The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-03-23, Page 16a. • Or Page 16—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 23, 1988 Mixed Couples League Final results - Team Standings: Chipmunks -259, Kangaroos -251, Wolverines -232', Gophers -220„ Squirrels -215, Tigers -208' The ladies high single score of 241 was . rolled last week by Marie Scott. Marie also captured the triple high score with 596. On the men's side, it was Gerald Rhody with a single of 276 and a triple score of 698. Games Over 200: Marie Scott -241; Merle Rhody-229; Dean Agnew -204; Betty VanOsch-201; Gerald Rhody-276, 225; Russel Swan -250; Wayne Bell -203; Pete VanOsch-200. Congratulations to the Chipminks who are now the season champs for a second year in a row. Any challengers? Town and Country League Team Standings: Crocuses -68, Snowdrops -65, Hyacinths -62, Daffodils -57, Tulips -49, Pansies -44. Harold Campbell was the high man of the week with a single score of 242 and a double of 402. On the ladies' side of things, it was Fern McDonald with the high single of 191 while Grace Geertsma took the high double with a score of 351. Ladies Thursday League Team Standings: Bashful -101, Grumpy -96, Dopey -95, Sneezy -93, Happy -76, Sleepy -66. Joanne Hodgins had a big week at the alley by rolling the high single of 284 and the high triple of 748. Good bowling, Joanne! Games Over 200: • Nancy Farrish-221; Joanne Hodgins -255, 209, 284; Sandra Bickford -203; Marie Scott -206; Marg Wilson -217; Barb Tyler -261; Dianne Wall -204; Wilma Elliott -237. Ladies Monday League Final Team Standings: Cockateels-86, Flamingos -85, Peacocks -78, Toucans -68, Parakeets -55, parrots -48. Chris McDonald rolled the high single score last week of 281 while the high triple score came from Barb Tyler with a 710. Games Over 200: Mae Hunter -200; Marie Park -203, 237; Barb Jardine -205; Marlene BOWLING MacDonald -208; Shirley Kennedy -207; Chris McDonald -214, 281; Grace Elliott -261; Barb Ross -275, 241. Congratulations to the Cockateels on winning the season with a final total of 86 points, with honourable mention to the Flamingos who placed a very close second with 85. OLIVET by Lorraine McGuire Congratulations to the boys of the Ripley Atom hockey team who beat Lucknow 3 straight m the semi-finals. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Sickle entertained the parents and players of the team on Thursday even- ing, March 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Steele of London spent the weekend at their home here. Congratulations to Jana Keller and David Black of Dundas on the birth of their baby boy, Neil Andrew, proud grand- mother is Mrs. Mary Black of ,Lucknow formerly of the 4th con. of Huron Twp. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Black and girls visited with relatives in London recently. Rick Smith and Peter Van Sickle attend- ed a hockey game in Goderich last Thurs- day as part of Young Canada Week. Mr. and Mrs.Mike Moskal and Adon of Caledonia visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGuire and Brian. They also called on Mrs. Mary Black of Lucknow and Mrs. Dorothy Engel of Lurgan Beach; Janet Casler, Janie and Aaron. BIRTHS SIMPSON-Art and Jackie of RR3 Goderich are thrilled to announce the birth of their second daughter, Rachel Colleen, on March 16, 1988 in the Wingham and District Hospital. Rachel weighed in at 7 lbs, 12 oz at birth and is a wee sister for Ab- by. Spoiling priviledges go to grand- parents Bob and Jean Simpson and Mrs. Clarice (Mark) Dalton, all of RR3 Goderich. WARD MALLETTE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS offering a full range of accounting, auditing, income tax, computer K management services Hanover W. J. Aldersley, FCA L. H. Vollett, CA • 364-3790 Walkerton B.F. Thomson; FCA R. J. Millen, CA G, H. Munro, CA P. Thor, CA • 881-1211 Mount Forest K. L. Drier, CA 323-2351 LES PETTER SHOES Duckies 2 0°!0 2001 Jeansoff LADIES' ACID WASH CHARMAN'S LUCKNOW 528-2011 Village Of Lucknow NOTICE TO ALL DOG OWNERS Dog tags are available at the Municipal Office. Under By-law No. 10-1983 all dogs must be registered.' Failure to register may result in a .fine under the Provincial Offences Act. .L Farrell Animal Control Officer B.M. Whitcroft Clerk -Treasurer OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK LUCKNOW Ram's Groceteria WE DELIVER 528-3420 KRAFT 500 G. Peanut Butter • 99Macaroni KRAFT 225 G. & Cheese • Dinner • 9 CAMPBELL'S 10 OZ. Cream of Mushroom Sou p • 59 GREEN GIANT 14 OZ. Beans, Corn, Peas Vegetables 1 •I 7 UNCLE BEN'S 400 G. Roil -in -Rag Rice • 99 SCHNEIDERS 1 LB. TUB Soft Margarine • 79 HOSTESS 200 G. Potato49. ChipsCheese • BEATRICE 500 G., 2%, Cottage • 79 1.5 L. Pepsi Cola • 99 Plus Deposit WONDER Milk Bread • 99 SESAME, PKG. OF 8 Hamburg & Wiener Buns 45 • n 7 WESTON Lemon or Jam Buns • .79 P.E.I. 20 LB. BAG 1 Potatoes • Bag Granny Smith Apples 6 • Celery • 69 Buy Your Tickets At "Bain's',' Wintario SuLoto per Instant 1lei.%' - Provincial What Could Be More Convenient! e