The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-09-07, Page 7Motorists making their way through the village of Lucknow over the long weekend got a chance to chat with members of the local Fire Department as the men were out collecting for Muscular Dystrophy. The annual collection by the fire fighters is staged along Highway 86 at the edge of town and it's reported that the majority of drivers were quite generous with their donations. Here, John Hamilton exchanges an MD sticker for a small donation. (Rob Bundy photo) Late summer visitors Mrs. Jean Aitchison, Ada Aitchison of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Bev Mitchell of Molesworth were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Falconer of Goderich visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Falconer and Jackie of Exeter visited at the Falconers. Mrs. Joan Fisher of Waterloo visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson. Mrs. Annetta Jantzi and Linda of Milver- ton visited last week ' with Mrs. Rena Fisher of Wingham. Mrs. Betty Armstrong and Mrs. HITECHURCH by Jean Ross Kathleen Gibson spent a few days recently in Roseville, Michigan. The Fisher families held a shower for Katherine Sortori of Goderich, bride-to-be of Bill Gibson at Mrs. Sandra Machan's of Brussels, last Sunday. The Whitechurch women's institute will hold its meeting on Sept. 14 at 8p.m. in the hall. You Are Invited ... PXeet a aceett iicia as yaurc oda aal i wetatia+c to azre sd t4 _ FIFTH ANNIVERSARY `l/Glla9e 7adieta+ra l c �C'�ile�y. Surat -a- Ealtao+c awl save... 10% 5C1' OFF on our FALL SELECTION of CLOTHING Stara 7€eddaey, Suit. 6 cued Sat.. Sept. 17 1988 E•gteit aur d44.404 aeoeud 9et7 eeitteilieatea. eaae take elca omairtagetry t4 ebteufr 4 and let .s a elra rk ya.a i►°/z tlse Qaoa to a ..cal e le;epfee.rt you delve gives tice. lcaakd ,49ai c Flake Village FASHIONS ffolom 44 Queen St., Ripley 395-5938 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 7, 1988—Page 7 BARRY W. REID R.A. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT •Auditing •Financial Accounting •Personal & Corporate Tax Consultation •Personal Financial Planning •Manual & Computerized Bookkeeping •Mortgage & Amortization Schedules 306 Josephine St. Wingham, NOG 2W0 Office: 357-1522 a a NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNmemos g LibYCTMi r ;_ li ��RI :• Phone 357-1630 for 24 hour movie information i i GREAT OUTDOORS a STARRING JOHN CANDY and DAN ACKROYD a a 11NNNNNMNNNNNNNNNNNN1i Playing from Friday to Thursday, Sept. 9-15 1 a SHOWTIMES: Friday and Saturday 7-9 p.m. Sunday to Thursday One Show Each Evening at 8 p.m. _ VOTERS' LIST TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS CLERK'S NOTICE OF POSTING OF PRELIMINARY LIST OF ELECTORS THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT Sections 24 & 25 NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Sections 24 and 25 of The Municipal Elections Act and that I have posted up in my office at Holyrood, Ontario on the 31st day of August, 1988 the list of persons eligible to vote in the municipality at municipal elections and the list remains there for inspection. And 1 hereby call upon all such electors to examine the list and to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. The last day for filing applications for inclusions, additions, or corrections to or deletions from the list is Monday the 17th day of October, 1988. The place at which the revisions of the list will be taken is the Kinloss Municipal Office, Holyrood, Ontario. Revisions of the list will be undertaken during normal of- fice hours, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Tuesday, September 6th, 1988 through Monday, October 17th, 1988. QUALIFICATION OF ELECTORS A person is entitled to be an elector in a municipality if not disqualified under this or any other Actor otherwise pro- hibited by law from voting in the election and if, at any time during the period commencing on the Tuesday following the first Monday in September in an election year and ending on the Monday in October that precedes polling day by twenty-eight days and is (a) a resident in such municipality or is the owner or tenant of land in the municipality; or the spouse of such an owner or tenant; and (b) a Canadian citizen and (c) has attained the age of eighteen years or on or before polling day will attain the age of eighteen years. DATED AT HOLYROOD, ONTARIO, THIS 31ST DAY OF AUGUST, 1988. W. F. Hawthorne, A.M.C.T., Clerk and Returning Officer of the Township of Kinloss, Holyrood, Ontario.