The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-10-26, Page 8Page 8—Luc'mow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 26, 1988 by Shelley Gollan and Christine Jones Kindergarten: Both morning and after- noon classes made Hallowe'en crafts and stories, pumpkins into jack -o -lanterns, ghosts with curly tails. The afternoon class had a special treat when the grade eight family studies group did Hallowe'en crafts and baked pumpkin cookies with them. The students are looking forward to car- ving the pumpkin. Mr. Pike's Comments: The staff and students are enthused with their new ICONS. In the icon program there are three main activities. In draw, you choose from different colours and draw any pic- ture. In write you are basically learning to type. Logo is about direction and shapes. Reminder: picture retakes on November 3, 11 a.m., Library: The library lotto winner this week was Angela Cranston. Mrs. Camp- bell's class was a close second behind Mr. Bennett's class to record reading over 100 books. Mrs. MacIntrye went to the Ontario Reading conference in Toronto and had lunch with Robert Munch last weekend. Special Education: Eric and Jason got 100 percent on their spelling test, Jason read three books and Rob, Chris and Andy read one. Mr. Flanagan went to track meets in Paisley and Ainsdale. Grade One: This class has been in- vestigating seeds. What is a seed° Where is it found° What does it do° How do they travel° The class went on a walk and found seeds that can fly and hitchhike and acorns that squirrels could hide. A seed party was held, eating .many different fruit and vegetables that grow from seeds and then we planted the seeds we had found. In the writing centre we have made ghost books. Danielle Stanley was "Special Me" this week. Grade Two, Three: Grade Two and Three were SUPER sports at the Ainsdale Cross -Country win, therefore 14 were chosen to participate at the Saugeen Bluffs at the County level. We have been busy learning about needs and parts. Each stu- dent planted their very own plant. Everyone is very excited about Hallowe'en. We have talked about safety and hope everyone has a safe and happy Hallowe'en! Grade Three, Four: Eleven members of this class participated in the county -wide cross-country meet at Saugeen Bluffs near Paisley and represented our class very well. Grade Three has just begun fractions in math, while Grade Four is just beginning a measurement unit. We had our first session on the school's new ICON computers and enjoyed. them enormously. Mrs. Clooney and Mrs. Maclntyre wre very pleased with our skills when we work- ed on our Hallowe'en research booklets. `PS INSIDER Graf#e Four: We are making paper masks and getting ready for Hallowe'en. Jennifer Weber is the star this week. We are doing monster madness poetry, stories and making games. Grade Five: This week the students had a man from the . Bruce Nuclear Power Development to show us some ex- periments with energy. He also answered a lot of our questions about the Bruce Nuclear Power Development. We thank him very much. Grade Six: We removed the annual plants from the front flower bed where the Lucknow '88 sign was. We are planning an experiment with popping corn. We have our personal space on the ICON Turn to page 15 • If we told you Barbara speaks with her hands, would you listen? "At first my being deaf was difficult. I had to have patience to help my co-workers feel more comfortable with me. Now they know how much 1 can do." Between the deaf community and the hearing world, difficulty in communicating Fur tt poster of rim cul u•nre: ( )morin ( ))fttr `ur f )tsuhled Persons, 7t00 13uv Street, 16th Hour, Turuntu, ( )n:artu N15( 1 Z6 can he an isolating and frustrating barrier. Yet, every day, people like B,irbara are tile- • i.ng the challenges and building bridges. With encouragement and support from her family, the deaf community and hearing people, Barbara has had access to teachers and interpreters who have opened doors to a promising future. Barbara is doing everything she can to he recognized and accepted for her abilities. Let's see what she and others like her have to say and hear what they're saying. Do you have an open mind? Office for Disabled Persons ® Ontario Remo Mancini, Minister David Peterson, Premier