The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-04-13, Page 19UCW Units gather Unit One Unit 1 of the United Church Women met at Pinecrest Manor on April 5. A selection of familiar hymns were sung with Isobel Shepherd at the piano. • Laura Hare gave the scripture reading from Luke 24: Verses 13 to 28. Lois Walden had the meditation Good News. Alleda Ir- win gave a reading This Easter Gift. Bet- ween hymns Lois Walden gave Easter Message verses and closed with a Benediction. Prior to the business portion of the meeting, the ladies serviced homemade cookies to and visited with the residents. Deanna Reavie opened with a verse Sow- ing Seeds. The minutes of the March meeting were read and adopted. The rollcall was answered with an Easter Bible Verse by 12 members and one visitor. The treasurer's report was received, followed by Jessica Hare passing the Mystery Jar, the donation to which was five cnets for every Sunday you missed church last month. A Cambodian refugee wrote the Fellowship of the Least Coin. ' The unit is invited to attend the Trinity Thankoffering on April 17, guest speaker Muriel Coultes. Goodwill Industries will pickup donated articles at the church on May 1. The unit will cater to the Beavers' ban- quet on April 27. Laura Hare gave a report on her day at. Presbyterial. In the Bible Study time they had five minutes to rewrite the parable of the Good Samaritan as it would happen today. Grace Gibson gave the Bible Study on Mary Magdelene, followed by the visiting committee's report. Lois Walden gave information on the new resource books: Little by Little by Jean Little; a book to help with worships and one on themes for program help. The meeting closed with the UCW benedition. Unit Two - Unit Two met on April 5 at the home of Margaret Cameron. Marion MacFarlane opened the gathering with an Easter poem and followed with the Fellowship of the Least Coin. Fourteen members answered the roll call with a verse from the Easter Story. The minutes were then read an approved. The treasurer's report was also read and four birthdays were added to the birthday fund. A Get Well card was signed by all for Leonard Ritchie. Mrs. MacFarlane reported that a truck would be picking up the bales in May and it was pointed out that a Report from the Bruce Presbyterial was available for all to read. Mary MacGillivray presided over the program and began with a poem. Edyth MacKenzie read the scripture while the Easter Reading was taken by Norma Campbell. "April Showers Bring (lay Flowers" was presented by Mary as well. The meeting closed with a prayer from Margaret Cameron and a lovely lunch was served. The hostesses were Norma Camp- bell and Marion MacFarlane. Unit Three Unit 3 met in the church parlour Tues- day, April 5, with Mrs. Hunter presiding in the absence of Mrs. Albert Cook. She open- ed with Easter is the Highlight of the Christian Year, followed by prayer. The minutes were read and approved. The Fellowship of the Least Coin was taken and the prayer repeated. Mrs. William Bolt gave the treasurer's report. Unit 3 now has 16 paid memberships. Happy birthday was sung to four members and donations added to the jar. Mrs. Hunter gave the announcements followed by the Citizenship report from Mrs. Goodhue. The following reports were received: Mrs. Hunter on visitation; Mrs. Dexter on the Blanket Fund and Mrs. Hunter on the Bruce Presbyterial. The program was opened by Mrs. Mur- ray Henderson with an Easter Hymn, followed by Mrs. Lemoine giving the scripture. The Meditation was taken by Jean Con- ley, Anna Dexter, Shirley Bolt and Ruth Pritchard, followed by a hymn. Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Edith Webster gave readings. Mrs. Webster played several spring numbers and the ladies en- joyed a sing song. The meeting closed with the Benediction and a Biblical contest. Unit Four Unit 4 of the Lucknow United Church Women met on Tuesday, April 5. Mrs. Gor- don Johnstone, program convenor, con- ducted the devotions opening • with an Easter verse and hymn. Mrs. Johnstone, assisted by Mrs. Gordon Brooks, Mrs. George McBride and Miss Norma Weatherhead read quotes and passages of scripture on the theme Caring, with Mrs. Johnstone closing with prayer. Mrs. McBride gave a read, The Empty Tomb, taken from the booklet, Our Daily Bread. God's gift of Creation was the mission study with Mrs. Brooks taking Zambia and Mrs. McBride Manitoba. They compared rural lives and everyday living in each country. An interesting discussion follow- ed with the ladies giving a short history of their ancestors, telling how they. came to Candada, some clearing the land, some homestading. They also diF ssed ale many privileges, to be appreciated and thankful for, which we enjoy in Canada. Mrs. McBride conducted a Bible quiz. The business followed with Mrs. McBride, unit leader, opening with a reading from the Friendship Book. Mrs. Ernest Snowden conducted the Fellowship of the least coin, with prayer for Costa Rica. The rollcall was answered by 18 with an Easter Thought. Mrs. Gerald McFarlane gave a report of the Presbyterial annual held in Walkerton. An invitation was received to attend the Trinity UCW Thankoffering on April 17. The articles for Goodwill are to, be in by May 1. Reports were given by treasurer, Mrs. Ken Cameron and for Amnesty by Mrs. Gordon Caley. Mrs. Cliff Crawford reported for community friendship, Mrs. Stuart Collyer for citizenship and social action and Mrs. Snowden for flowers. Mrs. Jack Treleaven asked for helpers for the father and son banquet on April 27. Mrs. McBride closed the meeting with prayer and a social time followed. Festive occasions BLYTH - What do Zadok The Priest, Lovers In Spring and Cats have in com- mon?They are all part of a marvelous con- cert to celebrate festive occasions on April 23 at 8 p.m. in Blyth Memorial Hall, presented by the Blyth Festival Singers and the Georgian Bay Community Choir. The varied repertoire will celebrate weddings, coronations, national pride, broadway and, of course, lovers in spring. The audience will find many familiar tunes throughout the concert. Remember humming along to Elgar's famous Land of Hope and Glory at your graduation? Well, now is your chance to sing along with this classic, majestic, musical tribute to the glories of the Empire, as well as some other well-known pieces. The Blyth Festival Singers are pleased to welcome the Georgian Bay Community Choir to their stage and introduce them to the Blyth audience. the same concert by the two choirs will be presented again in Owen Sound on May 1. Tickets for the Blyth concert on April 23 are $6. for adults and $2. for children and are available from choir members, the Blyth Festival box office (523-9300), The Saga (523-4331). and Clinton Pro Hardware (482-7023). Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 13, 1988—Page 19 B.A McDONAGH REAL ESTATE 2S. INSURANCE LTD. 528-2031 FARMS LUCKNOW CULROSS TWP. -300 acres Teeswater loam, 250 acres workable, 2 sets of buildings. Mortgage available to qualified purchaser. KINLOSS — 110 acres, -with 90 acres drained and level, drilled well, electric pump, balance bush. Asking '55,000.00. KINLOSS - 90.5 acres, level and drained. 3 bedroom home, 2 baths, barns and 2 im- plement sheds. Asking '75,000. KINLOSS - 100 acres, around 65 workable, fairly level and fair drainage, balance bush. LUCKNOW - 3 bedroom house on Havelock St. Priced to sell. Listings, Wanted FRASER MacKINNON 528-3013 BARRY M'cDONAGH . 528-3821 DAVID MacKINNON 395-2483 HUTTON NINE year old brick bungalow on a Targe lot - in like new condition. liv- ing room, dining room, kitchen, good custom cupboards, full base- ment, electric heating. Patio doors to deck. Water softener. Storage shed. Asking price now reduced to $58.000. Location: Lucknow. ************ BELGRAVE - 2 bedroom brick bungalow. living room, dining room, kitchen with new cupboards. Full basement (could have rec. room), walkout to paved drive. Garage. Large lot. ************ 10 ACRES - Ranch style home not completed. Situated 3 miles from Wingham. Rooms are spacious, 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, partially finish- ed rec. room and much more. 2 car garage. ************ 47 ACRES on highway. 41/2 acres open land, balance bush. 2 bedroom house, barn, workshop. Near Wingham. ************ LUCKNOW area farms include 2 hog farms and one 100 acre dairy farm with brick house. 40 x 60 older barn - 32 x 84 newer barn 16 `x 50 silo. Very low asking price.. ************ Mel Mathers, Wingham 357-3208 LLOYD W. HUTPON Real Estate Ltd. Broker, Kincardine Ripley Huron Central School Kindergarten Orientation Evening� Wed. April 13 8p.m. For parents of children who will be attending Kindergarten in September 1988. Kindergarten Registration Preschool Assessment Wed. April 27 WALKERTON HOME & GARDEN SHOW April 29, 30 & May 1, 1988` Friday, April 29, 2 p.m. -9 p.m. Saturday, April 30, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday, May 1, 12 noon -6 p.m. Numerous Door Prizes Snack Bar Adults $2.00 Students & Seniors $1.00 Children FREE if accompanied by an adult. WALKERTON COMMUNITY CENTRE