The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-11-11, Page 9After reports iii sesame saatiies 'itaa idettcQs in the, willal e. parents of sortie: LCI'S children have received•atn informglen sheet explaining what sea bies is, how it spreads, the symptoms, treatment and preVentiun, Only parents of atm. -lents wha may have been in Contact with an infected child received the letter. - Ac:curding to lir. Murray Megni''e, med- ical officer of health:• far' . The 13`ruce, Grey, Owen • Sound Health linit. , "Scabies is not a • reportable disease. to . the • health unit. Its not capsid- ered a'•coutesunicable dis- ease 'in- the sense that 'It • doesn't Qause disease... lt's a • nuisance, but it doesn't i . itself cause disease, Ws, much like head lice." said- Dz Mi Quite last Friday. It needs tobe. be. stressed, that like. head lice:. scabies has nothing to do with cleanliness, "1;'1te. fQtluueing. infarma bots ; vii 4$ ,Contained on the Sheeet, dxstributect to par cuts...' 'S'cabiesis a, Skin irrit tlod. c"au:sed..by.• a eery smallitiseet-like-, parasite. celled a trite, • 'The acalae•s. mite •is• spread by diretz s,kin-w- slain contact. The trite can be transferred fulcra elntlir, ink ':r bedding that . was used: immediately' bean hand by the infected, per- sunt. Some:people art: c:ntibarrassed to, ctiseo.vet they have scabies. event though it•4an be caught by anyone; and dt:es•not ipdi- Pate },oii.r 7.er5,91a1 h ►gene. ylmptn►I• anti `Wettlatment . The female . scabies irate lays her eggs 'just Under the surface of the skin. These eggs, hatch in three to 'tour days then move to the Surface of the skin where they mature. They mateand repeat the life cycle,gradually spreading the infestation. For four to six weeks after infection there may be no symptoms, then the person will typically begin to feel an intense itchiness, which is often: worse 4t might. A red rash will acevrtt- patty the itr;hiness. The most c:owmonrash sites, are the webs of the frit! gers; wrists, elbows, breasts, genitals, , abdernea,. batik and buttocks. Scabies are, rarely' feuKid above the neck, exotit in infants. Secondary infections can occur farm scratching the affected areas. ltt is best to see your dater for , 'advice on treatment for scabies. :.. • , There art~ anumber of lotions. or tuns that east be obtained, fron phtuma • ties and it in important to read the label carefully • and tallow diireetiens tar* fatly. It i i important tb. • apply •ttie tic::tbi.c:ide to all :areas (exe:ept face and ,scalp), All' ander,jarnnent clothing mit bedding used by the allbete4 person 48 hours before treatment.. should be .launderetron the hot .eyrie of the. washer .and dry tet: r#tiy clothing; that c;att- not l* taunderecl.sltould:t stared for at least four • days before reusing, Ik is, not ni t. asary. iia• disinfect. items such as ratn;ttlesses: and furnitutet- • After tteaUnent,. ltclting'• natty persist.for one to' two weeks, bat is no. a: sign of treatment failure or. -rein • fetatignr • veitaitiiwi Tone. perae n.• in rk farm,. ly has. Scabies,:there is a: . food c h..aneet that others. will 11e it also' and shaitl4. tuv.herefore be tri ated- •as.rec a utittentded:.by.. •di*eir- 'ny ay HS and i'HT- Grace Kopf 25.2, 645; Gerald. Rheelyt, 295, 762. 200+ scores: Gerald it hotly 295, 288, 8il1 Stewart 253, Gx'a4e Hopi 252, 227,• Ron. Elliott 251, 223, 210, Jason Stanley 251, 206, Lea Anne Naldenby 241, 20.1. Merle, Rbotly 231, Dain- Mahan 230 219, Wilma Elliott 227; Andy 'Page 223; • 221. Eric Baldeaby 219, 202, 1' tie 'Stewart; 208, Bea Griffin 207, Leonard Clarke 207: 'Stanndings:: eagles, ,19' l:udgles 17.5: 1.5 Orioles .16. Pelicans . Blue Jays 15.: Emus.:133, Mtnday - t?c.t 26. - TIS and 1{T - Anita; Elliott 241, 673; John Van Diepen 251,`. 644. 200+ scores; Tracey Tait 227, • John. Van Diepen 251, 207..Anita Elliott 241, 240, Laura Steffler 21,•0;A Wendy 'Ritchie 2213, Erie« Taylor 2p',„ 2.15, Nick Schaus 216, 224. Nov.,4 HS, and HT Standings.: Anita Elliott 250,.. 6.28, Eric. Taylor 311.` 709 , 2004 ;scores Eric Taylor 239, 311, Anita Elliott 250,xz, .„•„ r: .209, Wendy : , Rttehie 248,219, .Bryce Ritchie 203,„ John Andrew 231; J'Qha• Vann • iepenn 215, 205, Gerry Vanderklip 230, Terri Van men 20 Traceyn Tait 2041, Dave H,urnphreyt 205, Georgi PQley 239 Nick Sehatts 23:6, 235, 21$,.. Monkeys 24, Kangaroos k;6, Wolffacrk 16, R;aa400na 16,1 cnlldogs:;13; Wildcats 11; • • • S ntC£s: Delaney .Dunkley 82, • ' J•enna. 1ing110, l aehaul y40: i epe*80}:' . 1)t1er Pagc 1156 "4.attarns: L.a091;.E1li9tt i80;. letisica; Small 148, Vicki Ring ,126. Juniors Danie 1e• Small 140, ' Mini y; Taylor 165,160, Richard 1lliott 19,3, 1. Q; Se;nipsa; l4.artene Johnston 241, 218, 202; Josh Ccernart 187,.1.89, Paula Taylor 222, • 1.84, 220, 187, Matt .Stewart 15;1, 182,4 214,.1?a tali, `Ritchie 194, 209, Thehoe e record, for §CoiQr 04,i$4Pn: was broken try 3osh 1. finnan wiio rr�lled a Single 29.1. • Iii; the Master junior tournament: bowled in :iii tewel:•ort-Nav„ 1,tour tif the, eighty bowierrs'ctat1ne 11001 with trophies: They are Richard gi.uot, Kevin 1~1nn1gatn; Sat-nag:ha Dyk and Whitney Taylor, Congratylationsr . Town and Cetintry - HS and' I -IT - Fern; MacDonald 229». 4•;14, Harald •1;,11i;Qtt 193, • 366. 150+ scares::Harold, lslli tt 173., 193,' Donald lvlacKinnan 171, 151; Pen R,04 161, 165; George Taylor:163, ;159; • 'Ferri Mac: Donald 229..185,' Kathy Gibsen 196, • E Erna, Garay 183, Mary:. ,Lou Raynxrd;181,, Kathleen: Forester t :80, tore ne• Alton. 179, 3gyc e Adamson 116, ' 11Marg Wilson 165, 167 Wiirtiu l✓tliutt 168; yearn Ross. 155, Ann Macrpougall • 151'. Standings; Uyctieintlis .14, 'Tulips 9Daff5.l?odttisiils 1Qes.7.Snowdrops 1.0, Crocuses :5•;. OW*, - and }[L: nits Eui tt: 226, 668; lima 4 Boer 218, 324 2Q0+. scares Jim 4 Roer Anita. Elliott 224.; 226, 211 Ferrets, 1,2; Sku'n'ks.. 4, Squirrels, Chipmunl 00,Y - HS and H:D Wilma.Bliiatt, 236; 412; lint McCaiilivray. 227, 452 .150+. segzea Jim, McGillivray, 227; 225, E{1: Eitil'158,Tcgnn• Adams,:15, Vilma lllitltt 176. 236, Lorna. nay 1,73,.•235, Donnie F,.ollarcl 220, Marion Robb 166,.'Edtta,' Stanley 151,16Q. Standings;tYardin,als 1t, Robina,*1Q; Orioles, 9; Bluebirds et, Swallows 5, Goldliiaehe&4. ' xj 't HS, and HT - Betty. Small 223, Marten iotie,s. 541; r ncly. Mage 289; Geon: l lliett• 678 20,0+, seeress Eru Taylor 225, 257; Marion Jones, 221, .Andy. ,Paget 289; R,;on• Gilte,Spie; 273, Qetty. Small 223, Cathy Page 221, Rob Beirnes, 225, Ronr. E1l'i'ot!t 213; 282; Joyce 'Wood 222`.; -• Standings. Mustangs,. 1,6, '13e;atles 15,, Austin Minis 12 I3tornebs, 11,, Lade 11, Coruairs 7; a • . fl ucicntnw Scnnuct, We4nesdaya Nov doctor: Or: McQluk a con - cum urs with this advico say_ ing thewhole family should be treated if one is infected. , • If the infer:tett person attends day care or lives in a nursing home, treatment maybe nese isay far clasp. contacts to prevent, an Out- break An infected persuti should *refrain fromm tsJQsc euntaet With others until 24 beers, after treatment huts started. PEQPLIEWIla READ NeWSPAPERSARE SETTER AND MORE EFFECTIVE. PARENTS laawilh Nawspapia r11.1 P40 FINANCIAL i. income Expenses.. DepositQE.Q PPradudcrt Company Overhead Costs Flit anations t: 44+4-14seefL uo Girl Glides Kinsmen Lions Legion ATEMEN1 120.00 262.91 $49,302.91 8,99679 $300.0 ,5Qf,QQ $1,500.00 $1,000.00 long= for next year .5, 600.00 3,396.79 $'3,396.79. `:. iuxtit,+y l telco Accountants 'toning* oU+rteie : audItin t auMauntl ;i bU iinassy phttiolo meso tax ta4snrui pp�isatt ;fltaanei i ntaanir eomnatsParttrtttdnu ent ricee . VM niit�Ri tttl oVE PORTEt G$$ ' mouttr ,&t ' *owe 'itiomsuri,tc: VgUett,GA MS,.Soften; ;0 KLPnier.GA, Tear* 13'4 M11144 Gid 1,J. Hunt, G14 H;a Kibl?r, CA 1U1tItx,Gp GA' Munro;. A. it; Qsischtagei;'GA Thor, GA R.o,80114z,Z�11, etc. 4324044 X51 a0;, c I RQUGH 'HE tore Draws:. lraw Date, Deeerntber 18 Refres rxm?ns T t 00 r'c vac+ Friday,: Noueml er i 1998 7:00 p.m.. darn C,ytecr,citraie> *; Community Carolling, in: Park With St. dosepl 's Children"s4Choir.; *` Lrotness.Giullig.Tree: * Visit.fio n'i.Santa > freshments :T € l.in the,Park qr- Teiuin ,Flail Q r, Coricert: *, pct.9-„ lrrcrember 151 . .2''O0:p,nr* BayfieldTown Halt e