The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-07-20, Page 8Page 8--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 20,1988 Friendship Mr. and Mrs. David Leghorn of New Haven, Michigan visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brock of London visited also on Friday at the Armstrong's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parry and Trafford of Bright visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong. Trafford remained with his grandparents for a holiday. Mrs. Norman Rintoul and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Cardiff of Brussels visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oberholtzer and family of Waterloo on Sunday. Jeff Oberholtzer was -elebrating his 15th birthday. Also atten- ding were his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Oberholtzer of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw attended the funeral of a close friend at Cheapside on Sunday. the cement that binds the world HITECHURCH by Jean F moirsivi '4 Eileen Darling of days last week McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs. David Ross visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ross Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw of Lucknow visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Farish Moffat of Toronto visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moffat. Whitechurch W.I. The International affairs mee .iK of the 'el visited a few ith Mildred Whitechurch W.I. was held in the Hall on Wednesday, July 13th. President Mrs. Helen Currie opened with a poem called "Memories", and followed with the opening Ode, and the Mary Stewart Collect.. The ,hostess for the meeting was Mrs. Tom Day. Mrs. Agnes Farrier read the minutes of the last meeting. Offering was received an invitation was extended to the Whitechurch Branch to attend the Karishea Institute meeting on July 21st at 8 p.m. The August meeting will be a tour of the Bruce Nuclear Power Development plant, and tours of the Pine River Cheese factory. The roll call was name your favourite flower. The motto was very well done by Mrs. Gordon Wall, Friendship is the ce- YOU DESERVE .. . * Fast Unloading * Accurate Grades * Competitive Prices * Quick Settlements FOR YOUR '88 WHEAT CROP This year deliver your crop to the W.G. Thompson & Sons Elevator nearest you! "The Home of Augusta Seed Wheat" Seaforth 345-2545 Pt. Albert 529-7901" Hensall 262-2527 Ailsa Craig 293-3223 Mitchell 348-8433 Granton 225-2360 ment that holds the world together, she said. There are large ships, small ships, but the greater is friendship; give a smile it costs nothing; and a smile in the home creates happiness in the home. A recipe for peace was read by Merle Wilson whowas the convener for the meeting. A musical number of Old Time Waltzes was played by Agnes Farrier on piano, Gertie Durnin on Auto harp and Mary Hehn on guitar. A skit was presented by Helen Currie and Agnes Farrier entitled "How the world sees W.I. members". A sing song with Jean Ross at the piano was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Russel McQuire gave a reading called "New Canada". Merle Wilson gave the topic on Israel. A contest was also conducted by Merle Wilson. The queen was sung and grace. The lunch committee of Mrs. Russel McQuire, Mrs. Tom Day and Mrs. Agnes Farrier served lunch. . Local News Steven Rintoul returned home Tuesday last from a trip to Bracken Saskatchewan with the 4H students. While he was there he stayed with the family of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Reuhf and family. They are mainly cash crop farmers, and things looked fair- ly good there, but Steven saw there was a lot of drought also. He visited the R.C.M.P. Museum, at- tended a rodeo, and went camping at Cypress Hills while he was there. This week Jerrit Reuhf will be staying with the Rintouls for his visit here. IPLEY • by Ab Wylds The descendants of Dan and Ada (Farmer) MacDonald met for the 16th an- nual on a chilly 1st at the Ripley Lions Pic- nic Grounds with 91 family members and seven guests in attendance. After the usual delicious noon luncheon, races and games were held for the children. A brief meeting of the adults was held where the last year's minutes were read and a few special prizes awarded. Dan MacDonald thanked John, Jean and family for organizing the picnic this year. The honour will next year go to the Pollard family. Approximately fifty-nine descendants of the late Peter and Sarah MacTavish gathered at the Lion's Park Pavilion on July 10, 1988. A delicious meal was enjoyed by everyone. The Lowry family (Marion MacTavish) were in charge this year and next year's pic- nic will be held on the second Sunday in July with Donald MacTavish's family in charge. The evening auxiliary of Knox Presbyterian Church W.M.S., Ripley held their June meeting at the home of Peggy McCharles. The meeting commenced with a delicious pot luck meal. President. Mary MacDonald opened the meeting by playing a tape of sacred music. Peggy McCharles read the scripture and lead in prayer. Dianne MacKay read a piece about flowers and Peggy read a humorous article about report cards. Dianne introduc- ed Joanne Wilkens who showed slides of her trip to Russia. Everyone enjoyed Joanne's pictures and commentary. Dianne then introduced Dorothy Needham who gave a demonstration on decorating of hats and wreaths with silk flowers. Joan MacKay thanked our two guests and presented each with a small token. All members were present at this meeting and many answered the roll call by wearing their most original hat. The meeting closed by listening to another piece of sacred. music and repeating the closing prayer. Celebrates anniversary ' ,. July 22 Mr. and Mrs. Orval Dustow are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary in Howick Community Centre from 9 to 1. Mrs. Dustow was formerly Lois MacDonald of Ripley. Her mother lives on the sixth con- cession with her brother Maido Wylds. This was a very busy weekend but many people took time out to wish Walter and Isobel Forster "Best Wishes" on their 50th Wed- ding Anniversary.