The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-12-16, Page 6Page 6— Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Decetnber'i6,199 uckno t' W enjoys Christmas party The . 'Lucknow Wi Christmas party, was held gn.Dee. g, at the Anglican hall, with 14 members and three guests present Hostesses were Mabel Whitby, Kay Macintosh and Bernadean Ritchie. Alice Taylor' wel- conedall, commenting on the lovely weather: A delicious meal was served by Anglican ladies. .[day Macintosh opened the program with several Christmas selections—The rolleall was to bring something fo/ • the Salvation Army, A pot luck program . was answered by all,, ine1ud- iing readings, poems, con- tests and musical num- bers, Winners of the con. - tests were Joan Robinson and Lois Goodhue. Bernadcan read a love- ly story called "Through my Window." A card was signed ,by all members to send to Bernice Johnstone, who recently moved away to 'be near her family. Kay closed the meet- ing with a sing song of carols, ending with the singing of the Queen. (submitted by Mabel _Whitby). }Juron OPP to conduct random teiephonq survey the community. Alf calls will "be connpleted between 96 and 9 p.m. weekdays and from 9 4.10. to. % p.m ou weekends: If additional informa- tion is required, please contact, the detachment commander, • Staff . . Sergeant Gary Martin at 524-8314. Huron OPP initiated a by local commanaty vol- randonnized" community unteers making telephone telephone survey in Huron calls to 'residents. All ealls County on Dee. 9. aro anonymous and the This survey will pro- volunteers will not know vide vital information to the identity of the respon- both the police andthe dents ' Police Services Boards The public's input into concerning community this process is very, irnpor- satisfaction with OPP ser. tant as it will help to deter- vices eter-vices and programs. The mine how the police can survey will be completed best provide policing to "...helping young people get ready for the future" e e:t►.b Smoking Would you like to 'quit smoking? Would you like to help a friend quit? There is information to help. tike Quit 4 Life, , a website (quit4lifetcom) for teenage smokers who really want to quit. Materials are also available on sritoktng prevention and second-hand smoke;. Alcohol and Other Drugs What are drags? Why do people se;.them? How do they affect your life? Even, if you don't drink or use drugs, you probably know someone. who does. ; We have: information ' to help peers and youth groups cleal,with alcohol and other drug-related issues Not inn How you feel about yourself is very important. Good nutrition' is all about making.healthy food choices and achieving and mai•ntaining a healthy weight: :0 d. ghat to �u Betide. Canada's Food Goide toHealthyeating can help you make the right decisions sothat you feel good about yourself. Fitness and Active Living Being. activeis another thing thatcan help you feel realty good about,yoursetf Canada's Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Active Living can help you.make'choices about. physical 'activity thbices that are right for you. For information on these and other. Health Canada publications,: please call..: 800:0Canada (1-800-622.6252) TT « 1-800-465-77315 Or visit us at: rw. canada.gc ca WEDDINGS Performed"..- your location or our' indoor or outdoor chapel (oun�deligipirfatiGnal}-- For brochure call:' REN''t:HRIS MORGAN .ALL FAITHS PI.ISr'onALCEI'i tE. BENMILLEi 524-5t24'.' CHRISTENINGS