The Lucknow Sentinel, 1988-01-06, Page 10Page 1O--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 6, 1988 Visitors arrive from near and far for holidaysiii Home for Christmas to be with her fami- ly, Donald and Marilyn Maclntyre, Marilynne and Sandy and Margaret and Fred, were Norma Maclntyre and her hus- band Dave. Dir. Bill and Mrs. Buckton, George and David of Waterloo spent Christmas with Bill's family, Herb and Mary Buckton and John and Marion Mowbray and Duncan. Heather Howald spent Christmas in Florida visiting with her grandparents, Mrs. Read. Katrina finished her rm in'Timmins and after the New he goes back to University of where she hasanother three mplete her course. Emmerson dmonton spent Christmas ald family. da Keith and family dsor visit with them R' joyed some time over the holiday and ha Christmas dinner with her niece in Woodstock. Christmas Day dinner guests with Nan- cy Maclntyre and Paul were her daughters, Helen of Waterloo and Heather of Brampton; Ted and Margaret Collyer and Mary Maclntosh and Betty Stanley of Lucknow; and Dr, Alex and Josee Macln- Mr. a .. work Year Waterl o years to Howald of here with the Murray and W had friends from W last week. Olive Needham SOUTH KINLOSS By Ruth Buchmeier tyre and Johanna and Ruth Ann of Alliston; Donald and Marilyn Maclntyre, Marilynne and Sandy, and Dale Gilchrist, and Fred and Margaret De Boer. Heather , MacDougall was home from Windsor to" spend the holidays with her family, Allan and Sharon MacDougall, David and Martha. William and Irene Dickie enjoyed their holidays on a Caribbean cruise. Brian and Louise Keith of Ottawa were home for the Christmas holidays. The Keith families and Donald and Sandra Forster and family of Purple Grove were all dinner guests on Christmas Day with Murray and Wanda Keith and family. Fred Gilchrist had as visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Keyes, Mrs. Evelyn Kennedy of Teeswater, and Milland Bell of Paisley to help him celebrate his 85th birthday. Murray Gilchrist of Toronto was home for a week's holiday. Christmas visitors with Bob and June Gilchrist and boys were Brian and Audrey Gilchrist of Toronto, Shirley and Gordon MacDonald and farpily of Orangeville, Dave and Judy Linde of Shallow Lake, and Steve and Mary Helen Carter and children of Orangeville. Donald and Marilyn Maclntyre and San- dy enjoyed a Christmas dinner for the Car- ruthers side of the family in Arthur at the home of Marilyn's niece and her husband on Boxing Day. The Dickie families enjoyed Christmas in Unionville with Walter and Janet Dickie, John Wilson and Tammy Wilbee. Holiday visitors with Ira and Elizabeth were Denver and Brenda and family of • Sutton, Douglas and Donna and family of Markdale and Walter and Janet and John Wilson of Unionville. Allan and Elsie Graham spent Christmas in Toronto with their family, Ruth and Burnell Estabrook, Mike and Martha Seguira, Jammie and Dianne and Jody of Janetville and Anne and Don Stang and Alann of Indonesia. Anne and Don and Alann came back to spend a few days with her parents before returning to Indonesia. , ,t r •h r utu • th. jt,i Cti r,• •.rrii . I;1 I1! ( r • 'fl " ! t r.11()( i• • I*1 Energy Mines and Resources Canada Hon Marcel Masse Minister f( r'' into all .ririr F )m( r•nt,)Vation ,. am l int r C d •( , the resale value of Your home, So if ,(,(, rt. f)lannin tri ,, )erui m()nc, r:ln ✓r)ur not lil,tr a r,*, ,,ome' Get the f Nf R( )AV!N(,S KIT., Fav trrr :�,f�^. ni,3�� thio 1.,upt_n MOO 1 L _J Enerdie Mines et Ressourcgs Canada L Hon Marcel Masse. Minrstre Canada Home for the holiday to be with their parents Irene and Bill Haldenby were Mark and Margo of Ottawa, Cheryl and Joe Cottrill and Trevor of Kincardine and Nancy and Ken Craig, Leslie and Morgan of Kincardine. Carol and Bruce Maclntyre of London were home with her parents, Ruth and Ray Buchmeier, for Christmas. Then Ruth and Ray were dinner guests with them on New Year's Day. Eileen and Norm Le Claire and girls of Toronto were holiday visitors with Ruth and Ray and all were Christmas Day dinner guests with Mary MacGillivray in Lucknow. Brookside students entertain area seniors DUNGANNON �By Marie Park About 100 Dungannon area seniors en- joyed their annual Christmas turkey din- ner prior to Christmas. The Willing Workers served the dinner. A short pro- gram was enjoyed which included the Grade 7 and 8 classes of Brookside School' presenting a well rehearsed play. Home for .the Christmas holidays were Todd Park from Sir Sanford Fleming at Peterborough, Don Carmichael from Ryerson" in Toronto and Heather Ann Stapleton from York University, Tororfto. Gord and Mary Schultz spent Christmas - Day with Bob and Brenda Woods and fami- ly at St. Augustine. Also present were John and Bonnie Gibbings, Michael and Ashley of Clinton and Kevin and Debbie Rourke and Partick of Goderich. Bob and Betty Mole celebrated Christmas on Saturday, December 26 for their family. Home were Bill and Mary, Mole, Julie and Barbara; Bob and Joanne Wilkins, Catherine and Steven; Dave and Dianne McLellan and Scott, Blyth; Jack and Nanty Phillips and family of Exeter and Margaret Mole of Hensall. Company for Christmas with Jim and Sandra Rivett and Marty were Duane and Nancy Rivett; Scott and Lisa Rivett and Ryan; Alan Rivett of Ajax; Lil Rivett of Clinton and Lil McDonald. Mrs. Lee Shetler spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at Nile with her son Bob, daughter-in-law Heather and Mat- thew. On Saturday they all enjoyed Christmas in Sarnia and area with relatives. _ - . Bob and Joanne Mahar and Mike of Burke, Virginia, visited with her mother Lee Shetler the weekend before Christmas. Robert and Marilyn Schultz, Terry, Tina and Lisa of Kippen called on the Schultz relatives; the Bill Parks and the Elmer Cooks on Sunday before Christmas. Glenda and Marc Panza$Tecchia of Lon- don were home for Christmas with her parents John and` Marina . Park and Wayne, Gertrude Park visited Christmas Day with Tom and Verna Hallam in Auburn, while Bill and Marie Park had their family all home: Mike and Val Bendig, Joel and Katie; Steve and Debbie Park, Holly and Amber; Ted and Vicki Henry and Jordon; - Tim and Wanda Hodges and Cory. and Pat and Gary Johnston. Irvine and Colleen Eedy spent Christmas in Stratford with daughter Mar- tha and Peter Stewart.