The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-02-03, Page 3The Western Ontario Feedlot Day is set The Chesley Community Centre will again be the location for the Western On- tario Feedlot Day on Thursday, Feb. 11. Registration begins at 9:30 A.M. The program for the day is: - "Trends in the Cattle Industry" - Jean Szkotnicki, OCA. - "Making the Best of a Risky Situation" - Bryan Boyle, Agricultural Represen- tative, Lambton: -"Research Highlights with By -Pass Pro- tein" - Dr. J. Buchanan -Smith, University of Guelph. - "Factors Affecting Taste and Tenderness in Beef" - Dr. R. Osborne, University of Guelph. - "The Proposed Modified Accrual Income Tax System" - Gary Hutchison, University of Guelph. There should be something here to catch the interest of anyone in the beef industry. Representatives from various agribusinesses will also be at the meeting so it will be a good chance to talk to some of them. Cost for the day is $10.00 per person. Pre- registration is 'required by Wednesday, February 3, 1988 (that's today). Please mail your cheque payable to "Grey Agricultural Programs Account" to the Walkerton O.M.A.F. office, Box 1330,' Walkerton NOG 2V0. Kate Whalen, Farm Management Specialist. FARM START INFORMATION MEETINGS The Ontario Farm Start Program is designed to help new producers get established in farming. It is a five-year, 90. million dollar program and began January 1, 1988. A total of$38,000 spread over seven years is available to those applicants who meet the eligiblity criteria. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food office has had many requests for in- formation and application forms. As a result, two information meetings have been • arranged. They are both at the FARM REPORT Paisley Arena on Wednesday, February 17. The first one is an afternoon meeting from 1-4 P.M. and the second one runs from 7:30 to 10:30 P.M. in the evening. If you are seriously interested in becom- ing a bona fide farmer, then you should look into the details of this program. Mark February 17 on your calendar and plan to attend. CENTENNIAL AWARDS FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE For the past 100 years, Ontario agriculture has continued to feed us while undergoing major changes. In 1888, when a separate department of the Ontario government was established for agriculture, the majority of the pro- vince's people were living and working on farms. Today farmers are so productive that one farm operator feeds 120 people. This year, OMAF pays tribute to those who grow, process and market our food. This is very appropriate, as the $15 billion agriculture and food sector accounts for one in every five jobs in Ontario. During 1988, 100 individuals or families who have rendered significant service to Ontario's agriculture and food industry will be recognized. • Nominations for these Centennial Awards may be made by any farm or rural organization or association, or any three individuals. Typed nominations must be postmarked not later than February 29. For more information about how to nominate someone you think has made a significant contribution and/or given outstanding service to Ontario's food in- dustry, contact the Walkerton O.M.A.F. office. Bruce has produced many outstanding people, so let's make some good nominations. Dairy products added to the control list Murray Cardiff, M.P. for Huron -Bruce is pleased that the Government has announc- ed its intention to add certain dairy pro- ducts to the Import Control List in support of the Canadian milk supply management program. This action was formally announced by Agriculture Minister John Wise, Interna-' tional Trade Minister Pat Carney, and Minister of State for Agriculture, Pierre Blais. As a result of this announcement, the following products will be added to the Im- port Control List: - Ice cream, ice cream novelties and ice cream mix; - Ice cream and ice milk mix; - Yogurt; and - Liquid forms of skim milk, buttermilk, and blends of these products. Import controls already exist with respect to imports of dry skim milk, dry buttermilk, and blends of these products. Agriculture Minister John Wise stated that "While the value of the imported pro- ducts being added to the list is relatively small — currently less than $1 million per year — future imports could undermine the Canadian dairy supply management program if not restricted. That's why the government is taking this action." International Trade Minister Carney said, "This action is consistent with our rights and obligations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT 1." Article XI of GATT makes provision for countries to restrict certain agricultural product imports in support of domestic supply management programs, provided that appropriate import levels are main- tained. relative to domestic production. Under Article 710, of the Canada -U.S. Free Trade Agreement, the United States specifically recognized that Canada has retained its rights under GATT Article XI. "I have received considerable input from local dairy farmers on this issue and the government has listened to those con- cerns. This proves that we negotiated a good deal that will benefit Canada while protecting our supply management systems," said Mr. Cardiff. Planning grant is announced The Honourable Murray Elston, Chair- man of Cabinet and MPP for Bruce, today announced that a community planning grant of $14,967 has been awarded to the County of Bruce. Speaking on behalf of the Honourable John Eakins, Minister of Municipal Af- fairs, Mr. Elston said the grant will be us- ed by the municipality to prepare an' economic development strategy. Community planning grants from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs are designed to encourage municipalities to resolve land use planning issues to reflect municipalities and economic priorities. The grants may also be used tor special studies to develop community improve- ment policies; to determine the feasibility of using data processing technology in the Local planning process; and to assist in im- plementing the Planning Act. e. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 3, 1988—Page 3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cathy MacKinnon February 5/88 From all the "K" People - LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE Saturday February.6 LUCKNOW LIONS CLUB FAMILY NIGHT Saturday February 13 Snow Pitch Saturday February 20 Johannes Prehn & Michele Bradley OPEN DATES February Friday - 5 - 12 - 19 - 26 Saturday - 27 March Friday = 4 - 11 - 18 - 25 Saturday - 5 - 12 CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM ONLY 528-3532 $!L!Jy West Wawanosh Mutual Insurance Company Dungannon 529.7922 Farm Protection For: FA i( \1 OWNER-, • Fire and Named Peril', -Farm nuuhiner3 • :111 external Perils, in eluding Nun -0%% ned eyuipmenl. t-toc•k (named peril'l, Broad Form in- cluding entrapment. electrical poster inler- rulitiun and fume~. •Earnings Insurance. -Farm Produce - Named Peril, • •('omprehentiite Farm Liability including Limited Pollution Linhilit y and Nun• licensed Vehicles. -Farm :\oto. -Free fire presention inspection.. For a quotation, please contact any of the following agents: FRANK FOIRAN I.ueknernw 52$-3$24 LYONS .\ \lt'LIII' )tN (;uderich 52.1.2664 Ut)N:\1.1) 11. SIMPSON (ioderic•h 529.7567 JOHN NIXON • Brussels 887,9,I17 I)I•:I.MAR SPROt'1. •Auburn 529.7273 KENNETH NI.A.CLEAN Paisley 368-7537 S1,:\I)E INSURANCE 13ROKF:RS INC. Kincardine 396-9513 I..1t l 1F: ('.\\1PRF:1.1. Brussels 8117.9051 1:4°. , FSR' vMAD' February 8th to 13th, 1988 d41 %,%ifif111 i°1P':II�II!,,,,,,:,`1I:,,� if �Ifl(1�ta�Hi /Raked te feel d' ' tfeet. Leave Your Film With Us U-MBACH PHARMACY LUCKNOW 528-3004