears to have a break up the field and I'm cheering him on. Mr. Fixit actually rose off the couch as he spouted "You're not cheering for B.C.?" My reply was "Well, what's the team I have the ticket on?" to which he replied "Winnipeg dear!" Whoops!! As the afternoon progressed, I took notice of various other things. Dave Hodge doesn't use Grecian Formula. Players are treated quite well, a propane tank provides heat for which appendage needs warming. Little brown bags are provided for those whi., are hyperventilating; oxygen for those who need more air. Players are knowledgeable in the use of hand and arm language towards the other team. The helmets prevented me from reading lips. Sports announcers look like midgets when interviewing players. Players prefer to dump their champagne on each other rather than drink it!? The afternoon proved very entertaining with Mr. Fixit jumping for joy when Win- nipeg made some fantastic play and pull- ing his hair out when they bungled it. At the end of the game I was left with two questions. What motivates these guys? Money, love of the game, satisfaction of winning? Why do they make boring ground plays when "going to the air" is much more exciting? Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 7, 1988—Page 5 LUCKNOW BUSINESSES will be open EVERY EVENING Monday, December 19th -Friday, December 23rd 'TIL 9:00 P.M. For your shopping convenience PLEASE NOTE: Businesses will be closed Monday, December 26 & Monday, January 2 Some businesses will close Tuesday, December 27th DAVID BENDING & ASSOCIATES Insurance and Financial Planning For all your Life Insurance, Financial Planning, GIC's, RRSP's, RRIF's & Annuities Call us for a Free Analysis of your estate and financial planning needs. Licensed by The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 50 SOUTH ST., GODERICH 524-7377 or 1-800-265-5504 \lanufacturers NOTICE Change In HYDRO RATES Subject to approval by Ontario Hydro DUE TO THE HIGHER COST OF PROVIDING SER- VICE, LUCKNOW HYDRO SYSTEM finds it necessary to increase retail rates on all energy used on and after January 1, 1989. Residential 1989 First 250 kwh 8.30 Balance 5.38 Minimum billing 5.15 per month The above rates are NET and subject to a 5% late payment charge. Commercial rate structure may be obtained upon re- quest at the Municipal office, 528-3539. The new rates will become effective on all monthly bills issued on and after February 1, 1989. AH bi- monthly bills issued on February 1, 1989 will be pro -rated. You have assurance that we will continue to fight against rising costs to the best of our ability through efficiency and good management. And you can ex- pect us to receive top value from each dollar spent on your behalf. We are determined to maintain elec- trical service as the best bargain in the family budget. VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW HYDRO SYSTEM