The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-05-18, Page 3Pull gets approval from Kinloss Council The Kinloss Township Council met for their regular May meeting earlier this month with Reeve Barry Johnston and all council members present. Motions were passed authorizing the Lucknow Tractor Pull Association to hold their annual tractor pull on Saturday, July 9 and Sunday, July 10 in the Kinloss Park. Approval was also given to the Lucknow Lions Club to apply 'for a festival permit from the L.L.B.O. It was also decided that the Township ex- tension of Havelock Street will be tem- porarily closed during the hours of the tractor pull with the understanding that the roadway will be kept open for emergency use only. A building permit application was ap- proved for Cottrill Fuels to construct a weigh scale house and storage shed within the Township. Council also passed a motion approving the Lucknow and District Fire Depart- ment budget for 1988. The budget has been set at $51,840.00. Tenders accepted The following tenders were accepted by Council during their May meetjng: Joe Kerr Limited to load, haul and spread ap- proximately 20,000 cubic yards of pit gravel on Township roads at a cost of 53 cents for the first kilometer and 10- cents for each additional kilometer or part thereof; also Joe Kerr Limited to crush, haul and spread approximately 34,000 cubic yards of 'A' gravel at $2.09 per cubic yard, to stockpile crushed gravel at a cost of $1.49 per cubic yard and to cruch haul and spread gravel on ratepayers' private roads at $3.10 per cubic yard. Other tenders approved included Pollard Highway Products for $211.04 per flake tonne equivalent to supply and apply approximately 140 flake tonnes of calcium chloride to be delivered at the road superintendent's discrection, and for Kop- per's International to supply corrugated metal pipe in the amount of $3,322.68. Approval was given to place an ad in the Lucknow Sentinel for someone to cut the grass at the Township building. The following quotes were accepted for gravel for 1988 Township use: `A' gravel for crushing for roads south of Holyrood west of sideroad 25 from sideroad 15 bet- ween concession 1 and Highway 86 at a cost of 25 cents per cubic yard; `A' gravel for crushing for roads north of Holyrood from the Fred Guest pit at a cost of 60 cents per cubic yard; and `B' gravel for construction of sideroad 25 from Art Helm's pit at a cost of 40 cents per cubic yard. A petition was accepted by Council for a cleanout of the Henderson -Cook municipal drain at lots 77 and 78 on Concession 1. Former doctor to; wed "The Talk of the Town" When the Medical Centre was opened on Havelock St. in 1976 there was a special ac- count set up for anyone wishing to make tax deductible donations towards the cost of equipment. Since that time many gifts have been received, some in memory of a loved one that has passed away and some as contributions towards advancing or upgrading the present equipment. A new centrifuge was recently procured for the office laboratory from this fund and is a big asset to the work at the clinic. Your past contributions and continued support are gratefully acknowledged. The staff of the Lucknow Medical Centre recently received word that a former doc- tor at the Centre is embarking on the road to matrimony. Dr. Jim Shalom will wed Orly Cohen on May 31 at the Diplomat Hotel in Jerusalem. Congratulations to Bill and Johanna Searle who celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on May 3rd. A sur- prise dinner party for relatives and friends was held at the Four Acres Restaurant in Clifford. The biggest surprise was the presence of their daughter, Debbie, home from Edmonton to help celebrate this hap- py occasion. Recent visitors with Mrs. Olive Blake were Mrs. Gloria Pearson of Dungannon Church May 3rd; Barbara (Blake) and her husband Damon Webster, Santa Monica, California visited Mother's Day May 8 and 9th; Mrs. Lyla Treleaven and Mrs. Jean Irwin from Turnberry Estates, Wingham on May 12th; Mrs. Mary Bere, Goderich, brought lunch on Sat. May 14th; Mrs. Blake's son James H. Blake, Alliston visited Sat., and her younger son Bill and his wife Pat, Kara and Julie of Kitchener brought lunch on Sunday May 15th. We are sorry to hear that Lula Stanley fell and broke her hip last week. She was in Stratford Hospital but hoped to be transferred to Wingham the first of the week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooper who celebrated their fiftieth wed- ding anniversary with an open house at St. Peter's Anglican Parish hall May 14th. The Sacrament of Baptism was observ- ed in Lucknow United Church Sun. morn- ing for the following children; Joshua Kevin and Rachel Marie, children of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ackert; Chelsea Dawn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adam- son; Hamish MacPherson, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Black; Bradley Alexander, son :UcKNQw fay Mildred Lome ' of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hodgkinson; Devin Glen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kemp; James John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kuik; Darius James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mali; and Torben Wesley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jann Nielsen. A surprise Birthday Party was held Sun- day for Cora MacDonald who is celebrating her eightieth birthday Tues- day, at the home of her son and his wife Kenneth and Marilyn MacDonald in Kin- cardine. Present for this happy occasion were her family, grandchildren, great- grandchildren and friends. Bob and Marion McComb and baby Mat- thew were home for the weekend with her parents, Gordon and Bernice Johnstone. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Adams of 357 Ross St. have returned to Simcoe. They have sold their home to Allan Doiron and Andrea Feeley of Cambridge and Lee Doiron age 12 and John Feeley age 13. We welcome them to Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard MacLeod of Brantford spent the weekend with his sister, Evelyn Little. Congratulations go out this week to Reg and Freda Broome of Belfast who will celebrate 41 years of marriage on May 24. Melissa Becker, daughter of Chuck and Nancy Becker of Lucknow, was in Sudbury last weekend to receive a National Scholarship for J urnalism she had won. The competition, sponsored by the Radio, Television News Directors Association, was open to all university and college sbroadcast journalism students. The award was for $1,500 from the Royal Bank of Canada. Melissa has completed a two- year course at Fanshawe College in Lon- don and is presently seeking employment in the broadcasting field. Lei's see You do rrr Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 18, 1988 -Page 3 Attention Property Owners and Tenants in the County of Huron Your Municipalities are Being Reassessed In response to a request from the Council of the County of Huron and a majority of local councils, all properties in the County will be reassessed at 1984 market value. Mailing of Notices of Property Valuation 1987/1988 Notices of Property Valuation will be mailed to all property owners and tenants. The assessed value shown on your Notice will be used for the calculation of your 1988 munici- pal and school taxes. A full explanation of the reas- sessment, the appeal proce- dures, and a timetable for Open Houses in your area can be found on the information insert which accompanies your new Notice of Property Valuation. Ask Questions at Open Houses Open House information ses- sions have been planned at con- venient times and locations to give you the opportunity to review your assessment with staff of the Regional Assessment Office. Assessment staff will be pleased to explain the basis of your property assessment and can correct any errors in the information shown on your Notice. We encourage you to take advantage of this service. Rolls Available For Review The Assessment Roll will be available for review at your local municipal office during regular business hours, beginning June 13, 1988. If You Wish To Appeal If you believe you have been improperly assessed in any way, you may file a formal complaint with the Assessment Review Board. The final date for filing an appeal is July 4, 1988. Details of the agpeal proce- dures are on yourNotice of Property Valuation and on the information insert. Schedule of Open Houses Town of Clinton Mon. May 30 & Tues. May 31, 1 p.m., - 8 p.m. Sat. June 4, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m Town of Exeter ...... Thur. May 26 & Fri. May 27, 1 p.m - 8 p.m. Sat. May 28, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Town of Goderich . Tues. May 24 & Wed. May 25. 1 p.m - 8 p m Sat. May 28, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Town of Seatorth Wed. June 1 & Thur. June 2, 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. Sat. June 4, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Town of Wingham Mon. May 30 & Tues. May 31, 1 p.m. - 8 p.m Sat. June 4, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Village of Bayfield . Wed June 1 & Thur, June 2. 1 p•m - 8 p.m. Sat. June 4, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Village of Blyth . . Mon. May 30 & Tues. May 31, 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. Sat. June 4, 10 a,m, - 4 p.m. Village of Brussels . Thur. May 26 & Fri. May 27, 1 p.m. - 8 p.m Sat. May 28, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Village of Hensall Tues. May 24 & Wed. May 25, 1 p.m. - 8 p.m, Sat. May 28, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Village of Zurich Tues. May 24 & Wed. May 25, 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. Sat. May 28, 10 a m - 4 p. m. Thur. May 26 & Fri. May 27. 1 p.m. - 8 p.m Sat. May 28, 10 a.m - 4 p.m Tues. May 24 & Wed. May 25, 1 p.m. - 8 p.m, Sat May 28. 10 a m. - 4 p.m Township of Ashfield Township of Colborne Township of East Wawanosh Township of Godench ' Township of Grey Township of Hay Township of Howick Township of Hullett Township of McKillop Township of Morris Township 01 Stanley Township of Stephen Township of Tuckersmith Township of Turnberry Township of Usborne Township of West Wawanosh Ontario Ministry of Revenue Mon. May 30 & Tues May 31. l p m -8pm Sat. June 4, 10 a. m - 4pm. Tues. May 24 & Wed May 25. 1 p.m - 8 p m Sat. May 28, 10 a.m. - 4 p m Thur May 26 & Fri May 27. 1 p m -8pm Sat May 28, 10 a m -4pm Tues May 24 & Wed. May 25. 1 p m -8pm Sat May 28. 10 a m -4p m Wed June 1& Thur June 2. f p m-8pm Sat June 4. 10 a m- 4 pm Mon May 30&Tues May 31, 1 p m • - 8 p m Sat June 4, 10 am -4pm Wed June 1 & Thur June 2 10 m -8pm Sat June 4. 10 a m -4pm Thur May 26 & Fri May 27. 1 pm -8pm Sat May 28 10 am -4pm Wed June 1& Thur June 2 l p m- 8pm Sat June4.10am -4pm Thur May 26 & Fri May 27. 1 p m -8pm Sat May 28. 10 a m -4pm Mon May 30 & Tues May 31 , 1 p m -8pm Sat June 4. 10 a m -4pm Mon May 30 & Tues May 31 . 1 p m -8pm Sat June 4. 10 a m -4pm Thur May 26 & Fri May 27. 1 p m - a p m Sal May 28.10am -4pm Thur May 26 & Fri May 27. 1 p m -8pm Sat May 28. 10 a m -4pm HURON. PERTH REGIONAL ASSESSMENT OFFICE 57 Napier Street, Box 190 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Z2 (519) 524-7326, 1-800-265-5192 Clinton Town Hall Council Chamber Exeter Olde Town Hall Second Floor Assessment Office Boardroom 57 Napier Street. Godench Seaforth Town Hall Second Floor Wingham,Town Hall Bayfield Municipal Office Clinton Town Hall Council Chamber Brussels Community Centre, Second Floor Zurich Arena Auditorium Zurich Arena Auditorium Dungannon Agricultural Hall Assessment Office Boardroom 57 Napier Street. Goderich Wingham Town Hall Assessment Office Boardroom 57 Napier Street. Goderich Brussels Community Centre. Second Floor Zurich Arena Auditorium Gorse Community Hall Clinton Town Hall Council Chamber Seaforth Town Hall Second Floor Brussels Community Centre Second Floor Bayheld Municipal Office Exeter Olde Town Hall Second Floor Clinton Town Hall Council Chamber Wingham Town Hall Exeter Olde Town Hall Second Floor Dungannon Agricultural Hall Call collect If you are located outside of the toll-free area