The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-11-25, Page 7Special Christmas concert features 'J3rass Rings` by,'Sheiley McPhee Hoist The sounds. of Christmas will fill the Lucknow Presbyterian Church on Sunday,. Nov. 29 when Brass Rings pre. scuts Tune for Christmas •- an afternoon oaf music,. prose and celebration for . the: holiday season. This performance is being held to celebrate the church's 125th anniver- sary and promises to be a memorable event. Brass Rings is brass quintet which draws from a circle of full-time pro- fessional musicians from the ranks of the Canadian. Opera Company Orchestra, Kitchener. Waterloo Symphony, National Arts Centre Orlchestra,, National Ballet of Canada Orchestra, Orchestra London Canada; _Phantom of the Opera Orchestra, ' Stratford Festival Orchestra, Tafelrnusik Baroque Orchestraand the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. At, the 'helm. of Brass. Rings is trombonist 'somas Henderson, a for- mer Lucknow resident, who is pursuing a runtime career in music. He created the concept of Time for. Christmas which Brass' Rings is tour- ing throughout Ontario. One performance of the "show wall be recorded for presentation on CPC Radio 2 on Christmas Day.. Time for .Christmas is an. inviting, involving experience„ Thomas was, inspired to. create. the show after reading • a poem which highlighted the many images of the season- - bells, snow, food, gifts, trees and angels. Time for Christmas .will. celebrate and illuminate these images' with: musie and words, including. favourite readings such as Stopping By the Woods by Robert Frost and Yes,. Virginia There is A Santa. Other Christmas writings. by ee curmings, A.A. Milne, Edgar Alan. Poe and Dylan Thomaswill be featured. And there will be be music - glorious arrange- ments of favourite sohgs for the season from Parade . pf the Wooden Soldiers to Hallelujah Chorus. • $rays Rings gives pro- fessional symphony musi- cians an opportunity to perform inan intimate set- ting et•ting and'. offers exceptional musical: presentations for the audience. This concert will also feature the talents of guest organist Thomas O'Meara of Toronto, an acclaimed and award winning musi- cian,. who has enjoyed a career as a church organ- ist, has worked with choirs and chamber .ensembles and has a special interest in organ for silent films, which: took him to Italy to perform in 'the largest fes- tival of silent films in the world. O'Meara is fre- quently heard as organ. recitalist on CBC Radio and was accompanist for the Victoria Scholars male chorus which won the 1996 Canada. '.Council Healey Willan Grand Prize for best choir, in Canada. He is currently organist at Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Board of ed chair ad.dresses �choal adv���ry council On Nov. 9, the School Comniunity. Immersion. A program for gifted students Advisory. Council held its monthly meet- had to be implemented in. Grey County, ing. The Bruce Comity Program TRAIL is At the meeting we 'listened, to Elaine now available in Grey. County. Hiller's draft letter addressing concerns The computer systems in both -coon- raised by SCC in limiting employees: of ties, were not' compatible. Grey County the" board to sit on $CC councils, It was seemed. to make computers ttidre,of a:priw. our opinion that all parents, regardless of •#city therefore having better equipment: their employer should be allowed to rep- She also discussed,,school renewals resent their children on SCC committees. • • and overcrowding.. in some schools. There Jennifer Yens.sen, 'chai'r of, the • was talk' that some boundaries may need Bluewater" District School Board was to be'chaged to use each school to its • guest speaker. Yenssen discussed the new " capacity:- ' curriculum, briefly. It was. suggested'.that We have lost 1/2 time of special edit althoughthe new curriculum•is very good cation teacher at. LCPS. As we .have sev it May have been implemented too 'last; .:eral children with special" needs, this. was not givirit school hoards: or, teachers a.:'concern. It was decided that a, letter enough time to adjust their planning. • stating our concerns should be drafted From there we discussed the amalgatna .. and forwarded:to the .sehooi board. tion of the two school. boards. Each. We discussed the scabies incident and brought with it different ideasAll Imo- the: school • board's procedures *hen an grams needed to be ;harmonized For incident like this occurs. It was our open- wimple, Grey •County. did not have JK ion, as a council, that, families should be, whereas -Bruce did. Now it is offered in advised When the first incident is found, all schools, Bruce County as of yet,: has A letter will be written to tbe school not shown "much. interest in French board' expressing our concerns. LUCKNOVJi DISTRICT C()MMUNITX CENTRE OPEN DATES _ NOV Fri. 27, DEC. Fri 4 -at -18 Sat. 5 12 -19"- CALL 528-3112 Everlasting Flowers & Gilts 9am, -5.30pm. • GiOE81GN 524 78H •E NE'S'TIHURSDA`t In the heart of the city; a ;pig with heart. IcFtl. & SAT 7 s 9:00 PM SUN..,TIMMS. 7:30 PM SAT, & SUN. MAT '1:3O PM 1611& DISTANCE? CALL 1-800.255.9458 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO 14 know Sentinel, Wednesday, November 25, 1998 -Page 7 Toronto. .For Thomas Hend- erson, returning •to Lucknow is always a plea- sure. Thomas grew up in the village and is the son of Jim and Mary 'Henderson. While Thomas helppedhis parents at their local lumber yard he was also encouraged to study piano. His first piano ,teacher; Donelda Moffat, plans to be at the Lucknow concert. .For Thomas, that adds additional pleasure to the afternoon of heart warm- ing music and fellowship that will be presented on Nov. 29.' Time for Christmas is a show that may be enjoyed by children and adults of_. all ages. in fact, there is a ' special part for children in the audience to play dur- ing the performance. Time for Christmas will be performed on Nov. 29 at Lucknow,• Presbyterian Church at'3.p.m. Tickets are available locally at Finlay Decorators or McDonagh Insurance in Lucknow or by calling. 528.3.214. stop Hart Des. ease and Stroke!: Supporttfie t'tsrt and $Crokc 1•ouhdati011,., Happy 50th Anniversary to Grant & Dorothy. Eckenswiller November 27th Love From family, and grandchildren Kevin Webster graduated f rom Queen's University; Kingston at the Fail ,Convocation'on. October 29th, 1998. He received his B.A. (tions) majoring in Geography. Congratulations from your family. We are proud of your achievement! . ate Lighh...111PrikttIonifeeiptitifiiaile THEATRE: KINCARDINE ! 396-3250 rlrrR�_ertuRi►Rrrrtrr rrrlib r0trrr4r0. Mrr01:4►040,06110001.. PAAT1NEE - NOV.-27 THRU 29 • 2 P.M. Nov. 27 to Dec. 3 • 8.p.m. `it:f3t1 1�' 1 HAN Tiu FIRST!' rIjf i•`'1y \{. 11`. ALL SEATS $4.25 TUESDAYS Lucknow Travel damp re Chef Partylite Candles Artistry Cosmetics 'Shear; Design & Cut A Curl Hairstyling; aturla, .0 cian.: _ ; p.flL. Branch 309 avember 28th mea ese Come out and do.some Christmas shopping or just pamper yourself. We -will have many.., different vendors with.'displays and - demos of their products that they offer for sale. ', Vendors are donating a percentage of " their sales to our Building Fundi. Tickets $5.00/person Available from: The:Canteen, Phyllis ,Helm or Joan Finlay: Financial 'Consultant' Jocus Toys Mary ay • Tuppemsre • Reflexoiogy Cathy's Crafts Please Mum