The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-05-25, Page 5Lucknow. Sentinel, Wednesday, May 25, 1988—Page 5 Presbytery expresses concern over report Dear Editor: Within Bruce Presbytery, Hamilton Con- ference, The United Church of Canada, we are a group of ministers with diverse theological, spiritual and Biblical perspec- tives. We'have brought these different ex- pressions of faith together in our common concern over the report: "Toward A Chris- tian Understanding of Sexual Orientation Lifestyles and Ministry". Through the uni- ty, harmony and fellowship of the Spirit, we wish it known that we stand together' in opposition to the recommendations presented from the National Divisions of Ministry, Personnel and Education and Mission in Canada, which are based upon the report. We believe that the report fails: (a) to be based upon the Word of God, in the report's desire to accommodate a secular world; (b) to support the sanctity of. Christian family living; and (c) to uphold God's intended order of crea- tion within the realm of human relationships. Therefore, in seeking to strengthen and encourage our Church in its continued sup- port and compassionate care of all peoples, we feel, individually and collec- tively, ollectively, compelled to pray, study and work together as we seek to witness with integri- ty, authority and faith in our opposition to the report: "Toward A Christian Understanding of Sexual Orientation Lifestyle and Ministry"and the recom- mendations , based upon it. This statement is endorsed by: Rev. Timothy J. Hayward, Chesley; Rev. Jim Feairs, Tara; Bain Milroy, Allenford; Rev. Arthur Hiley, Clifford.; Rev. Derwyn Docken, Tiverton; Rev. William F. Slinn, Teeswater; Rev. John .Jaynes, Mount Forest; Rev. Glen Macpherson, Ripley; Rev. G.F. Jackson, Southampton; Jack Fearnall, Owen Sound; Rev. Gordon Williams, Port Elgin; Rev. Kenneth S. Tanner, Palmerston; Rev. Barrie Bain, Hanover; Rev. Margaret Bain, Hanover; Rev. Roy McGrath, Arthur; Rev. Norman Perry, Kincardine; Rev. Cammeron McMillan, Harriston, Rev. Kenneth Welch, Wiarton; Dale Martin, .Under- wood; ' Rev. Don Glennie, Tobermory; Robert Perry, Cape Croker; Rev. Gerald McFarlane, Lucknow. Dear Editor: On March 27, 1988, the Hon. Jake Epp stated to the Board of Directors of the Canadian Cancer Society at its 50th An- niversary Dinner that he had spoken to his Cabinet colleagues that week and received the commitment that Bill C-51 (The Tobac- co Products Control Act) would be passed by the House of Commons before the sum= mer recess. Also, on March 15, 1988, the Hon. Doug Lewis was quoted in the Toronto Star that. Bill C-51 was one of the "Government's top initiatives" for passage before June 30th. The time is running out. The Govern- ment is only a few days away from the point where, logistically, it will be ex- tremely difficult, if not impossible, to ob- tain approval of the House Senate and Royal Assent before the House prorogues and the Bill dies. TO The Federal Government by its own statements has acknowledged that tens, and probably hundreds of thousands, of preventable deaths hang in the balance unless a significant intervention in the tobacco epidemic takes place. Bill C-51 is the Government's promised response. We are simply insisting, for an entire genera- tion of kids, that the Government act with integrity and keep its promise. Yours truly, Ron Potter President Ontario Division Canadian Cancer Society Dear Editor: This afternoon ( May 17) I had the privilege of hearing the Lucknow Concert Band at my son's school in Dundas, Ontario. Lucknow and the surrounding area can certainly be very proud of this band and its accomplishments. The performance was excellent and thoroughly enjoyed. Sincerely, Loraine Johnston, Ancaster. Dear Friend: I write to bring you BIG news! Dungan- non and District may expect a visit from a direct descendant of the family who sent their son to Canada all those years ago, leading to the establishment of Dungannon itself. He is Stephen Bogle, 14, Drumcoo Green, Dungannon, Co Tyrone, N. Ireland, yunget son of James Bogle, M.M. and Bar, and Susan (Daisy) Bogle, nee Mallough. Mrs. Bogle tells me that Stephen is tremendously excited at the thought of meeting you all. He flies out on June 4 and expects to be with you in a week or so after spending a few days in the Toronto area. He plans a six week camping holiday which will give him plenty of time to make lots and lots of new friends. I can imagine you will all be as kind to him as you were to me. I have given him all the addresses I have and there will be time, if anyone wishes to do so, to get in touch with him here before he leaves, either by post, or by telephone - Dungannon 26896. Or, if you wish, write to me and I will pass on any messages. I am particularly hopeful that the Cana- dian Legion will make contact with Stephen. His father was a great hero in the '39 - '45 war and is mentioned in a book on the Italian campaign. His mother is a tireless=worker for our Branch of the Royal British Legion as Secretary of our Legion Club and is also Secretary of our Women's Section of which I am President. You may remember when you invited me to Dungannon's birthday celebrations in 1980, I tried to arrange for Mrs. Bogle to at- tend as I felt sure you would prefer a Can you help? Crime Stoppers of Grey'Bruce is seeking the public's assistance in the investigation of a break, enter and theft, in Proton Township, near Mount Forest. The Mount Forest detachment of the On- tario Provincial Police report that a residence on the 7th Concession of Proton Township was broken into prior to October 4, 1987. The culprit(s) gained entry to the residence by kicking open the front door. The culprit(sl then removed an estimated $2,000 worth or articles from residence. Articles removed included a 14" Toshiba color TV, a Nikon 35 mm camera, an anti- que English postal seal and letter rack, a clock with octagonal case, as well as CFIME TOPPERS • ,1-800-265-3787 several bottles of Saint Joseph brand wine. The culprits) have not be been iden- tified as yet. If you feel you can help in this case or any other case, Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce is willing to pay a reward up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest. Call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-265-3787. You need not identify yourself and all informa- tion is strictly confidential. Mallough. Now you'll be getting one of the line and I hope my friends out there will keep me in touch with events. My love to you all, Mollie Whiteside. Dear Editor: I am currently reserching my family history and am at a halt. My great great grandfather was Alexander Cameron who left Argyllshire, Scotland and came to Lucknow area. He was at Lucknow in 1862. His wife, Grace Anderson, was also from Scotland. Their children (not in order) were John, Angus, William, Alexander, Kenneth and James who was my great grandather. Would anyone recognizing any of these family members contact me. Thank you. Sincerely, Mrs. Shelley Kellington 133 Beaverglen CLose, Fort McMurray, Alta., T9H 2V3. Dear Sir: I am trying to trace my Scottish grand- parents back to Scotland. I have the follow- ing information: Grandfather: William Bell; Grandmother: Charlotte (McDonald) Bell; Daughter: Amelia Bell, born 1875 in Lucknow. There were seven other children born in Canada, dates and places unknown to me. They were,: George, William, Wilford, Elizabeth, Frances, Maud and Ida. My grandparents' family was with a group of farmers who emigrated in 1879 by train with machinery and livestock to homestead in Cass County near Casselton, North Dakota. My mother, Edith (Bell) Ward, the last child, was born in North Dakota in 1884. My grandmother, Charlotte (McDonald) Bell had two brothers and two sisters: William, George, Elizabeth and Mary Ann McDonald. I have learned from the North Dakota census that the McDonald and Bell families came from Scotland. I am very in- terested and eager to trace my ancestors back to their old world origins. Sincerely, Mrs. W.A. Vince, No. 906, 1580 Mississauga Valley Blvd., Mississauga L5A 3T8 1-416-896-1844. Window Replacements Double Hung Vertical Replace Those Old Windows Now with Efficient Windows! * Maintenance Free * Reduce Heat Conductivity *Clean From Inside Home *30 Years in Aluminum Sales Drafty Energy NO MONEY DOWN! CALL FORA FREE ESTIMATE Other Services S •Aluminum & Vinyl Siding •Aluminum & Vinyl Soffit and Fascia *Doors Glenn's Aluminum Sales Box 274, Lucknow Lic. #1333209 528-3723 Will Ye Nae Participate in Lucknow's EiE&AtE IN iqu Parade Sat., July 2, 12:30 p.m. Please enter one of the following: PRIZES: $30, $20 and $10 IN EACH CATEGORY ::FIRE TRUCKS -BEST HORSE DRAWN FLOAT "BEST TEAM :::BEST DRESSED HORSE & RIDER BEST ORGANIZATION'S FLOAT ;BEST COMMERCIAL FLOAT BEST HUMOROUS FLOAT BEST HERITAGE FLOAT -BEST OLD MACHINERY FLOAT -BEST MUSICAL FLOAT The above will assemble at Floyd Milne's Field„ Vs mile north of Lucknow Public School by 11:30 a.m. BEST VINTAGE CAR: -PRE-WAR or POST-WAR These entries assemble at Jim Boyle's lot on Hwy. 86 East. CHILDREN'S SECTION: $15, $10 and $5 in each class BEST DECORATED BICYCLE BEST DECORATED TRICYCLE OR WAGON :OTHER Assemble 1 block North of MacTavish Sunoco Station. NO ENTRY NEEDED. Bands & Dignataries assemble at Lucknow Public School Send your entry to Donald MacKinnon, Box 68, Lucknow, NOG 2H0 or for more information phone 528-3043