The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-04-27, Page 14Page 14—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 27, 1988 Craig Hardwoods Ltd. —Auburn— Buying bush Tots or selected trees TOP CASH PRICES Talk to one of our buyers about enjoying the benefits of good Market Prices CALL 519-526-7220 —FIREWOOD— Have you considered Hardwood Slabs? They are approximately one-half the price of Body Wood We can deliver in 17 cu. yd. boxfuls. We also have a quantity of wood logs available for pick-up or delivery. Setting the Record Straight Is Freemasonry A Secret Organization? Absolutely not. Where and when Masons meet is public knowledge, as are their objectives and activities. The only "secrets" are the ways in which Masons recognize each other. Is Freemasonry Some Sort of Religion? It is not a religion and the subject is never dis- cussed at Masonic meetings. A Mason must have a belief in a Supreme Being,ut his particular faith or creed is a personal and private matter. Are Masons Obliged to Help Each Other in Business? No, Freemasonry is not organized for member profit, career enhancement or political advantage. Its purpose is to teach morality, encourage charity and practice worldwide brotherly love. Do Masons Ever Discuss the Order with Nonmasons? Yes, Masons welcome opportunities to talk about Masonry. As a policy, they do not solicit new members but are always ready to respond to those interested in becoming a member. If you have other questions or would like ' '„ more, talk to a Mason. Or write to our Gram+ u( ij;, ice on King Street Westin Hamilton for a I i dhlet outlining our activities, objectives and history. The mailing address is: The Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario Box 217, Postal Station '1 Hamilton, Ontario l8N 3L9 This message courtesy of: OLD LIGHTLODGE #184 A.F. & A.M. Hockey awards night The Lucknow Minor Hockey Association held their annual awards night an4 quet on Saturday evening and while many laurels were handea-man`y deserving players, we only have room to show you a few. In the photo above, Mrs. Nancy MacIntyre invsents Shawn Belmore with the Allan Maclntyre Memorial Trophy givegeaen year to the most valuable Atom defenseman. Shawn had an outstanding year with the Lucknow Atoms and was obviously very hap- py to receive the BIG award. Below, Chris Stevenson looks like he just couldn't beleive his eyes when he was call- ed to the stage to be awarded the Stewart Mann Memorial Trophy for having the highest point average during the regular season with the Lucknow PeeWee A's. That's Eldon Mann helping Chris carry his loot. It was a big night for Lucknow Minor Hockey over the weekend and rightly so as the past season was very successful for our local players...not to mention the excitement it brought to the fans. (Marg Burkhart photos) Eric's port Eric's snack Eric's smile PARTICIPACTION MAKES PERFECT kra