The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-10-26, Page 221 Page 22--Lacknow Sentinel,, Wednesday, October 26, 1988 38. Auction Sale SPECIAL Cow/CaIf Sale at Lucknow Sales Barn Wednesday, November 2 after the regular Wednesday sale, starting at approx. 2:30 p.m. 35 Cows with Calves at side For further Information call 529-7625 or 529-7970 39. Educational YOUR FUTURE starts with Tri -County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Course Fee' income tax deductible 1-800-265-0400.--42bc FREE: 1988 guide to study -at-home cor- respondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Aircondi- tioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide W., Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. —43 b c TURN THAT Time on your hands into CASH for you. Get to meet new people and make new friends through auctioneering. Next class is October 15 -22nd. Register now, Southwestern Ontario School of Auc- tioneering, RR 5, Woodstock, Ont. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115.--43bc How to play popular PIANO & ORGAN. New Home Study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed! Also for electronic keyboards: For FREE information write: Popular Music Systems, Studio No. 25, 3284 Boucherie Road, Kelowna, B.C. V1Z 2H2.--43bc 40. lost & Found ONE DARK GREY large tiger cat with collar and leash. Reward. Phone 528-3810 or 528-2394. Cat lost at Holyrood Rabies Clinic. -43, 44x 41. To Give Away FREE TO A GOOD FARM HOME, a spayed collie, good with children. Phone 529-7270.--143 46. In Memoriam HOUSTON In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, J. Harvey Houston, who passed away four years ago, October 30th, 1984. Death is a heartache no one can heal, Memories are treasures no one can steal, God took him home, it was his will, In our hearts we love him still. Always . remembered - Elsie and family. --43x , 47. Card of Thanks WEBER I would like to thank all those who sent cards and gifts and made phone calls while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital, Your thoughtfulness was deeply appreciated. Sharon Weber. -43 MURRAY I would like to thank all the ladies who at- tended my surprise baby shower and for all the lovely gifts. Special thanks to Maureen, Jennifer and Angela Collins for putting on the shower. Thanks again. Car- rie Murray. -43x 47. Card of Thanks RITCHIE We wish to thank the Lucknow Family Program for their lovely family tree plate that we received for our 64th wedding an- niversary. Thanks to Your Favourite Things, Valley Green Flowers, Lucknow Village Market, Elmer Umbach Phar- macy, Montgomery Motors, McDonagh In- surance, CJff's Plumbing and Heating, Lucknow and District Co-op and Mrs. Loree.-43x NEEDIHAM We want to thank friends and neighbours for birthday party at Dungannon; for gifts and cards. Special thanks to Bell Mole for beautiful dinner she served to our family; also to Niven girls who helped at the hall. Pat and Gord Needham and family. -43x JARDINE My deep gratitude to family and friends for their support and comfort in the pass- ing of my beloved brother and sister-in- law, Larry and Lenore Harrison, who died one day apart. Very special thanks to Mr. McFarlane, to the residents of Sepoy Apartments for their generous gift to a charitable organization. These kind acts will always be cherished memories. Jean Jardine -42x 148. Coming Events BAZAAR AND LUNCHEON St. Andrew's United Church, Ripley, Saturday, October 29, 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Luncheon $2.50. Free babysitting. -42,43 IMAGE IMPACT WORKSHOPS Wingham High School October 26, 7 - 9:30 p.m. and November 2, 7 - 9:30 p.m. Lucknow Public School November 1, 7 - 9 p.m. and November 9, 7 - 9:30 p.m. For more info call 528-3937.--42,43,44ar HOT TURKEY SUPPER ST. MATTHEW'S Anglican Church Kingarf invites you to attend their Hot Turkey Supper on Sunday, October 30 4 - 7 p.m. Adults $6.50 Children 5-10 yrs $2.50 Preschoolers free. -42,43 50's HALLOWEEN DANCE Saturday, October 29, Dungannon Agricultural Hall. 6 piece band - High Tide. $5.00 admission, lunch and costume judg- ing at 10:30.--42,43ar MEN'S BREAKFAST Lucknow United Church, November 13, 9 a.m. Guest speaker Murray Gaunt. Everyone welcome. For more info call Tom Andrew 528-3725 after 6 p.m.-43-45ar 4TH ANNUAL FORMOSA CRAFT SHOW Saturday, November 12, Formosa Com- munity Centre, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Adults $1.00, teens and children .50. Free babysit- ting service for tiny tots. Over 45 ex- hibitors. Spacious country cafeteria serv- ing light lunches and meals all day. -44, 45 RETIREMENT TEA You are cordially invited to a retirement tea to be held for Yvonne MacPherson on Saturday, November 5, 2 - 4 p.m. or Sun- day, November 6, 2 - 5 p.m. at Wingham United Church. Best wishes ONLY PLEASE. --43, 44 WINTER HORSESHOE PITCHING sponsored by Wingham Sportsmen Club. Beginners league for ladies and men starts Monday, Oct. 30, 8 p.m. and each Monday all winter. Horseshoes can be provided. Membership $10.00/year. Regular horseshoe night Thursdays at 8 p.m. For info call Ivan 357-1060 or Mason 357-2478.--43 UNICEF Pupils from Lucknow and Brookside schools will carry orange UNICEF boxes on Hallowe'en. Please give generously. -43x SEAFORTH AG. SOCIETY presents LOWDOWN in a Hallowe'en Masquerade Dance, Friday, October 28 at Seaforth & District Conununity Centres. Dancing 9 -1. $8.00 advance, $10.00 at the door. Age of Majority. Lunch Provided. For tickets phone 522-1300.--43 "WEST WAWANOSH VOTERS" Please lend me your continued support on November 14. Kathryn Todd. -43-45 48. Coming Events "There's one in every crowd." Young peo- ple six to 18 years who do outstanding good deeds are eligible for nomination as On- tario Junior Citizens of the Year award. Contact this newspaper for details. Spon- sored by OCNA & Canadian Airlines.— 4lbc BUSINESS ASSOCIATION DINNER/DANCE Saturday, November 19, Lucknow Com- munity Centre. $11.00 per person. Social hour 6 p.m., dinner, 7 p.m., dance 9 p.m. Restricted to Lucknow and area business people and employees. Tickets available at Jan's Place (Sears) and Valley Green Flowers.-42,43ar HORTICULTURAL CANCELLATION Elmer Umbach regrets that he has to postpone his scheduled October party for Lucknow and District Horticultural members. -42,43 BOWLERS FOR MIXED LEAGUE Bowlers still wanted Monday nights 8:00 p.m. Mixed League, singles wlecome. Con- tact Eric Taylor, 528-2110 or Dwayne Ziegler, 528-3437.--43 RINGETTE - ORGANIZATIONAL AND REGISTRATION For girls aged 12 - 14 (Junior level) Satur- day, October 29, 1 p.m. at the arena.-43ar LUCKNOW DROP-IN Town Hall, Friday, October 28. Pot luck :heal, 6 o'clock followed by cards. Everyone welcome. -43 POT LUCK SUPPER AND MEETING Ripley Ladies Curling Club annual pot luck supper and meeting on Monday, November 7, starting at 7 p.m. at the Ripley Curling Club. Everyone is welcome. -43, 44 HORTICULTURAL BANQUET Lucknow and. District Horticultural Socie- ty annual meeting and banquet, Tuesday, November 8 at 6:,10 p.m., Lucknow Legion Hall. Tickets must be purchased by Oc- tober 28. If you are a member and have not been contacted about ticket, please call Marg Burkhart, 528-3544. 1989 membership dues can be paid that night. Please bring your two dollar bill. -43 80TH BIRTHDAY PARTY For Margaret and Ted Collyer on Satur- day, November 5th, 1 - 4 p.m. in the lower level of the Town Hall. Please accept this as your invitation and let your presence be your present. -43, 44x GALA DINNER AUCTION Saturday, November 5, 1988, at 6 p.m. Something for everyone's budget, getaway weekends, antiques, toys, etc. Get your Xmas shopping done early. Tickets $20.00 each available at box office. (523-9300) .- 43ar"-' FAMILY LIFE SPECIAL November 6, 1988 you are welcome to St. Joseph's Church Hall, Kingsbridge to hear Arch Andrew, who is knowledgeable on family life, especially teenagers and teenage stress. Mr. Andrew has his Master in Social Service and is known as the "Christian Councillor". For more infor- mation call 524-4741 or 529-7530.-43, 44nc PAPER DRIVE The Mother's committee for the Lucknow Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers will be holding a paper drive on Saturday, November 5. Please have your papers at the curb by 8:30 a.m. Anyone re- quiring assistance call 528-3238. Newpapers only, please. No glossy paper. -43, 44 YBC BOWLING Starts October 24 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Ages 5 to 18 welcome. -43 BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO, every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blyth & District Com- munity Centre. $300.00 Jackpot must go. Over $1,000.00 in prizes.-43tf LINDSAY Collegiate Centennial Reunion will be held May 19 - 21, 1989. Former staff & students are invited to write L.C.V.I. Reunion, 260 Kent St., West, Lindsay K9V 2Z5 or phone (705) 324-3556 for a registra- tion package.-43bc Poultry, Pigeon, Pheasant Monthly Newspaper. Informative. Has breeder directory, Exhibition dates, etc. Our 44th year! One year subscription. $12. includes FREE Avian Book Catalogue when sent with this ad. Write: Feather Fancier, 5 Lakeroad, Forest, Ontario NON 1J0.-43bc Are you part of the human race or just a spectator? pah770Parn0n Fitness In your heat you know k's right. OBITUARY Alexander William Smith Alex Smith of Owen Sound, died in Vic- toria Union Hospital, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan on October 5, 1988. He was born in Kinloss Township, Bruce County, October 7, 1911. Mr. Smith attended elementary school in S.S. No. 6, Kinloss Township and Lucknow Public . School. He attended secondary school at Lucknow and went on to take teacher education in Stratford and to ob- tain a BA and M.Ed. from the University of Toronto. During his teaching career he taught in Kinloss Township, the Indian Residential School in Brandon and Norway House, Manitoba, Belfast, Huron County, Dungannon and Ottawa. He also served at this time as a lay preacher for the United Church of Canada in Pickle Lake, Ontario and Erkisdale, Manitoba. Mr. Smith became a Public School in- spector, working out of Bancroft, Ontario for five years and then moving to Owen Sound in 1956 where he worked as an in- spector in Grey and Bruce Counties until his retirement. During the years 1940-45 Alex served in the RCAF with service in the British Isles, India and Canada as a Warrant Officer lst Class in charge of radar installations. Mr. Smith was very active in community activities in Owen Sound, participating in the Owen Sound Y's Men's Club, Federa- tion of Ontario Naturalists, Grey -Bruce Naturalists Club, Owen Sound Camera Club, Horticultural Club and the Bruce County Historical Society of which he was a life member. He served as a city -appointed member of Crofthaven Retarded Children's Authority and was a member of the On- tario and Canadian Association of School Superintendents and Inspectors. He was a charter member of the Toronto Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa. Mr. Smith was a Charter Director of the Big Brother's Association and the Sydenham Bruce Trail Club. He greatly enjoyed clearing and walking his section of the Trail. Alex served on the Board of Session of Division Street United Church where he also was a director of the Sunday School and Church photographer over the years. In 1986 Alex Smith was made an honorary citizen of Owen Sound. Thoughout his life, Alex was very in- terested in electronics, nature and garden- ing and he passed his knowledge and en- thusiasm for these on to young people whenever he had the opportunity. He was much loved and is very sadly missed by his daughter Sylvia (Doug) Gent; grandchildren Kathy and Anne of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan; nephew Harold Cooke of Lucknow, friends David (Lenore) Still and many good friends he made over the years, He is predeceased by his wife Jean in 1984. Mr. Smith's body rested at Breckenridge -Ashcroft Funeral Home with , services at Division Street United Church, 11 a.m. Monday, October 10th Burial in South Kinloss Cemetery, Lucknow. Donations to -the Division Street United Church Organ Fund or the Big Brothers Association, Owen Sound, Ontario will be appreciated.