The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-03-09, Page 10Hyland Seeds...A Crowing Tradition LuFkuow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 9, 1988—Page 9 May recommends large print reading material The Holyrood Women's Institute held their entertaining evening at the hall on Thurs. March 3rd with guests from Lucknow, Kairshea, Ripley, Silver Lake and the Whitechurch Institutes. The President, Mrs. Harold Smith, welcomed everyone and opened with a poem. All joined in singing the Institute Ode and repeated The Mary Stewart Collect. Agriculture was the topic and the presi- dent introduced the guest speaker, Brita Ball of Walkerton, Rural Organization and Services Branch who gave a splendid talk on her work and explained the services which are available to institutes or other groups by contacting their office at Walkerton. She had on display much information pertaining to agriculture and handed out brochures and she praised the 4-H work which gives self-confidence and self- esteem to young people. The poster on display was "Tap your resources", and she showed each heading on the screen. May, Boyle on behalf of the Holyrood W.I. thanked the speaker and presented her with a gift and a hearty round of ap- plause was given by all present. The assistant secretary Mrs. William MacPherson read the minutes and com- munications and a donation was given to the Lucknow Agriculture Society. A workshop will be held in Walkerton on March 29th. Mrs. Agnes Hodgins is the April hostess (at her home) at 1230 p.m. On entering, each was given a Length of thread and as their names vi%ere called for the roll call each member stood, gave their name and institute they were from and told a story the length of the thread. It made a lot of fun. 1 By May Boyle. The President began the program part with a lovely thought "Take Time". Miss Donna Johnston favoured with piano music. Mrs. Frank Maulden read "Fan- tasy Island". Then little Mary who was so cute in her little girl attire ( really resembl- ed Miss Elizabeth Robinson to a tea) told her version about husbands which gave everyone a hearty laugh. This was followed by a game by the President and Mrs. Glen Haldenby was the last one left standing and won the prize. Mrs. Mayme Roulston gave two readings and Mrs. McGuire gave some jokes. The secretary Mrs. Douglas McEwan gave a nice reading. 0 Canada and the grace were sung with the W.I. pianist Miss Edna Boyle at the piano and all enjoyed a time of food and fellowship. Each visiting branch expressed thanks for the lovely meeting and pleasant time together and such a perfect night for ladies driving. Betty Smith made a fitting reply and all agreed the more we get together the happier we will be. Mrs. William E. Haldenby formerly of here is a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. William is at Pinecrest Manor. Mr. Allan R.hody is home from the hospital convalescing with a leg cast after an unfortunate accident while at work. We all send get well wishes. Some from here enjoyed the hot turkey dinner at Kinloss on Sunday put on by the Silver Lake Women's Institute. Friday was the World Day of Prayer and Hyland Quality Feed Barley In 1988 plant Hyland Certified Seed for quality feed barley production. For Straight Barley or Mixed Grain, choose the proven performers. BIRHA RODEO INGO A plump two -rowed Barley with very high test weight. Short stiff straw and high yields are characteristic of Birka - a quality high T.D.N. Feed Barley An early maturing two -rowed variety with outstanding yield and high test weight. You can expect .excellent protein and T.D.N. levels with Rodeo. IT'S YOUR CHOICE! The dependable high yielding six - rowed variety. Year atter year reliable Mingo produces quality feed in both Barley and Mixed Grain programs. Seatorth 345-2545 P1. Albert 529-7901 SEEDS FERTILIZERS Hensel) 262-2527 Mitchell 348-8433 Ailsa Craig 293-3223 Granton ?25-2360 P for this area the service was held in the Anglican Church with the A.C.W. and Presbyterian W.M.S. always worshipping together for that Prayer Day. Mrs. Ronald Thacker greeted the ladies. For the prelude, the church organist Miss Edna Boyle played Sweet Hour of Prayer. Owing to the illness of Mrs. Fred Page who was to be this year's leader, the A.C.W. president Mrs. Roy Collins was leader, and after welcoming everyone gave a splendid outline of Brazil, as the Brazilian women had prepared the pro- gram to be used worldwide. Readers and leaders and voices were taken by either the W.M.S. ladies or A.C.W. ladies. The centennial hymn, written especially for last year's pamphlet, was also used this year and The Lord's Prayer and suitable hymns were sung. A splendid address was given by Rev. Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce is seeking the public's assistance in the investigation of an armed robbery which took place on the Sunset Strip, Owen Sound, Ontario. The Owen Sound Detachment of the O.P.P. report that at approximately 7:65 p.m. on December 12th, 1987, an armed robbery occurred at the MP Service Sta- tion on the Sunset Strip, Owen Sound. The female cashier was confronted by a male suspect brandishing a knife with a six to eight inch blade. The suspect demanded the cashier hand over all her cash. The suspect took approximately $130.00 in cash. The cashier was locked in the washroom and the suspect departed on foot. The suspect is described as being a white male in his early twenties, 5'10" to 6' in Merelyn Letson who also read two scrip- ture passages which gave much foots for thought on the theme Open Doors. The of- fering was being sent to the John Milton Society that prints a helpful publication with large print so folks with impaired vi- sion can read and it has interesting ar- ticles from all religious denominations. (Your correspondent has subscribed for it for years. My first introduction to it was by reading it to a dear lady with faulty vision. I like to pass mine on to others also to enjoy ). Mrs. Don Robertson and Mrs. Don Bushell volunteered to be the leaders for the Prayer Day 1989 service at the Kinlough Presbyterian Church. Apprecia- tion was extended to our speaker and all who took part and a time of food and fellowship eneded a spirtual refreshing afternoon. CRIME. TOPPERS 1-800-265-37$7 l height, medium build, wearing a beige hip length nylon coat, and dark balaclava with one opening for'both eyes. The suspect was very aggressive when he confronted the cashier. If you feel you can help in this or any other case, Crime Stoppers of Grey Bruce is willing to pay a reward up to $1,000.00 for information that leads to an arrest. Call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-265-3787. You need not identify yourself and all information is strictly confidential. HOT WATER... CLEANING POWER ... The Karcher Power Washer makes its own hot water for just pennies, and cleans 100% faster. Cold and Hot Water MOL ,s to Choose from FREE DEMONSTRATION Pick out one of your toughest cleaning problems and we will come out and give you a FREE cleaning demonstration We Do Lease Don't buy unless you give a Karcher a try! 61.1 HURON TRACTOR BLYTH, ONTARIO 523-4244 For a free demonstration contact: Kevin Buchanan