The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-05-18, Page 1CELEBRATE IN 1988 LUCKNOW'S 130th CELEBRATION JUNE 30 - JULY 3, 1988 L.e.,-.._ (PUBLISHED IN LUCKNOW ONTARIO Council approves new sidewalk construction Pedestrians in Lucknow will soon have 950.more feet of sidewalk at their disposal following the acceptance by the Village Council of the work quotes presented by Claude Guay. The decision was made during Council's regular monthly meeting held last week. A total of 525 feet of sidewalk will be in- stalled from the East Bridge on Willoughby Street to the Luckow Public School while an additional 425 feet in repairs to various other sections of sidewalks around town will also be undertaken. The total cost of the repair and installa- tion will be $6,222.50 and Council requested the work start as soon as possible. In other business covered during Tues- day's meeting, Council heard from John Brudacher, manager of Treleaven's Mill, that the three 37.5 kv transformers in place at the mill are becoming overloaded. Mr. Brudacher explained that 100 kv transformers would be needed to satisfy the present needs of the business. In an effort to allow for a certain amount of expansion, Council agreed to the in- stallation of 347 to 600 kv, three-phase transformers on a pole location as opposed to the present platform location. Ken Saxton of the Wingham PUC does the hydro work for the Village of Lucknow and he has been instructed to locate and in - The search The search for Miss Lucknow 1988 has begun and the Lucknow Agricultural Society, sponsor of the annual event, is asking for the co-operation of local businesses, organizations and service clubs. The big evening for the girls entered in this year's Miss Lucknow Contest will be Thursday, June 30 at a dance hosted by Crippled Ducks in the Lucknow Communi- ty Centre. The celebration is being held in conjuntion with Lucknow's 130 year reunion. The winner on June 30th will be crowned Miss Lucknow Fall Fair on September 16 and will go on to represent the Lucknow Ag. Society in the Miss Mid -Western On- tario Pageant. The pageant this year will be held in Lucknow on September 17. The lucky Miss Lucknow will also repre- sent the Ag. Society at their convention in Toronto in February and her reign as Queen will come to a climax in August 1989 when queens from all across Ontario vie Office hours Due to the long holiday weekend, the Lucknow Sentinel Office will be closed next Monday, May 23. Please note that all advertising and editorial copy for the May 25 edition of the Sentinel is required to be in this office by 3 p.m. Friday, May 20. The Sentinel staff would like to take this opportunity to wish yon and yours a safe and happy Victoria Day Weekend. stall these transformers. The Bruce County Weed Inspector, Lorne Robinson, waited on Council as well and presented four weeds that are current- ly causing problems in the area. The infor- mation has since been passed along to Gary Austin, Lucknow's Weed Inspector, as he will be doing the spraying later this spring. Rick Passmore approached council with concerns of the large amount of water he gets in the form of runoff from Ross Street during heavy rains. Council, after hearing his concerns, agreed to consider the in- stallation of gutters and curbs when the paving of Albert Street takes place this summer. Road has to go Tom Broome of Lucknow was informed by Council during their meeting last week that a road and culvert he recently install- ed on town property would have to be removed as per an order from the Village By -Law Officer. Town Foreman, Gary Austin, was in- structed to install barricades at the ends of the road until it has been removed by Mr. Broome. The final business undertaken by Coun- cil during their May meeting was to ap- prove a donation of $250 to the Salvation Army. has begun for the title of Queen of the Fair at the C.N.E. This year, Heather Howald, Miss Lucknow 1987, will represent the village at the C.N.E. All girls planning to enter this exciting competition should be single and between the ages of 17 and 22 as of August 1. They should also reside withion a 15 mile radius of Lucknow. Find a contestant Contestants will be judged on the basis of personality, appearance, interviews, speech and overall deportment. Street dresses are worn by the contestants. Young ladies who have entered the com- petition before but have not won are eligi- ble, although any girl who is presently a pageant title holder is ineligible. Contestants must not be with child or have had a child at the time of the pageant, or if crowned Miss Lucknow, until the com- pletion of her reign. Any business or organization who wishes to sponsor a contestant is asked to select a representative, have her fill in the entry form available from the Lucknow Agriculture Society, and provide a sash with your organiaztion's name on it. A cor- sage is optional. Once you have a girl selected for the Queen of the Fair Contest, please forward the application form to the Queen Commit- tee as they have gifts to purchase for all the contestants. The Lucknow Agricultural Society has high hopes that as many businesses as possible in the area will participate. Your attention to this matter prior to June 15 would be greatly appreciated. Help Celebrate in '88 - sponsor a Miss Lucknow contestant! 40C PER COPY A great deal of damage has been done in the area over the past week due to the gale force winds. The storm Sunday night caused the huge pine tree (above) to come crashing through the front door of the home owned by A.J. Wilson in Lucknow. It took a chainsaw to remove the offending tree from the front room of the home. The Lougheed residence next door also sustained damaged windows during the storm. Last week, a near tornado in Dungannon played havoc with sheds, shingles and barns. The shed on the Doney farm, below, couldn't stand the pressure and tumbled down. As well, a funnel cloud was sighted near Belgrave on Monday, although there have been no reports of any serious damage. (Pat Livingston photos) Fire claims trailer The Lucknow Fire Department respond- ed to an alarm call over the weekend which took them, in poor weather condi- tions, to Port Albert. There the crew discovered a trailer home completely engulfed in flames. The alarm was turned in at approx- imately 7 p.m. Sunday. The cause of the blaze, which completely destroyed the trailer and its contents, is thought to have been due to lightning striking the televi- sion antenna. Damages have been estimated at $35,000. The trailer was owned by David Bednarz of London who used the trailer as a sum- mer home. Mr. Bednarz had left the trailer to return to London just minutes before the fire broke out. The nine man fire fighting crew from Lucknow hadgreat difficulty in making a quick arrival on the scene due to the heavy rain and stormy conditions at the time of the alarm. As well, Fire Chief Bud Hamilton has said his crew had to contend with a live hydro line down at the fire site. "The line was snapping at us for about two hours before the hydro crew could ar- rive," Hamilton told the Sentinel. "It was quite dangerous for a time." In addition to the heavy rain, Hamilton said the fire truck and its crew had to con- tend with a number of vehicles passing them on the roadway. This, of course, is quite illegal and the next time such an event occurs, licence plate numbers will be noted and passed along to police. Bednarz, the owner of the trailer, has since contacted the Lucknow Fire Depart- ment for the details of the blaze and while he is understandably disappointed, he is also relieved not to have been inside the structure when the lightning struck.