The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-11-18, Page 16Page 16 N Lucknow Sentinel, 'Wednesday, November 18, 1998 Christmas is appioachiAg by Mildred Lou The snow coming down . Presbyterian church ladies on Thursday with his hosted their luncheon, . funeral from the chapel on bazaar an4i bake sale. Saturday and Gordon Saturday evening. the Lyons passed away .at Community .Living ban- Ptneerest • Thursday quCt was held at the evening and his service Community Centre. - was Sunday afternoon. ,Also passing away at Another busy spot last pineereg on Wednesday week was the funeral was Gordon Wilson with home. Services were held his funeral services at Wednesday afternoon for Walkerton. Harvey Alton who had Sympathy is extended passed away Monday in to each, of these families Wingham hospital. . as the mourn the loss of Peter Cook passed their loved ones. Saturday the away at Pinecrist Manor Monday morning reminds us that the Christmas sea -- sou is fast approaching (as well as all the ads and fly- ers with their gift ideas). Another indication is the many activities that take place this time of year. Friday evening was the annual Horticultural' Society banquet as well .as the anniversary celebra- tions at Montgomery Motors. Albertan wins oval's pubic speaking: The 14th annual Young Speakers for Agriculture public speaking contest 'was held on Nov.. 7 at the Royal Agriculture Winter Fair in Toronto. Thirty young people between the ages of 16 and 24 present- ed information on a va ety of topics, Each parti pant was responsible r presenting a five to seven, minute well written, speech an their chosen topic. Two Bruce County youth were, involved in the competition. . Cheryl Hammell from Dobbinton Ashfiekl •frontPage Township of West Nissouri worthy of itsup- port. The resolutionrequests the provincial government and specifi-cally the minister of 'edu- catin to introduce legila- tion: to provide ;proper funding,to school boards toensure that ruralschools.are not forced to be closed.John ' Miller andRichard Miller qustioned • counil about thecostassociated with a . fire call on .Aug. 23 at" Huron Sands Road, one: mile SWAM Birthday Club Jason -Murray November 19,1988 10 Years Old Alicia Murray November 19,198 9 Years Oki• Jordan Errington Noveniber 19. 1990 • 8 Years Old Ashley Ritchie November 20, 1990 8 Years Old Jeffrey Hodgkinson November 21, 1901 7 Years Old Darien Murray November 22, 1993 5 Years Old Sarah Shiels November 24, 1995 3'YearsOld was a finalist in the com- petition. Her topic was "Challenges . and Opportunities Facing Rural Communities and Organizations in the New Millennium.': As a finalist, Cheryl received a'cash prize. andtwo special books. to commemorate. the event. Tim Dietrich from the Mildmay area was also a participant in the competition. He chose to speak about "Canadian Unity; A Rale For Rural Youth." ` • The 1998 competition winner was. Amy Rae Fox from Hay Lakes, Alberta. council north of Kingsbridge, Council confirmed that costs would be paid by the 'township AS part of it. share of the fire levy: Trio township flags will be purchased. as requested by the County of Huron' for their display at the 1999 plowing match. ' • • Tenders for clear diesel, dYed diesel and gasoline were awarded. , to the know. and District Co- Sparling's ' Propane had. the successful tender for supplying propane. • 1 • .r 4. On. Nov. 19 Albert and Catherine Taylor will have been married 57 years. Congratulations! Hockey° Novice rep Nov 14 Lucknow 2, Ayton 2 Goals: Clint Hamilton and AJ. Beasley with an assist to Travis MacPherson. TXke - Little Lancers Nov..15 Paisley 18, Lucknow 0 Babes on Blades Nov, 14 reeswater 2, Lucknow 5 3oa.ls: Jcssi1 Mann 2,'. • Candice Hamilion 2, Mazy Cox, Assists: Erin Phillips 2, Darlene Aitchison, and 'Michelle Carruthers. • Atom Rep Nov. 14 Ayton 0, Lucknow'14 'Points: Kyle Shepherd 3, Toe Murray 3, Dan Murray 4; Blake Alton 5, Cory Hamilton 5, Cody Hamilton: 3,1len Knechtel, Kenny Stanley,' and Buddy., , Chamncy. 140v.15 .• Lucknow 7, Wmgham 4 •Points.Blake.Alton 2, Joe • Murray '3, Cory Hamilton, Cady .Hamilton.6, Devin Kemp 3, Dan Murray. ccs. Dy''( laramolli309. Satrirciay.7VVdOember 2.841 Xfla.m.-4plrr. ILattuasow xri.e+ Vin ar Clidcse WEDDINGS I'eriucmed-yourtocation as aur indoor qr atdoor cilapdt (non.derMmiriatlonalj: Forbrochura rail: REV, CHRIS MORGAN Ai.tr,EAM1SPASIORALCENT 9.ENMH. Eti 5245724 CHRISTENINGS urotl County*s. i.1. 1f Q, CUE RENTAL1. o• Ueadquartelrs. ©; D i7Small &Mid-sized cars: Q OPussenger $ Cargo le a Vans, Pickup Tmeks t aDaiiy, Weekly, Monthly D 13 a nsurtnlce Rentals & E at Mere' V. 0 p 0 tl: c9iotordoi,00 0' CAR. & TRUCK 01 01'17009 p at Division of Suncoast Feud p FJ • 500 Huron Rd., Godet•icb: in • 1888444 524,8347 a BDO Diunwf od Chartereid Accountants Offering a iu8 range: of sertrrces: auditing, accounting, business, pianning, income tax planning, personai financial planning, committer and management services. WALKERTON HANOVER PORT EL (IN . MOUNT FOREST WINGHAM B,F, Thomson, FCA CR Voliett, CA MI.S. Bolton, CA' • K.L. Drier„CA A.P.. Reed, CA R.,i.'Miilef, CA J.J. Hunt, CA _ H.E. Kibler, CA . T.Deyell .•, G,14. Munro, CA • i(. 001%hlagak CA • • . . Ed. Kuntz, CA P. Thor; CA R.G,'Thomes, CA. 881-1211 :364-3790 832.2049'' 3282351 357.2205' come out and doscmeChrlstinasshopping o .: Inst pamper irolirse ( 117e rviillava many different tvirdot ioitifA!$plirys and Janos of 1 otu.. Their jm'duirs that' thavoffer for sale _ •ljettdors re dotratdtg a percentage of their sales to our Bnildtng And. • { M4rr'1$, 7)ckets .$S.U0/person �7valh t}otri 17seCaeteen. Phpllls Jtetie orloan fntcnr I • 4i6o+w I , 44.• . _ _ lah -& i. Jear-Montgomery- woiJJd H like 46 -express our sincere: gratitude„ to• all, tthestaff of our team .for that extra special effort that was put into our 5Oth celebration To all ,our supporters, guests,. friends and visitors that made our 50th Anniversary celebration a success beyond our wildest dreams. from the Montgomery” , Team. Fiaspiclit cea.ifta.k Row A •N�MiRNrt fat#y'� creM