The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-10-12, Page 9A community shower was held on Tues- day night, October 4 for Heather (Curran) Dam. Sandra D'Aoust played lovely music at the opening of the shower. Diane Park was chairperson and welcomed everyone and gave a reading for Heather. Other humorous readings were given by Jean Errington annlargaret Errington. Melissa Logtenberg played some very nice tunes on piano. Gifts were brought to the bride by Jocelyn Logtenberg, Tenille Cranston, and Denise Curran. Dawn Tucker and Allison Curran helped Heather with her gifts. Sandra D'Aoust played "For She's a Jol- ly Good Fellow" and all joined in singing. A lovely lunch was served. Seniors Wednesday night senior citizen card par - Dby Bonnie Hodges UNGANNON ty had 14 tables. High lady - Marie Park, low lady - Evelyn Errington, high man - Thys. Groen, low man - John Andrew. A special meeting will be held on Tues- day Oct. 11 at the Senior Centre. Jim and Margaret Errington spent Thanksgiving weekend with Ken and San- dra Davidson at Lambeth, Ontario. Dungannon Senior Citizens held their Thanksgiving Dinner at the Centre Friday night, Oct. 7. A lovely meal was served at two sittings. Kinlough Bible Society meets' returns whole executive for 1989 The Kinlough and District Bible Society meeting was held on October 4 at the Presbyterian Church. President Walter Breckles extended a welcome to all including Rev. D.L. Howlett from London. Mrs. William MacPherson was organist Mr. Breckles read the scripture and Pastor Christensen led in prayer. Those taking part in the program were Reg Powell, Thelma Cottrell, Kay Thacker and Erlma Haldenby. Rev. Howlett gave a talk on the work of the Bible Society and the great need for more Bibles for Russia, Africa and Mex- ico.A film was shown of the happy and eager young people to be given a Bible or a Gospel in their own language, to see and read, to know that Jesus loves all people and to know of our Lord's redemption. Nina McDonld received the offering and gave the offertory prayer. The 1987 minutes and financial report were given. The 1989 executive remains the Fume. .1'h0 officers and canvassers are president, Walter Breckles; treasurer, Mrs. Bessie Maulden; secretary, May Boyle; can- vassers, Kinloss • and area, Mrs. Millie Stanley; South and Base Line, Edbert Bushell; Kinlough Village, Karen Hedley; Concession 12 west, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald; 12 east Mrs. Agnes Hodgins, Mrs. Mabel McEwan; 10 East Mrs. Grace Eckenswiller and Mrs. Lorraine MacPher- son; 10 West Mrs. Debbie Rhody; Holyrood and concession 8 Mrs. Sheila Dawson. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer and The Lord's Prayer. The next meeting for 1989 is October 3 in the Kinlough Presbyterian Church. BEST DRESSED PUMPKIN CONTEST Bring Your Decorated Pumpkin To The LUCKNOW CO-OP Monday, October 17th to Friday, October 21 For Judging * EXTRA BONUS * With a purchase over 85 each child will receive a Looney Dollar FREE Pancake & Sausage Breakfast Saturday, October 22 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Come loin us for Co-op Week Celebrations, and see the prize winning puh pkIn LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC, HURON ROAD #1 LUCKNOW 529-7953 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 12, 1988—Page 9 ANNOUNCEMENT The General Manager of The Lucknow Sentinel is pleased to welcome back her sanitary engineer, assistant janitor, general repair man and all around gopher... a.k.a. "The Advertising Manager" after his ex- tended leave of absence. rrbinel Birthday Club Preston Drennan Oct. 12 - 3 years old Angela Ritchie Oct. 13 - 3 years old Lori Porter Oct. 16 9 years old Sarah Mann Oct. 18 6 years old B.A. McDONAGH REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTD. 528-2031 LUCKNOW KINCARDINE - 3 •droom brick bungalow. Firi ti ' ' 4 ent, well land- scaped, fruit tr .. , parate garage. Ask- ing '119,900. NEW LISTING - 3 bedroom home on Ross St. Frame, brick bungalow, new roof 1986, new septic tank, underground hydro and telephone. Priced to sell. LOT - 2 blocks from Main Street. '10,000.00. 100 ACRES on Hwy. No. 86 at the edge of town, ranch style home, 2 car garage, lovely setting, 72 workable. See listing for more particulars. 200 ACRE FARM - Farrow to finish, 170 drained, 2 silos, 2 granaries, implement shed, 4 bedroom home, farm credit mor- tgage available. •CULROSS TWP. - 200 acres, approx. 150 workable, 7 acres of hardwood bush. Ask- ing '130,000. 3 BEDROOM HOME Ripley 11/2 storey on Ross Street. Asking '45,000. KINLOSS - 100 acres, small lake, 75 workable, asking '52,000. Listings Wanted FRASER MacKINNON528-3013 BARRY McDONAGH 528-3821 DAVID MacKINNON 395-2483 BENEFIT DANCE for Leonard Kerr who lost his barn by fire. Saturday, October 15, 1988 in Dungannon LADIES • PLEASE BRING LUNCH WANTED More people to join the Creative Kids team! ,You can bea: Hostess: Invite your friends and neigh- bours to a fun evening in your home. View an exciting line of children's educa- tional toys! Consultant: Open the door to a fun career you can fit in to your life. REWARD Hostess: Receive 10% of Retail Sales of your party. PLUS a special Hostess Gift for 10 or more guests in attendance. Consultant: Earn up to $25/hr. and develop your business as an independ- ent entrepreneur. Start today and reap the benefit of Christmas salesi Call today Jackie Bruce 396-9449 great ideas for growing minds..,