The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-12-16, Page 2-� veil ta4navSentinel, Weds esda. Dececcobcr 1f, 1998 Provineiai . Last week, Noble Villeneuve, Minster Of Ariculture. Foul end Rural Affairs, aenounaced a $40 million dollar income relief package for fanners sufferita from extremely low con nuedity price and weather related disasters. $30 of that will be available in this year's fiscal budget (March 3:1) with the other $1.0 falling into next year* budget. s. The Ontario Whole Farm Relief Program will help farmers throegf•the current crisis until a national whole farm income disaster program is up and running. The program will pro- vide. targeted sut to •participating fanners rs iia cases where their gross marina fall below 70 per cent cnf their three to five year average. The gross nnargin is the amount of the fano revenue left after operating (variable) costs have been paid. Gross margins is what is left to - Pay family living etasis,. capital cestL principal and interest on loans and rent, The programs is based on information filed for income tax purposes, Application forces. wilt be mailed out to registered. farmers in January. Those who are not registered, or for further. information, ea11 toll free 1-877-$38 ill he 5144. Staff from. the local OMARRA offices are available to provide tech- nical .and prodiAction advice. The federal government ent announced that due to weather condition, farm- • ors who live in Bruce and Grey counties and sold breeding livestock,can defer the taxes associated with these livestock for one year: This gives fann- ers more options. One can purchase livestock back again, or determine the best ta,c positien to repon the sales. Tall to your aceouutant before snaking your decision. Pork producers ,,cast seek advice or counselling about their.,,operation by calling the QMAFRA pork industry hotline et 1- 888-599-5584. This ser= vice is provided 24 • hours a day, severs days a. week. . Fara) •Family Advisor Program Farmers C4n tnilize the Farm Family Advisor Program.. It. provides -con- fidential peer counselling for farm families in• tinan. tial di€ficulty. Peer •advi- sors are assigned from outside. the county and federa analyze die farm records and give suggestions ,for improvement. There iS no cost for this service. •Call your local OMAFRA oMee for more details, Federal Services The Federal govern- ment has in place a. new service that helps fanners in financial difficulty. The first option is called the "Farm Consultation Service," Farmers who are expe- riencing financial difficul- ty iffcul-ty can gain the services of a professional counsellor to 'help assess the present situation and developan action plan. The farmer pays for the first $100 of costs only. Ford oCanada- ndthe Ontario Fore Mercury Dealers present 1998FRO ES(ORTSE! SEDANQR'WAGON • SAY E 11;4 inigtertWo0014I1080,Fitikamin ;. 1998 FORA CONTOUR SE/ MER(URYMYSTiQUEi.S SPORT * SA E uS4,5 * tointkestohopated,to8.59hfiit tttq. . 199$ FQRl1r7AURIIS,SE SPORT/ ,M,ERfiIII SAa LELS-SwwAif ORWAGOtt SAVE a$54 * in idterest OnNtedta a". fi>Mtiicinq, 1988 f=SERIES Xi/ SUJERCAII' SA E. 6r4O9* in iite* compared to 05% f inantiilq r h ve You 1. ous Make your best deal and; get Q%, 'montpurchase financing, on most 1998 Ford & Mercury .mo+ efs Contour, Crown Victoria, Escort, Grand Marquis, Mustang, Mystique, Sable,; Taurus, ZX2, Expedition, Explorer, t; Series, Ranger, Villager anti Windstar. Holiday Lease Rate Reduc ion on '99 Windstar X WE HAVE THE RIGHT LEASE PAYMENT FOR YOU T999'Windsr r LX ` MonOlyhaylnel t ,Dawn Payment, or- Eguivalent trade X!1'•viSt,.Q t tltiiRg ti Y4LN ►IIl ford.raiof.r / 0 M : Wt56,9t1xEq$�Rf�DTMj•_LE6A4,s;41�= G�'oli0gntur an mCsf�in�st8<k'i9gg,Fprdasidi'2tturyhuldelsfUeTrmaKiihijmdf%18MgnYh6oiYaperijveda4diC:K4gtklliticdiefpttleCfCM: R:tf,{2elY,GQA':firtgrl2kddt¢4trdflnLLatpSfSkX1k8OCritB: ,-�,:;;, *CAI4i") for; 48.'rronths, mon{hiy payniept 1f 5416,07, cost of: 80rrows t"3,616,"1 ,s 50 and ergot lei be repaid iv 520,000, Wien SO down:jiaymont, 1098 ln•sto5lkforq;ftsottSR SOdah air Wrxgo7t trirth x240,08 irnanted a D4• oak- rt•--:�^-' 7—"' 40 months, S.Q.B..s so. co i tted to o finorrt r* ratdaf 8,5rro flu 48 month£„ G,a0. as 5 6 2 00 58150 of.stock Cu tour 5151 Mystique 1:5•$o oft Witt) 525151581ehan3ed at 08 tp 48 morsTh remei ,15'•SU,'c8i8p,5ted o,l,fIn nunq rata.'• i5 8,5°tl for 4a months, G 0 e, .s 54,577.50. t596 ir. Stack cold reurussq *soil/ Mer5afy5P05O 14 with $30,000;604444q1 at p •s. 4215 fn . asRnil1s*C47 ff;,s 0; e6l4Pa od a a ilCinq,7354 Of 85156 for• 43ino Mhs, 311:0: is`S5 493;54 4,508 di stock K.Sertes;)417-.5upercab 444. won 555.000 fioansed at'.0 a Oft for.48 mot)CIIS„_�;1},Z3,...5 SOotornooriTcT;tnroftp4ntin5 rata oltt6,586• for 40hsgnths, ti 04; (546,40%4Z ills of for doe4. hot lnCluffolLSenei oaf a.500ifa£• 45W. „ Econohnuort;mcOfn mgdels. Oow t ltkgtc»k rr{py;t e, equfred-oonggie fin.inciny offer. These are npmpio cotkutatian5 only," clew. 1998.U4inditar 114 31 shOvtn; m0nt5N1 ledie rSoymen1.Qt 82b4,Beunf ort a 774'•rt�dt S1{ 10400 fromr ._mai.Uroo-fer4teeohe4YT1;t'aiiTie;sees, en ,5ppr000d tr.4ss Some ton44spns tnd a mileage restrrctrori of 55,0055 km over 70 motjtfls apply, 54053.d.wrgriyttedt 07.0, tiuivafent trade ,este rud•;Ftr£t,tnatt{li's pslyrnent 3 4 coNnty deposit , 'required, .Frei§h{ 55895),; ficente; inOneante 6nd'3I5 applicable ,taxes are. yridRional LCaio rail 4,h,a%ed,rm iY; mCnthiy mter0£t.rate 05 4850 Over 34 months, tnancfnte 003 104s* 09t4,,a.He1S fivfain Sire mrltuki1y Pg411ts[YQ. ffit C,,, catln3t hq cagtbtnpd wild,. xp5f otypp offer, beater ttldy Sitll oeniaso for fess. 5575 Offers .5537 sf5ange, wtthout n.3 oo: cornic04 trete ot1C4S,. SCC *aloe {tlr det4115, Np€ all vehicle*, 41(4 35031aijle tl; alj.d4glei2hip5: *Thee .154ghe£5• lran[a5'-,mpact mting.fo€both ttp.drr5ty bn3 front, pY9sen{ler m 45 5 9overnm3nt 5 cost 14.40,41,, TraffK 5arit7 Niquiiystrataorr.fostif1 for deMltfey within 227 455 581555 lbs) tint: o.o 15M0A R.Q..908 2000i040,eetll6,.dm 3,S;.0560 84535 The second option is called ,,Farm • Debt Mediation: r The program provides, fanners and cred- itors with naediatielI ser- vices to help them with a cnutual•lly satisfactory,. . arrangement. If protection from creditors is needed, a '.Stay .of Proceedings can. be applied for until a solu- tion is•achieved. Contact the farm debt Mediation Service. in Guelph at 1- 800-265-7288. for'nrore details. Applicatio4. or ready. in January ...from page I chair, Ontario Pork. The whole farm income relief program will reach farmers who are suffering from circcums.tatzces beyondtheir control, including unprecedented• tow prices andweather- related disasters. Support will target fanners whose. grass margins are less than 70 per cent. of their three- • year average, similar to an existing . program in. Alberta. Theprovincial program will provide $3O. • million immediately, : With, ,applications mailed to reg- istered faimers in January, and first cheques serif. in February. "Pork • producers are overcoming major chal- lenges everyday just to stay in business. TE'tis fuinding. Will offera grin- riser of , h©pe. to get tts through the short term as we wait for the •details•; On MinisterVanclief's long- • term national fain: lucere. relief strategy.," said Paul Knechtel, chief executive officer, Ontariri Pork. The Ontario' Pork Producer's' 'Marketing. Board, represents. 6,000• producers with gross sales'. of $6'87 • rniiliork id 1997, based • on sales of • approxi. - merely four: miillicin logs:.• It is estimated .that ,the total industry .output f ruin . farm•gate sales is" north $4'..5 b ion to=,tlie Ontario eel in my.; , ; .