The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-04-13, Page 16Page 16—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 13, 1988 Watson and Schmidt Chartered Accountants 970 Queen St., Kincardine Offering income tax, com- puter, accounting, auditing and management services. 396-3425 Steven D. Watson, C.A. Barry W. Schmidt, C.A. LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN DATES April Fri., 15 - 22 - 29 Sat. 16 - 30 May Fri. 13-20-27 Sat. 21 - 28 CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9 A.M. and 6 P.M. ONLY 528-3532 "STEP OUT IN STYLE" FOR YOUR GRADUATION FORMAL with TASKERS Formal Wear Rent your tuxedo for only $5995 Tails $69.95 At Taskers, we are offering Bud Gowan Formal Wear at a special STUDENT RENTAL PRICE of only $59.95 for a tuxedo rental. Make your memorable evening complete, visit Taskers. We have a large range of styles and colours to choose from. PLUS ... FREE DRAW! By renting your tuxedo at Taskers, you name will be entered in our draw. You could be the lucky student who will receive your tuxedo rental FREE. PLUS ... FREE CAP! 'MAKE IT YOUR FUTURE — DON'T DRINK & DRIVE! caps will be issued with every tuxedo rented! asker's or Men &Women 32 West Strret, Shoppers Squarr 5ode►ich 524-4312 South Kinloss W.M.S. Tuesday, April 5 saw the South Kinloss W.M.S. meet for their Easter Thankoffer- ing at the home of hostess Mrs. Jesse Johnston. Directors of the meeting present were Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall, Mrs. Ted Collyer and Mrs. Harold Campbell. The guests speaker for the evening was Miss Ruth Thompson who spoke to the group on her experiences in Russia. A reading entitled "On Easter Morn" was given by Mrs. Leonard Clarke to welcome all. Tne roll call was answered with favorite Easter verse or hymns by 23 members and 4 guests. Mrs. MacDougall gave the Bible Study from St. Luke on the cruxifiction follwed by thoughts on forgiveness. She concluded with a poem, "The Promise of Easter" and a prayer. The paryer circle included Mrs. Harry Lairs, Mrs. Janie Hamilton and Mrs. Bruce Hamilton. The offering was col- lected and followed by an offeratory prayer by Mrs. Rev. Allison Ramsay. At this point in the evening, Miss Thomp- son gave her recollectoons of her trip to Russia in 1974. It was a well prepared and humourous report that included post cards and picture books. Mrs. MacDougall thanked Ruth for her insights and presented her with a small gift of thanks. Mrs. Campbell read a peom, "Happiness is Spring" before the business matters were discussed. Various reports were given and numerous Easter Hymns were sung throughout the evening. Mrs. Olive Needham gave the closing prayers with Mrs. Campbell offering the courtesy remarks. Grace was sung before a spring-like luncheon of angel cake and ice cream was enjoyed by all. The next meeting of the South Kinloss W.M.S. will be the 100th Anniversary meeting held May 4 at 7:30 p.m. The special guest speaker will be Mrs. Evan Keith, President of the Presbyterial. This meeting promises to be an evening of good Christain entertainment and all past and present members are invited to attend. It's Volunteer Week Volunteers can be found at work in all segments of our rural communities. They are active in voluntary and self-help organizations, and they work for not-for- profit services such as schools and hospitals. Volunteers form the basis for communi- ty life as they provide thousands of ser- vices to citizens in Ontario. National Volunteer Week, April 17-23, is just one op- portunity to recognize the many volunteers in Ontario. There are over one million volunteers active in Ontario every year. Many of these people donate their time within the rural community. As members of organizations, 4-H leaders, organizing local fairs and helping to conduct pro- grams, the volunteers provide countless hours of service. FARM REPORT [BRUCE COUNTY OMAF] During Volunteer Week in Ontario, ac- tivities will focus public attention on the contributions of a wide variety of volunteers and publicly thank them for their contributions. The celebration also encourages all citizens to become more ac- tively involved in meeting needs in the rural community. For more information on how you can volunteer, contact Brita Ball, Rural Organization Specialist, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Walkerton, Ontario. Brookside held an Enrichment Program on April 6-8. There were five different schools here, both boys and girls from grade 3 and 4. The program was on "Mysteries of the Deep." They made Islands from different materials such as plasticine, paint tissue paper, salt, flour, tape, shells, pipecleaners and more. The students had interesting islands including a Mermaid Island, Holiday Island and an Austumn Island. For the second and third day, they did research on a topic about the sea. On the third day they presented their work. Some comments from the students were: Jason Lobb from Holmesville Public School said that hp had fun. Tammy Middlecamp from Brookside said that she enjoyed the activities. Robbie Bogie of Colborne Central School added that he really wanted to come to the program. The children in Miss Jewitt's Grade 1 class have been surprised by two visits from baby animals. Last week, Mr. Graham showed a baby lamb. This week Mr, McQuail brought in a baby goat. The children were very excited about leading the baby goat around the room on a leash. They learned about what the baby animals eat and how they only have teeth on the bottom of their mouth. Thanks to Mr. Mc - Quail and Mr. Graham. The Dinosaur Den has had the pleasure of a"three day visit from Mrs. Webster this week. She taught us how to make wonder- ful bread dough people (We made ourselves!) and then we learned how to write an essay (! !) We each wrote a three paragraph essay to tell how we made the dough people. We're sorry to be losing Serene Fox, and wish her happiness in her new home in Blyth. Stuart Hackett is our Special Me this week. Mrs. Ottewell's class had big eyes on Tuesday when Susan Bieman brought in a huge chocolate egg that she wort. Some people in our class are learning to be authors - with Mrs. Blake's help. We are gerbil sitting Mr. Farnell's gerbils for a few days. They are fun to watch. Chris Fox BROOKSIDE BROADCAST is moving to Blyth. We will miss him. Hap- py April Birthdays to Brent Cameron, Caroline and Taylor Park. In Mrs. Worsell's Grade 5 class one group did Library Research on famous people this week. . Congratulations to Colin Hogan and Michelle McClinchey who both have new baby brothers! Miss Cardiff from the Ministry of Natural Resources visited Grade 6 on March 30th. She talked about how we can save our wildlife habitat and our en- dangered species. When she was done talk- ing, she handed out posters and iron -on transfers of loons, to put on shirts. We real- ly enjoyed her visit and we hope she visits us again. Mrs. Allen's class is starting props for our spring concert on April 19. On June 7, our class will be having a skip-a-thon with Miss Clynick to raise money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Sometime before our skip-a-thon the Wingi►am High School will be coming to show us different skipp- ing techniques. Miss Clynick wants to pro- ve that skipping is good exercise. We will be receiving special skipping ropes for our skip-a-thon, and a boy and girl will be chosen to receive a Jump rope for Heart t - shirt. Brookside's Science Fair was held on Thursday and Friday April 7 and 8. Two projects were selected from the In- termediate Grades to advance to the Huron County Science Fair at the Clinton Legion. Congratulations to Vanessa Alton who tested senses and to Jodi Webster whose project was called "Hamburger." Vanessa and Jodi will be participating in the County Fair on April 16. Interested parents, students and friends are invited to attend the open house from 5:00 to 8:30 at the Clinton Legion,