The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-01-20, Page 1CELEBRATE IN 1988 LUCKNOW'S 130th CELEBRATION JUNE 30 • JULY 3, 1988 (PUBLISHED IN LUCKNOW ONTARIO Wednesday, January 20, 1988 40C PER COPY, Murray Cardiff, MP for Huron Bruce, was on hand last week to make a very special presentation to Ewan and Marjorie MacLean of RR3 Lucknow. The MacLeans were chosen as recipients of the Tourism Ambassador Certificate Award which is presented each year by the Government of Canada. The MacLeans have been offering Bed and Breakfast accomadation to' tourists since 1980. Families from the United States, Australia, England and from right here in Ontario have stayed with the MacLeans with many of their visitors making return visits just because of the fine treatment they have received. (Pat Livingston photo) Lucknow couple receive Tourism 4mbassador Award Murray Cardiff, M.P. for Huron -Bruce recently announced on behalf of The Honourable Bernard Valcourt, Minister of State (Small Business and Tourism) that Mr. and Mrs. Ewan MacLean of RR 3 Lucknow have been awarded a Tourism Ambassador Certificate by the Govern- ment of Canada. Launched in may 1986 by Tourism Canada, the Tourism Ambassador Pro- gram (T.A.P.) is a hospitality awareness program which rewards and recognizes Canadians who have been especially hospitable towards visitors to Canada. To date over 2000 Canadians have been designated as Tourism Ambassadors. The T.A.P. nomination form is contained in a brochure containing factual informa- tion about Canada which is presented to visitors entering Canada through land border crossings from the United States. Visitors wishing to nominate an especially hospitable Canadian are encouraged to complete the form and mail it to Tourism Canada. Ewan and Marjorie MacLean have gone above and beyond the call of duty by going out of their way in helping Tim and Kathleen McDaniel of Ann Arbor Michigan. "I am pleased to be able to pre- sent this Tourism Ambassador Certificate on behalf of the Government of Canada," said Murray Cardiff. "The tourism industry is a vital con- tributor to the Canadian economy. Our renowned hospitality is'a key factor in en- suring that visitors to Canada enjoy their stay and come back again," said Murray Cardiff. Mother charged in child's death n The residents of the town of Kincardine and. surrounding area were shocked late last week with the announcement that Julie Bowers, 25, had been charged with first-degree murder in the death of her son Dustin. The announcement came late Friday evening, just seven hours after the infant's body was found in a stand of bush just two kilometers north of Kincardine and one day after Bowers reported him missing. Police Chief William Sweedland an- nounced the chargeat a special news con- ference held in the town council chambers at 10 p.m. Friday last. Bowers had reported her son missing from her car parked in downtown Kincar- dine early Thursday afternoon. Town police and OPP, backed by volunteers, im- mediately launched an intensive search of the area which turned up the frozen body of the child at 3 p.m. Friday. Bowers was scheduled to appear in court on Tuesday to face the charges of murder. Details of exactly how the child died are being withheld by police as they feel such details could have a bearing on the presen- tation of a fair trial., Council gives approval to local Arena Board At its regular January session held last week, the Village of Lucknow gave final approval to the Arena Board to proceed with Phase One of the Lucknow and District Arena Project. The $455,360.00 construction contract for the new facility was awarded to Murray Sampson Con- struction of Whitechurch. The contract awarded does not include such items as tile or cork flooring, pain- ting, septic tank renovations or the new condensor which was recently installed. A large portion of this additional work will be done by the members of the various ser- vice clubs in an effort to reduce costs. Any other contracts required to finish the project will be awarded by the Arena Board as additional funds become available. The four municipalities of West Wawanosh, Ashfield,,Kinloss and Lucknow will each contribute a total of $35,000 towards the arena project. The remainder will come in the form of a Capital Grant with additional funding being provided through the efforts of the fund-raising committee chaired by Walter Arnold. Should any funds 'remain following the completion of Phase One, they will be plac- ed in a trust with the Village of Lucknow until such time as the second phase is undertaken. Phase Two of the plan will in- clude replacement of the ice surface area of the arena. According to Lucknow Reeve Herb Clark, this has been a very difficult project Federal NDP to meet in Lucknow The new Huron -Bruce Federal NDP Association will hold its founding meeting in Lucknow on Saturday, January'30. The founding meeting is being held as a result of the redistribution which has increased the number of seats in the House of Com- mons from 282 to 295. All political parties are having to adjust to the new boundaries. The founding meeting, being held in the Lucknow Town Hall, will begin at 12:30 with the adoption of the new association constitution and the election of officers. The constitution has an affirmative action clause requiring equal numbers of women and men on the executive. This is part of the NDP's on going commitment to political equality. There will be a discussion of free trade and its impact on working people and family farmers. The NDP has a petition campaign calling for an election on free trade to give the Canadian people a vote on this important issue. Planning will begin for a federal nomination meeting. Norma Peterson, Kincardine Councillor and Tony McQuail, Huron School Board Trustee, both former candidates, have indicated that they may seek the nomination. The NDP is holding pre-election training schools across Canada and the meeting will arrange to send members to the one in London February 19-21. All interested persons may attend the founding meeting of the Huron -Bruce Federal NDP Association. Families and children are welcome with children's movies showing in the Lucknow Branch Library at 1:00. Following the business portion of the meeting New Democrats will reconvene at the McQuail farm east of Lucknow for sledding, skiing and hot chocolate. In case of bad weather the foun- ding meeting of the Huron -Bruce Federal NDP will be rescheduled to February 6. that has required a great deal of time and effort from many people. Clark says the Arena Board has been meeting for at least two years to undertake the almost impossi- ble task of developing a plan which would be acceptable to all involved. The home stretch The plan which was finally accepted by all consists of the construction of an office, six dressing rooms, a referee's room, a tocket booth, a lunch room, two storage .. rooms, washrooms, a games or all- purpose room and an additional room upstairs which will be used for storage in the interim. The fundraisers have contributed a tremendous amount of time and effort towards securing the capital for this pro- ject and while they are now on the home stretch, there is still a lot of work ahead collecting pledges, helping with the Lucknow Reunion Celebration, etc. Chairman Arnold has advised Council that a financial statement will be publish- ed as a matter of public information as soon as it can be compiled. Anyone wishing to review the plans of the building, which is to- be built of decorative block and steel construction, may do so by dropping into the clerk's of- fice of the Town Hall. Construction of Phase One of the Arena Porject is scheduled to begin April 1 and the co-operation of everyone in the area would be greatly appreciated. Look for completion of the project by next August. First of '88 The first baby born this year at the Wingham and District Hospital was Travis Brian Jeffray. Travis, the new son of Bev and Brian Jeffray of Turnberry Township, wieghed in at 7 pounds, 19 ounces upon his arrival January 8. He is a brother for Lisa and Gavin. Ip other news from the hospital in Wingham, the January meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary will be held Monday, January 25 starting at 2 p.m. in the boardroom. The guest speaker for the meeting will be Marilyn Irwin, director of the Nursing Assistant Program. All are welcome to attend this meeting. 0