The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-11-11, Page 10Page ldl w Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 11. 199g anntiner The Ripley aaritam proved to be too much. for the Lucknow squad un 'Nov 2. as the visitors out shot and outscored the locals 7 to,Z. . • Ln kfow's two goals were by Brian Stanley and Matt Pritchard with Dan McDonagh and .Teff • McNee assisting. The next night wit different story when Lucknow tTavelk*d to Mildmay and came home with a 4 to twin, • Blue Weins was strong, in the net making 25 saves and allowing the line goad past hint with less: than Tuve rni.nattes left in the game Rtls: Devin Petteplace (2), Russ Mahn, anti Wyatt. Kean. .Assists: Mart, await, Steve Van Meeteren, Brian Stanley and sick Andrew. . • • Novice BZ Walkortan downed :ht.uc:know 2 tcx l on Nov. 2. 0oa11e.Parcy Quinlan dis- played gteat standup abil- ity and Margaret Vincent`s,. defensive play was instru- mental. areateffort by all. laved Stapleton scored on an assist front •Rachelle Land;; • Atom B.2, VVpers The Luc;.know Vipers (Atom 0-2) came out playing strong when they met up with .Hanover -2, On heixte ice, Nov, • 8. Unfortunately, they could- n't keep up to theit.oppo, nems, and sent them home with; a 10 to 5 victory. iratei business wee swear aid he didn't need to e1 i e, 0 7 los 10 The Vipers played a good passing game, and kept the game close •until well into the second pen - 04, when Hanover seemed to owner alive. (coals were scored by Wesley Rivett (2), Stuart Eadie, • Kelsi a Alton and Johne Godfrey. Assists by Stephen Bushell: (2), and Alton: Lucknow 'I1ttermedinte • Girl The .ucknow Intermediate girls started the year off on a good %Whelk! amines** sea* bade Said be coulkine' ' af*o gillveirtOse0 Yi A w ? w, 0 a a, iato 0 7 7 IP IP • 21, eg Mit 61° 7 7 note. Strong defence and good passing gave the IMO an easy victory over liincaardine, as th`y downed the visitors S tol on homer oafs scored by. +l Darlene Aitchison (4), Candice R ton (3), and Lori Blake, "with assists going •to Erin Phillips (3), Laura Stanley. (2), A atchtson, Piake, acid Julie Hopper. Fee Wee . Walkerton came to town on Nov. 7 and, went homeen the winning. end of a 3 to 1 score. Shawn Ref ftinghaus 'won a face ` off in Walkerton's end and David Conley 'snapped in a goal to tie the game at ane a piece tate in the .second. Walkerton went on ` to score two unanswered third period' goals" for the • win, • Juveniles Pint 5lgin7 a pante' to town on Nov. wee bit shy of a full squad; The local team downed them: 9 to 0, on goals by Daryl Aitchison, Cam Moffat, Eon Moffat ' (3), Jon. Mackinnon, Shane P.ettepl,ace and Ed Courtney (2). Picking: op. assists' were Aitchison (2), P~ettep1ace: (3), 1d Courtney,., Jeff Porter, M41'104n:on.'. (2.), Jeff Cranston,rrreg Courtney (2), Stuart'Rintouul, George Carter,. Cain Moffat, •.and • Taylor Muli, On Sunday afternoon, Lueknaw, travelled ; to Zurich and brought, home`• a 9 to win, Being short, some Juveniles; twoof the Midgets helped out'. . , • Points in this g,asnie Mad( Stanley (2), Greg Courtney (4), 'Ed C9urtney (2), Jeff Porter (2),, Jon. MacKinnon (2), Cam Moffat,' Daryl Aitchison, Chad 'Prec nen, Jordan. Andrew, George Carter, and Jeff Cranston. , <"yke The:. Tykes took on I3elrnore on Satrtrday,• Several breakaway saves by Qary 1rnlay tn. ,net resulted -in a 7 to. 4' tearri' victory. Coals:'Wes Hackett (3),. BT:an.ddbn Howald (2•)c Nathan- McMurray, and Colton Chainney, Assists: . Calvin Rivett, McMurray, McDonald, Nichole Van Dyke, Chambey.' •, l Oviee-0 - The Lucknow Knights got 4,14111p on.the, Season ,with three g,anies, last , week- They played strong • and hard to ceme • tip with a 1 to (l' win aver Hanover, a•three tiwitR and a 4all :; toe 2 h toss.;iple to, Hciwiek, Ben • J orscht,.was great in net with lots. ot- help from l,i: defence and offence. CCK • Point getters: Sheila Kulk, Milan Adamson, Scott' Miller (4), l rent Alton (2), Mike Dalton, Rosa Meriaimt (2)., and" Evan Rivett. ?• The Tyke • 2 squad host, ed Wingitant oau Sawrday for their -first SV 'of the' season. Michael Morrison was in net for .Lucknow. Jamie Miller displayed great defence, Lueknow• e,ainO up a . short on the 9. to 5 game. • . Joel Alton scored; four goals with Andy Phillips netting one. Assists• were front Kent • Van Asch, • Riley.Aitchison ani.tDiilort Stapleton, • Atom Bl The Lucknow Atom 01 team played their season opener Nov. 7 in LuaknOw against • . Winghatn:, Lucknow lost '5 to 4 in a. close, hard fought game, , Leading. the ;cxffenue was Jim John.Knik with, two goals and an assist. :Stewart Simpson scored a goal, while assists were racked up . by Mike Uoggart, • •• Anthony Stoetjes, -and ' Shawn: Van Osuh. The final goal was scored by John Dalton with :his first career goal, Cogratuiatioris John! • Artam� Re Aa strong Ato"m p. Learn. .tlnnikbated Ketwit'' games last week, the" first.' one a 16 to';2 win,over Clifford, and the second L7 to0 over.Howick, The statistician, was kept busy recording these; pwints,z Jbe Murray `ld,.. : P an •Murray •� 9, Cory Hamilton 9 Devin Kemp .. ti ''Blake Alton 7,• Kenny Stanley • ,2; aucid:y. Charrtney 4, Cody Hamilton 8, Brett Phillips, Kyle Sh pherd 2-;.°114.:i48 , Dat us Mali 2. NoviCe Rep The No ieereps are off to: a ;goad; start this season with a loss •and two wins. .The most,recent aine was played Nov.. when. Clifford came. to visit. With Meat goaltending by Sam Johnston, guarded by John 11phick,, Clint Hamilton,, Alex'Van and Tucker Dorscht and helped by Travis MacPherson, Ai: Beasley,. nide Tont•• Van Osch Lucknow carni away With a 5 t 4 win •• Goals; Matt Van Oseh, Marty Quinlan, $e:n. Sloctjes, Ben Douglas', Clint Hamilton. Assists: Nish Aitchison; Douglas, and $loctjes