The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-07-06, Page 9Page 8—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 6,1988 Stanley Clan gathers from far and wide Visitor's during the week with Mr. Ar- thur Haldenby were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fry of Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whiteside (Sr.) and their grandson Trevor Arthur of Toronto. He is Arthur's great grandson! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fry and Mr. Ar- thur Haldenby attended the decoration day and memorial service at the Teeswater Cemetery on Sunday. Mrs. Bill Hodgins and Laura returned home from a holiday with their uncle Mr. Don Wilson at Squamish, B.C. and on Sun- day all of the Hodgins family were with Mrs. Florence Hodgins, Charlie and Tom, at Kingarf. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald returned home from their trip to Western Canada. Mrs. Lula Stanley of Lucknow visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Breckles. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Storey of Milton spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Terry Burt. Mrs. Lenore Sutherland of Leaside and Mrs. Audrey Borthwick of St. Catharines visited with Mrs. Agnes Hodgins and. with Jack Hodgins. They visited Mrs. Jack (Merle) Hodgins at Wingham Hospital after Merle had a fall at Brookhaven, Wingham. Kby May Boyle INLOUGH Visitors with Edna and May Boyle were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott of Ripley, Mrs. Jean Hodgins of Wingham, Mrs. Dorothy Anderson of Lucknow, and Mrs. Marretta of Niagara Falls and her grandson Rob Hodgins and his friend, Michael, of St. Catharines. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Moon to our village, they bought the home previously owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bevan Stanley. Mr. Reg. Powell visited on Saturday with his son Robert at Streetsville. On Saturday, July 2nd, 140 descendents of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stanley, who lived on Con. 14 East, gathered for a reunion. All enjoyed the happy gathering, the bountiful dinner and supper, the games and visiting together. They had come from El Salvador, Mississauga, Ingersoll, Florida, St. Catharines, Michigan, Harriston, Niagara Falls, Blind River, Tara, London, Shelbourne, Teeswater, Lucknow; Ripley, j Kincardine and relatives from our• area who have their reunion each year at the Ashfield Park. Much to the surprise of everyone, who drove in to join the happy gang but Bevan McLean of Australia with his mother Mrs. Bert (Sadie) McLean of Kincardine. Many of you will remember that last Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stanley and family had Christmas dinner at Adelaide, Australia with Bevan and Joanne McLean. Mr. Eric Page returned home to England after a most delightful holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page and family and seeing many places of interest in our fond dominion while here. It was his first Canadian trip and he enjoyed it. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Page and the girls of Burlington visited his parents here on Sunday and the two girls stayed for a holi- day on the farm. Folks from here attended the Parish ser- vice at Lucknow on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. J. King of Brantford were present and Rev. King assisted Rev. M. Letson with others in the service. At the conclusion Mrs. Edith Cooper and Ann Pritchard were each presented with a lovely plaque in recognition of their faithful service as Parish treasurer and church organist. All Timmy Just Turned. 7. His Parents Just Made A Crucial Investment. They took the time to talk with Timmy about drugs. They realize that in today's world he'll probably b a; )ached by someone who will attempt to lure him to star ing uppers or maybe something even more dangerous. They told Timmy what drugs can do and how they can affect his future and maybe ruin his chances to have a productive life. Now he can make the right decision if he's ever confronted with it. So why wait until tomorrow to make an investment in your children's future. Talk with them today. This message brought to you by your Community Minded Newspaper ntinel were invited to the Parish hall for lun- cheon. Mr. Evan McQuellen favoured on his violin with two favourite hymns with Ann accompanying on the piano. Rev. Merelyn Letson asked the blessing and all enjoyed a time of food and fellowship. Afterwards, some visited the folks at Pinecrest Manor to conclude the day. We are sorry that the Rev. W. Baird, minister at the Teeswater and Kinlough Presbyterian Churches, is ill, on his vaca- tion time of July. Rev. Bissett of Goderich supplied yesterday July 3rd and the W.M.S. will conduct the service here next Sunday. We wish Mr. Baird improved health. Many took in the Lucknow Celebra- tion/88 and enjoyed meeting former area friends and the various events. Con- gratulations from Kinlough. Rby Ab Wylds IPLEY The Cobean Macdonald picnic was held at Landsdowne Park, Kincardine on Sunday, June 26 at 12:30. Joyce Kamrath read last year's report. The farthest away was Bill Dawkes of Toronto; oldest lady - Margaret Stewart, Ripley; oldest man - Bill McNair, Oakville; youngst girl - Patty Stokes, Port Elgin; youngest boy - Mark Dustow, Kitchener. Egg throwing Robert Held, Judy Kamrath, Jar of Jelly Beans - Billy Mickson - Toothpick with life saver with a few pro- blems with the life saver - throw balls in a basket - Linda Dustow - Scavenger hunt - Kevin Johnston, Angie Kamrath. Nail Driving - with some hard competition winners were Patti Stokes, Howard Kamrath, Orval Dustow, Norma Jean Dustow, Leona Johnston, Mark Dustow. Everyone enjoyed themselves despite the cool wind next to the water. It was decided to hold it every two years. Above report delivered by Margaret Stewart and her brother Maido Wylds on Sunday July 3 to Ab in Ripley. Helping to water new trees Murray Yungblut and his neighbour Mike Beishuizen have been watering new trees down his way - the 8th concession east of Ripley. Also Chris Anger of Ripley collected 62 broken hockey sticks from the Arena to be used for tree stakes by the Men of the Trees. Thanks for getting this volunteer work done and also for getting it reported to the paper with the names. %ought house on Malcolm Street Bob and Judy Thompson and boys have bought the Harold and Tena Wyld house on Malcolm Street at their recent estate sale. This puts the mill and house back into its original property of many years ago. Grocery store now open Duncan MacAdam of Chesley opened Ripley's second grocery and produce store on the main street. The opening was on Saturday June 11, 1988. Both he and his wife Lynne and their son Todd are clerks. They commute back and forth to Chesley each day. The store is on the main street next to the John Kosmerly Hardware - open every day. The store is filled with groceries, produce and Duncan stresses meat - having worked for years as traveller in this line. They are kind and friendly folks and will be glad to have you drop in and say hello to them. Silver spoon swarms of bees Have you ever heard of silver spoon swarms of honey bees? Well they are the ones which come out on those nice sunny days in June. There were a number this past June. There were three in succession Tues. June 14, Thurs. June 16, and Fri. June 17 - all at Mary and Graham Cook's place. A fourth one did emerge on Sat. Mary said that she knew that I was out of hives so she called Wingham and Tiverton without luck. Then just when she did not know what to do she was right in luck. • Bee inspector Donald Garland of Cargill called into their place in Ripley and hived the swarm. On Monday noon there was the last silver spoon swarm known to me. It was in the middle of the Kincardine main street and at noon. The police and fire department were called to combat them. Having a swarm on a nice sunny day is one thing I really enjoy - to get them in the box all quieted down.