The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-12-23, Page 25h
Mrs.. C `s
LOIS urs* >a
Dear Santa; Row do you
get in .our eitiiarney- if yon
can't fit in its lr like the
race car set you gave me
last year There was one
thing that I forgot to put
into my list It was, a TV.
Thank you for the presents
last year.
Adam. Dear Santa: Thank you for
the art kit last year. l lost
Dear Santa: Phone ane, my two front teeth,I lost
My phone number is. 5n- . my left'tputh on Nuv. 14
2a76., Thank you for giv- and my right math mi Dec.
ing me a robot. I love it.. 6. May I please have a
Thank you your fiend. surprise? But please not a
.tarn s▪ . dog or a cat because I
lo you fit in the ehm.n
DearSanta: :1 like you
vary much because you
mate my friiiend.1ywould like.
balls, .F li arhin,
C.D., a super soaker, and a
dog. I would also like
gloves; winter mittens, a
hat, a scarf and boots.
ac a..
Dear Santa:. I loveyou and
you are my best friend.
May you please bring me
some Babies, 'some dress
shoes for dancing, three
horse pictures and 100
" horse books and toys. My '
name is Cambria Main
and.I am seven years old. I
• am. in Grade 2. Will you
• ,please bring me some
dresses and some • friends
too? Will you, please bring
ine a clock to play with?
Willyou please bring me a
Barbie and a C.D. player.
too? ;
,Love, Cambria.
Dear Santa: 'bank you for
the presents you brought
fast year. 1 would like a
dress. I would like a. hat. I
would like a scarf. I would
have a clog..
Your friend,.
Dear Sante: Thank you for
the things you gave me
Iasi year. May I please
have a'I*'tt,, a book, a C.P.
player, •a watch, anda
spice girt Darby. I loved.
the nano and all the other
presents yo _gave me last
Becky way.
Dear 'Santa: Row do You.
get in our chimney if we
don't have one and if our •
door is locked? I will be
happy with what you give
Your friend .•
Dear Santa: May t: please
like scow boots,: I •would ` hive a softy playstation- 1
Like a sled: have a joke book, is: it true
Courtney.. that t udolph's nose 'needs
to be the sante, Colour as:
Dear Sancta: Thank yott for your suit?
the at .,snow racer l• got •Maar :tiered.,
• fir Christmas last year. C.J,
Thank you for all the, pre= Dear Santal. Thank you for :.
sents. This year I would the presents last year. 1;
like, logo hope you like the milk and
Your fxiend, , cookies. I gave'to you: I '
'Wesley„ would ' like, . a • Belay
Dear: Santa Thank you for .Spaghetti; a: bird clock, a.
the presents.- This year care wake up buttercup;,
Yea lease. wipe your
book for Christmas.
p Your friend'
boots betbre ybu•go on the Katie Bowley.
carpet. Please wake me up ,
when yen coixie. My mom Dear Santa; Thank you for
isy the room with- the sign.. the ,presents front last yeaat%
on it, Can yotu.please give. May 1 please have a cat,
me the first three things on and;. rosy I, please have a
• • •my list. . • kitten,' and 'nay . I please
P.S. my niaane is:Cbltotar' have a doll. May. 1 'please
have scarf and`: may I
Dear Santa I hope you .please have a hat- May 1".
can get tete; these three please have a toyball and.
things, I want_ the ,Barbie, .` tna�a2ccr
:Aa , same=.
C.f3. and q boots. May :I please.have a
Thank you;, for the presents" sled and may I please have..
last year, aprppy.
from Diane,a
Haug the stockings, thin Lifetree, and
enjoy, the :holiday season!
Jac%'4( ilnii4t
Hwy. as ta!OKKOW, QN7,
0-m52134025 Or 524-36S
• Oak. P! q� P Poroonalizort
' Finisr%MnA•,
Au sizes t 90 t R MattrOss.' 50% QFF
So0Ro$10 Read c •
complete LMe'pt 0 S A, WO*. uao
• .Pty 20- 40%LeS$
Dear Santa: Thank you for
the presents from last year.
Cant please have an elf?
.Can 1 please have a Ca
player and a T.V. and a
Nintendo 64 please.
• froth• Dillon
Dear Santa: Can 1 please
have a stuffed puppy and a
easy bake oven. Santa 1
was wondering if you
come innay faint door'•or
my back door? I will • love
you forever. I am six years
Riley Aitchison,
Dear Santr: May I please
have a. snake? Thank. you.
for the presents last year. I
really want the robot. I.
like Santa,
• Love Kyle,
Dear Santa: May I please
have one of your reindeer:
May 1 please have a tab-
bit• .
Your friend
Gary Finlay.
by Angie Sande
Christmas cookies .cook-
Pota totes on the boil,
Christmas pudding some
one that 'took a long while.
Turkey in the oven,
Bread set to rise,
Someone Set the table with
really greedy eyes.
The company's here!
They've made us happy,
For now, its time to Clang
glasses and say
r'Cheers' !
Dear !,alta: Thank you ,fox
the things you gave me
last year, I like :the truck
that you gave me. Please
will you bring ane a C.D.
player because I don't
have one but my uncle hras.
one. I am going to give
you some Oreo coolies.
Love Robert,
Dear Santa: Thank you for
the easy bake last year.
May I have some more
food for the easy bake. I
ant trying: to be good. But
I lied a little bit. The, other
thing I really want is a
soccer ball.
Your friend
Dear Santa: Please may 1 `
have a C.D. player? May 1
have a box full of yaps•
and cars and trucks? 1
want an igloo.
• Your friend
No Porde
byAn. Kurile, Brookside.
When 1 was little, I was
a pest. I would bug ,my
sister and she would go off,
crying. Now she's bigger
and it's no fun anymore.
She's a lot' smarter and
gets rete back
I love anything with a
motor, except Fords, ands
Cases. 'Maly favourite is
John Deer: I have two lit-
tle tractors; an AR and GP
My grandpa built them.
He: -has' a lot of c�1d frac•
SrotioeLWeobaesdar, Dece r:X, 1
We saytoo nd,
a so dear,.
We wish you ,
far and nem,
A very Mem Christmas"
ani. a Happy New Year.,
feral Carpentry
Bob & Mariann.
race : Ea
itfay the harmony: o, the wiser Iatxd'scape bring
renewed hope for.. undersramiing and worldwide peace:,
Nerry Christmas to all •
The Reeve, Council & Staff
Corporation of The
Village of Lucknow
Best"Wisheskern ;all ofUs.
busiiioas `
3954827 SZ.I #a , iB
ROW% Bites,
ll�:lli. ilE5irWW1