The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-01-06, Page 11Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 6, 1988—Page 11 Ripley's Nancy Nuget carries Olympic flame ,By "AB WYLDS Norman and Mabel Barnard of Christina Street, Ripley spend Christmas Day Dec. 25, 1987 with their daughter Shirley and hus- band Michael Burnham at Kincardine with their family. Then they were back home here to get ready for a Happy New Year. On Thursday afternoon Dec. 30 they drove to the highway at the south of London. There they parked their car to await for the arrival from Lindsay, the Denures "Express Trip" Special Bus. It is the one where the New Year's meals are served there and it goes along non-stop to Daytona, Florida. There they will enjoy the beach and sun to the end of January. Each year Norman and Mabel travel by the Denures Bus line. Nancy Nugent carries torch Nancy Nugent of Ripley was one of the Olympic Torch bearers last Saturday after- noon January 2, 1988. This was an important day for Nancy and her twin sister Kerry. It was their 17th birthday as well as the day of the Torch for Nancy. This section of the run was in Sarnia at the south end - the part known as St. .Clair Parkway. Comingin from up here is Point Edward if I remember O.K. ' Down to give Nancy support were her family - parents Rev. Hugh.Nugent and Mrs. Frances Nugent and sister Kerry, also her married sister and husband Margaret and Bill Woods from the Kitchener -Stratford area. Another group were Bill and Helen McCreath - neighbours on the Ripley main street and their relatives Helen's sister Mrs. Donalda MacDonald of Goderich, Bill and Helen's daughter Mrs. Mary ( McCreath ) -Armstrong and her son Joel and her niece Lori Walden. Talking to Mrs. Nugent she said the run- ners were picked in groups of ten and were not athletes as previous thought. Just in case you would like to know the next part of this Olympic year will be the summer Olym- pics in South Korea. This torch now travell- ing will go back home to Greece and a new one will go to South Korea. Thanks for holiday help • A hearty and sincere thanks is extended by the Village of Ripley Churches, Legion Branch 440, and the Ripley -District Lions Club to all those who contributed in any way to providing for the Christmas Hampers. GRACE (FARNELL) KEANE Word was received of the sudden passing of Grace Keane at her home in,Hamilton, Ontario on Sunday, December 27, 1987 in her 80th year. She was born and raised on Con- cession 6 Huron Township, the youngest daughter of Henry Farnell and Elizabeth McGill. She is survived by one son Jerry of Evening Aux. met at manse Lucknow Presbyterian Evening Aux- iliary held their December Christmas meeting in the Manse. Due to stormy weather on Tuesday, the 15th, the meeting was postponed to Wednesday, the 16th. Fif- teen ladies were present. Mrs. Bert Moffat, the first vice- president, was in charge and opened with a Christmas reading. Away in a Manager was sung and Mrs. Ron Forster gave the Devotions based on the scripture Luke 2:30-31, followed by prayer. The minutes, business and rollcall followed. The offering was received and an Of- feratory Prayer given. The First Noel was sung, with Mrs. Jack MacDonald then giving several readings, including a 'special rendition' of The Night Before Christmas. Mrs. William Henderson also had several readings including quotes on Christmas by many famous people. After singing Joy to the World, Mrs. Bert Moffat read an interesting story called Handels' Christmas Masterpiece, based on the composition of the `Messiah" which includes the Hallelujah Chorus. Oh Little Town of Bethlehem and the Benediction closed the meeting. Mrs. William Henderson conducted two contests and a lovely lunch was enjoyed. Hamilton, three daughters - Joan of Ottawa. Shirley of Toronto and Marilyn in the USA and several grandchildren. She is survived by two sisters , Jean .. ( Mrs. Gordon McWhorter) of Gormley, Ontario and Beth Hewitt of St. Catharines. One brother Arthur predeceased her several years ago. Cremation took place with a memorial service held in the L.G. Wallace Funeral Home in Hamilton. Our thanks goes ,to Mrs. Adeline (MacLeod) Hackett - a former neighbour of the Harry Farnell family over on the 6th concession for helping with this write up and also a friend of Grace and also to Mrs. Art Young of Auburn who called with the first news of Grace's passing. to the advertisers of Lucknow and surrounding communities We are now into 1988 and want to say "Thank you". It is only fitting that we advertise our appreciation to the people who make it possible for us to publish one of the best community newspapers in . the area. In 1987 hundreds of advertisers, retailers, classified and national advertisers used frequent and consistent space in the Sentinel, stimulating our economy and promoting employment. You, our readers responded by buy- ing food, clothing, shoes, T.V.'s, sound equipment, paint, lumber, microwaves, books, houses, home furnishings, sports equipment, automobiles, yard goods ... the list is endless. We enter 1988 with great confidence that this area will enjoy greater prosperity and we look forward to the role our newspaper and its adver- tisers play in the°economic growth. Once again "Thank You'