The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-11-11, Page 6• Page 6— Lunow Sntnel, Wednesdays November 11 199a ' Fundraising makes hockey affordable for all childroi - • Birthday Club Kyle Greer November 19, 1999 9 Years Oki Jarnle Pentland November is 1988 10 Years 014;1 Curtis Blake Novemooris, 1996 Years Old Reba Jefferson November 16, *199 • 6 Years Oid 'Chad Simpson • November r7. 1994 •• 4 Years Old LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE Nay.14 Community Living Dinner & Dance OPEN • DATE)S Fri. 13 20 - 27 Sat. 21 4 CALL 528-3312 Everlasting Flowers & Gifts 9 a.m. - .$10 PA- * WANTED MOBS Fut YtiltilieS in their *ad . .. SandraVanOsc , daughter of Deloreo Van Oseh, Gorkrie h and the /ate "intone Van Qsch formerly ofAshfield 710p. graduated lath distinction° from Wilfred Laurier • University, Waterloo receiving her Mastero in Business 1. Administnution, degree. She is currently : employed at Stirling • fluid Systems, Caelplf, • Congratulotions, Vie are proud of youl k*Conk fiance Craig, Brent, Wen, Lin, Bill & families. • by Pat Livingston The Lucknow Minor • Hockey Association is on a fund-raising campaign with the sale of pizzas. The goal • of the Association is to keep the cost of hockoy registration at a minimum and afford-. able for all children to par- ticipate. "This is done in conjunction with the joint recreation board, the Parent Auxiliary to Winter Sports, sponsors and other individuals,"says Doug Aitchison,. chairman of the Association. • Fund-raising is neces- sary,. says Barb van Diepenbeek, .a new mem- ber on the committe• e. While the parent or • guardian of a hockey play- er pays the registration fee and is responsible for the child's equipment, Van Diepenbeek explains that clninivascird ij Pieter & Nelia van Dam November 1 • Love from) your children, mat -grandchildren there are many -hidden gather proper statistical eosts. parents may not be data in order to make a aware of . proper determination as tO QM is tile Cost of cern- whether there should be • tying and recertifying body checking at all levels coaches and trainers 'so of minor hockey and/or that the volunteer manage- determine the age at which mot system will continue body Checking should be to be as strong as ever," introduced. Both coaches and train.'. During this pilot pro - ors have to be re -certified Pet, *Inch is expected to every three years. The cost take at least three years. is $110 for coaches and the Lucknow A teall rep $55 for trainers. The committee also helps with the cost of goalie equipment which can be expensive when you consider the dollars C required to pay for pads,ost of playing hockey is armor, blocker and catch-, tobesoifso keptatanantho affordable er. The Association spon- figure. •$soesresidonths.ethpioswyeerartoskatingthe.' cd000mresselkliii; pkiiznzgas,cheekatour tune of $850. ' it out and remember the The cost of registering money is Wing to a good the minor hockey teams ccannsdeu.cLina;ary t.Yleoattr'es7ois effort with the. WOAA is $1200 o type, ..of fund-raising • not successful. and $1,000 to register the iris • team gwith wouldn t be necessary, was 'Wanton's Hockey. Association. Then there is • Orders have to placed $5,000 to, the 'OMI•IA for by Nov. 20. • insurance, etc., to cover • the teams. . •• • •• This year the Atom rep •Shoot • team will be experiencing - • • body checking. This too winners requires coaches to take a' • special eourse. • Seven tables of shoot • • This body checking at were in play at the Drop in the Atom rep level, isa, Centre on Friday. Winners pilot project • of the were Dorothy Miller, Canadian Hockey Vivian Bogan, • Art Association and the Ernevvein and Donalda Ontario Hockey .,mqffat. Wes Youngand federation. 'this program Erma Crich tied for the is being conducted t� most shoots. team will be monitored by the kinesiology depart- ment at Lakehead 'University. As you can see, fund- raising is necessary if the , .• 1Tehicle stolen in Ashfield The Huron detachment of the OPP believe it was joy riders who stole a 1997 Choy GM 4 pickup • overnight Nov. 6/7 from a Conc. 14 residence in Ashfield Township. •• The theft was reported early in the 'morning Nov, 7. Late that day the vehi- cle was recovered just 'south of Amberloy next.to some cottages.• • The Boron OPP are requesting all businesses in the Wingharo, Brussels and Blyth area to report a short heavy set,.white • male in •his 408 who has • been selling advertising for place mats., Over the past smirker a male fitting this descrip- tion has been selling place mat advertising for $180 This is believed to be a series of frauds. • Anyone who has been approached by a lone male fitting this descrip- • tion and selling such advertising is asked to call Detective Constable Scott ' • at the Nuren OPP.'detach- mem at 5244314. • • , • • Trailer and furniture *losing On Nov. 2, flyridirtan, Transport, located in Wroxeter, reported the . .theft' of a tractor trailer • . Unit. • - • •• .• ' - A newly,hired driver • was sent to Toronto, on Oct. 24 to '• pick. up' • $100,000.Warth of flirt& • ture and haul it tet,i • titre . store in British • • Columbia.. When the ship- ment did not arrive, the' furniture cimniany called 0 flyndman Transport. The ‘CoMpany....then- • notified the Ilitron OPP • detactnent.and reported • • the theft of a.ed1998 Freightliner tractor with .. SaSkatchewan plates: O along with a white,1997 • Stotightonztrailer,• Also bearing •Saskatchewan •plates. .• ; • 7On.'Ny. , the • Freightliner tractor was • discovered abandoned parking • lot. • in Mississauga. . ' , The "pollee are still ,• • looking for the trailer •. along with the furniture _contents.- :•• . ••. • , Anyone, with infornta-. O tion, on the trailer or the • driver of the, anit, is asked tO.notify. the Huron OPP or Call•Crune Stoppers. • ' '• . „ „ , • ,