The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-12-16, Page 4Page 4 ... Ltacknow'Sentinel, Wednesday, December 16, 1998
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Lookng.fbx. tt
perfect tights
Hi! 'M back. N:o, I haven't actually ,been away:
Space has been at a premium in the last few papers.
Well, are you all . ready for Christmas;. Got that
Christmas baking done, the presents purchased and
wrapped and readyto settle in for a relaxing season
enjoying the concerts and special church services?
A. predicament the 'other day made arae, aware of
something .1 should have asked Santa.!or. While walk-
• ing across the street to pickup aur lunch, I had .this
horrid feeling that my tights were about to fall 'down
to my knees, 1 walked
faster and kept squirming
as if jiggling my butt
around was going . to help
keep them up. if anything,
it would have resulted in
the opposite.
I'm sure there must be
some other women out
there who have experi-
enced this feeling. And it's
darn maddening! ` •
You read the package
when. purchasing , such
attire..' You check your
,weight and height to the
package and then . you
rrrake.the purchase, .feeling reasonably certain the crn:-
tents of said' packagewill stretch enough -to go up :to
your waist and stay there! ` .
Not so.. In theearly morning rush to. get ready for
work, you pull and; pull and pull and .pray you don't
put your . big toe.. through the .end or bloW the knee
when yob sit down. The 'not my size' tights don't feel'
to had until you sit,down, Then they Make a gradual:
descent, usually in the rear end. You spend more time
in, the bathroom at work pulling the darn things up
the you spend doing your work
For you nnen'to understand this predicament, think
about puttingon a. pair of long;johns in which the elas-
tic band has let.go" But you have to envision this if you
were wearing ,a skirt because we all know your pants
will hold the long johns np evert if the elastic is blown,
You May feel a little uncomfortable but it's nothing
like wearing Self -shrinking 'tights with a skin ora!
So may mission for hubby, this Christmas is to make
my day by finding me a brand. of tights that. fit rmy
length and stayput: where they, are supposed to be!
Remember. When? The year was 1971 rind these youngsters were part of the oast of `There was
an Oki Woman", part of the Lucknow Christmas concert. Recognize the faces? They are, from the
left" Karen Miller, Dale Priestap, Luke Cranston, Michelle Cross, Tracy Ward, and Collin Clarke,
(Sentinel file photo) •
Ird Park
10 years ago,
Pee. 14,1988.
utter junior citizen
Fourteen -year -cid
diad Park • • of
Dungannon got a pleas-
ant surprise°,over the.
-weekend;' It can in 'the
form of a telegram Roan.
'Harry Stetinp, president
'of "the Ontario, Coria-
nintii:ty Newspapers
Association,.' and
'informed young Brad
that he had been chosen
as one of the.. recipients
of the Ontario innior
Citizens Awards,
There were. 'over .177
nominations submitted
acrossthe province and
Brad. : was. one. of :1•Z
young people chosen tai
receive the. honour. '
was j
20 years ago
Dec. .13,1 178
school' gets go,v-
eminent grant -
St. Joseph's School, '
tiingsbridge, has
received, a $10,009 corn-,
,nnunity school '
grant from
the .::;
ation to,
further the,
use of the`.
school. in mimu-.
Thi" grantwill helithe
• school 'deevelop. further in
recreational, cultural.. and
educational activities.:
Block Parent:- Signs
were appearing ,in w,in
daws.all over.the'village'
as the Lucknow Block
Parent;'ommittee ciis�
- tributedsigins: to'thoso
who volunteered to par=
ticipate in the program,
The Lucknow:District
.K.inette Club
sponsored ;
the pro-
until the
Dear editor:,,,,
Do .you need a winter
: Coat for your child or per-
haps yc;urself? Call the
Huron ;United 'Way at 482-
• 7643. We `inay be able to
The Masonic Lodges.;of
Huron County,have spent
the,past several weeks col-
l'ecting:used winter coats
in a program called 'Coats
for Kids:' On Do, 1 the
Huron.•Uhited::Way was,
Presented with thesecoats,.
and would. be delighted to
assist, anyone who has
need of . them.' The,
' S.eaforth office of . the
Huron County Christmas
Bureau was presented
With several coats as well.
Unfortunately, we do
not have separate'distribu-
noxi points set up, dueto
aline constraints, 'but
;as We .ate possible. We
have sizes ranging
, infant to adult, both in -
jackets an l sante snow
suits. `.
A very,thank
yotl to the Masonic
.odges ;for allowing; us to
partner, .with theta in this. •
much needed program '
The Huron United` Way,
:please Gall the'office, and a. Kim•Bdcke
;4e will assist you as much Executive Director.,
. coria- `
• beeanne
$0: years ago
Rec. 16, 1948
arn. is razed: A
large, ,barn art• -the
farm of James
•Boyle,. Con 4,.` West
Wawunosh, was
destroyed: -,by,fire. The
season's> crop,':;farm
.rjnacih'inerY,'and livestock.,,
including horses; which`,
returned to the inferno, :,
. were ,destroyed in: the
conflagration that started "
frorn,an upset Boat oil
lantern, .
Santa. ..visits
;Lucknow was "a stopping •
plaee on ,Santa's lire;•
Christinas route back lit
1948.• :
The Jolly:old boy front'
' the. North Pole was .
scheduled to. bean town.:
and he greeted firstly by
the, Nigh- Schoe1 Band;
After a Visit with Santa,.
the children were invited •
to free .shows" at the
Playhouse. Each child
'received a.bag'of sweets...,
Letter Policy
The Lucknow Sentinel wplcomes reade>rs'.
views and opinions, -All'- letters must be signed
and include the author's :address:and tele -
Alone ntiixiber for verification, purposes,
44etters should be topical and aro. routinely
edited for length,'style and clarity. Brief let-
ters which make a point have rriore itx gact
and stand a better chance of, inclusion
'er''sona1 attacks, co sumer eoinplarznts.• and
potentlially:l�ibeiob.s letters;will be roiected,
Addresa them to, Editor,. The' Lucknow
Sentinel, Bax '400, Lucknow, On NOGG 2RO
or drop Off at 813;:C.anpbeil Street, Lucknow