The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-11-16, Page 15Preparing for winter by Jennifer Cranston and Tara Thacker Kindergarten We have been discussing how we prepare for winter around our house. Now we are looking at how animals prepare for winter and are .learning many new words like hibernate and migrate. The A.M. class baked some pumpkin muffins from our Jack -O -Lantern. The P.M. class is going to bake on Wednesday. Grade 1 Grade One felt proud to be part of the Remembrance Day service. We like the story about the brave nurses. We read our Remembrance Day books and our rhyme books to Kindergarten, Grade Two and Grade Three. Mrs. Maclntyre is getting us ready for the Christmas program. Our "Special Me", Amada Humphrey, told us many things she likes to do. Grade 2 We were happy to take part in the November llth service to show that we remember those that fought for our country. Our animal peek through books are finished. We had fun sharing them with other classes in the school. Grade 2/3 Three students were lucky to be the win- ners in Library Lotto - Jeff Cranston, Cherie Conley and Mike' Wyndham. We have been busy finishing up our Dinosaur Unit this week. We really enjoyed making dinosaur rubbings. We attended the Remembrance Day church service and at the cenotaph. We are proud to be Canadians. Grade 3/4 We have been pausing to consider and appreciate the hardships the soldiers went through to provide freedome for us at L.C.P.S. It is difficult for us to imagine what it was like but we are so thankful that people fought for their beliefs. The Remembrance Day service at the church really helped to emphasize the sacrifice that was made by everyone involved in war. Grade 4 The school went to the Fhurch and cenotaph on Remembrance Day. The band was playing there too. Everyone was pro- ud to wear a poppy. Grade 5 Most people predicted Bush would win the U.S. election. We predict that the Liberals will win the Canadian election. Floor Hockey started last week. Jeff Porter is the leading scorer. Hopefully, ice hockey for grades five and six will start on the 17th. Grade 6 This week grade six finished writing or drawing Remembrance Day poems, posters and stories. We had a history and science test. We started floor hockey at noon hours with Mr. Bennett. Also, he is going to rent the arena for the grade five and six students so we can play ice hockey. Grade 7 We have formed a senior choir which will be participating in the youth music `PS INSIDER night, and the school Christmas concert in December. Chad Thomas is happy to get his cast off after 6 weeks of itching. The class ap- preciated the efforts of all concerned that made the Remembrance Day church and memorial service very meaningful. Grade 8 The Grade Eight class continues to work hard. In our mathematics studies, most of the class has mastered a number of tricky geometric skills. Their results on a recent quiz were quite respectable. All of our class was involved in doing Remembrance Day projects. A few of these were entered into The Royal Cana- dian Legion annual contest. We are hoping for favourable results. Library Library Lotto winners were Cherie Con- ley, Jeff Cranston, and Mike Wyndham. Circle December 2 for the Christmas Book fair. Everyone is 'invited to come and shop for Christmas. French News Francois Robert came on Monday, November 7 on an exchange program to talk about Quebec and his exchange. He is staying in Kincardine and he attends the Kincardine secondary school. He enjoys the family he is staying with and everybody enjoyed his visit. Sby Ruth Buchmeier OUTH KINLOSS Allan and Elsie Graham attended the convocation at McMaster University in Hamilton on Friday. Their daughter Mar- tha graduated with honours in the Bachelor of Science in the Nursing Pro- gram. The family enjoyed a delicious din- ner at the OId Mill in Ancaster. Ira and Elizabeth Dickie atteSided the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto and also visited with Denver and Brenda Dickie and family of Sutton and Walter and Janet Dickie m Unionville. St. Augustine The monthly meeting of the C.W.L. was held in the rectory with eleven ladies in at- tendance along with Father Dentinger. The meeting was called to order with president Agnes Delherque leading in prayer to Our Lady of Good Counsel. Cathy Leddy then gave a reading on Thanksgiving. Father spoke on forgiveness and Agnes thanked everyone involved for making this year's Bazaar such a great success. Some coming events include a Turkey Bingo being held December 7; the Parish Christmas Party being staged December 11 and the League Pot Luck Supper to be held December 5 with a meeting to follow. The good folk of Camelot (Rooms 4 and 9, the great hall of their castle this week. A serfs, wizards, pages, kings, jesters and music, whilst serving wenches brought th Brookside School) enjoyed a medieval feast in splendid assortment of knights, ladies, lords, princesses feasted to the strains of medieval e vittles. (Photo submitted ) Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 16, 1988—Page 15 1-2 Yrs/Ana. Security Trust Rates for 35 Trust Companies 524-2773 122 Court House Square, Goderich 34 Yrs/Ann. Shoppert M&'ts. & lAu •No Fees •No Charges 1-800-265-5503 DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC CALL ANY TIME and leave message OPEN Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 6:30 p.m. -9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Tues. 8 p.m. -9 p.m. HORST Feige D.T. GODERICH 58 West Street Goderich (519) 524-6688 No Charge 1-800-265-7555 by appointment only RE-ELECT MURRAY CARDIFF FREE TRADE: THE FACTS... -Trade Is Canada's lifeblood, and exports to the. 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