The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-11-04, Page 19Lucknow .Sentinel, Wednesday, November 4, 1998 - Inge 19 Tis tho seaspn; hockey a Om.. heats- ,up Mom Rep The Atortts had their first experience with body.. checking when they took to the ice in Ripley on Oct,. 24. It was..a. good .effort by all players ending in a 5 to 1 win. Goals: Cory Hamilton 3, Dan Murray and Blake Alton. Assists: Alton 2,. Brett Phillips;, Murray, Ben Knechtel and Joe Murray, Midgets. The Midgets started their season last Monday, Oct. 26 with a 3 to 2 Ross against Blyth. Conor McDonagh scored, both Lucknow goals. Assists were awarded to Steve Hare, Troy Mackenzie, Chris, Hackett and Paddy Lyons. Strong goaltending by Justin Brown madd the game an exciting opening to what looks to, be a great. season, Pee 'Wee B The Pee Wee B squad. split the first two games of., the season defeating Kurttzville on Oct. 27 4 to 3 in a late third ,period juveniles The Juveniles got off to a slow start in Listowel on Halloween night but cane back with; .three short • banded, aals to win 6 .tr), 4' On Sunday, Lucknow took on their old; rivals. from H'owick and won3. to ' Weekend: Points 'went to: Ed Courtney 4, Greg Courtney 3, Daryl Aitchison. Ean -Moffat, .Jon MacKinnon with two cab and Stuart Rintaul, Chris Wainwright, Chad • Freernan,..Shane Petteplace and Jeff Cranston with sin - Pee Wee A Goalie Mara Martin played -despite seeing a lot of rubber when Ripley came to town. on Oct, 30 and went home with a 4 to •twin. • Lucknow's goal was from James Mann • assisted by Rob Raymond and - Daniel Drennan. .• Lucknow bombarded Betmore iQ to 1: on Nov. 1. Several of the.goa1- swere scored on excellent passing plays. • Goals: Bob Ray. mond •4, Luke Drennan, Janres - Mann, Kyle . Darseht; files. • Mark Hackett- 2, .Brad' • Fast paced gaxne for Lancer In weekend action, the Lancers . and Clinton played to a two aH over- time tie. It was a good, last paced game with the first two periods scoreless. Dean, Lindsay stood between the pipes for . Lucknow; Chris Irwin and .M assistsSteve byichie Brad Robinsonscoredwith, Tom MacDonald; Kyle Wheeler and. Eric Andrew... elconn:e new folk rally. Mike Wilson wasrally.c in net keeping the to BerryStreet locals in the game while Mike 'Fischer had three points. It was a. penalty,, • free. game for both tearnis,. • Other points went to. Braden Carruthers, Derek' Quinlan (2), Ry'an Rivett • and Preston Drennan However, on Oct 30 in Mildmay, there was no comeback and the team came • home on the losing:. . end of a.4 to 1 score.. Quinlan scored the loner With assist from Shawn Refflinghaus. ' • from page 16 was in play at Dungannon Senior's on Wednesday evening Oct: 28, .with Kathy Hallam and Kay ' Watson winners on the pink cards; ,Harvey Culbert and ; Margaret Errington. white card win- - ners. ` Jim and Margaret Errington attended the 50th wedding anniversary celebration. for her brother SiokeAlais iy4trifr o >t'r°"o' TrftgA • • If your smoke alarms are mere than 10 yearn old, • replace them with new ones. zi=t a\ sooi Conntry Crca invites 01.1 too o peu o ► Friday,. 'November 6th, 1.OA1W4P Saturday; Noireilnber 7th 1OAM-5PI1.I Creators of romantic custom designed parchment arrangements, swags, •°• wreaths, Vrctvrian. accents and Christma•s decorations, decorations, rthg. erica. . tan Jrwriciit9 a294401 *UMW N'*ulama; 5247__ • Earl and Ruby Dahmer, Cambridge, on Sunday, and .visited her sister May Ann °Martin. ,Qt New • Hamburg; wha.ha& been hospitalized at Stratford. General with a heart ~con- dition. New residents`on Berry -Street are Rob 011111 and Lindsay .;Williams, pur- chasing the former' Pearl. Caldwell residence,, latter- ly owned by Bud. Glenn. s Oilehrist, Assists:Murray4 Devin Kemp 3, Gilchrist, Daniel Drennan Brett Phillips 2, Kenny 4, Nigel' Black, Tyler Stanley 2, Blake Alton 2, Hamilton and Mann.. • Kyle Shepherd, Buddy Chamney, Cody Hamilton, Atoms . Darius Mali.. ' Outstanding play -mak- • ing by all players gave the CgRiNAl4q iiiliaiill5 1Gp Atom Rep team an,easy 11. d Huron County's E to 3 victory over Tiverton if o with Torben Neilson coria- 1 ing up with good goal d. IZ fl keeping. - Points: Cory Hamilton 4, Joe Murray 4, Dan PINECRIOr MANOR NG tIONGI COMING MINTS for Month of November 4th • Legion Meal • 8th - Memorial -Service 3 p . 1 lth .. Ray Richards 7 PM 13th - Turkey Bingo 7PM Cards at 0ungannoii Seniors 2.PM = J.Bs Clothing 10 AM-2PM J-idppy Flour Legion • 2;30 PM 21st Christmas Bazaar 1,0 AM Z'PM•, 26th -.Ray Richards 7 PM ., - Birthday Party,- special arty,special entertainment 2 PM 29th -. Christrnas l brie • Tour, .30th Christrnas Light Tour to Owen ,Sound 18th 20th• 27th u RENT4LI`. t eadquarters o © cJSnten dx Mid sized Ctrs ip Ell . [rats, Pickup Trucks. '�, pfras,seny er e4 cargo u le0 dE4Rai4i, weekly, Monthly El C/X tr nee Rentals 44 11 Es Amo c ECI El E 11 100 n ea* TRUCK RENTM S o 0 Division of Soncoast Ford 13 a 500 Huron Rd:, Goderich gi a, 1.8887344. 4486*! o: E 524 8347. o:. Theo 4 op sloes !ohm with a I* *tfild e41 Birthday Chit) John A. Maclnhea Novernber 5, 1900 12 Years Old Grant Alton November 5,1992 6 Years Old. Connor VanOsch. November $, 1994 4 Years Old Echo Mvrerscough November 6, 1988 10 Years Old Sean Martin .November 6, 1991 7 Years Old. Corey'Farrish November 7, 1987 11 Years Old Erin Gilchrist November 8, 1991 7 Years Old Jenna Thompson November 9 1997 , 1 Year Old Dana McCarthur November 10, 1991: 7 Years Old Kennedy Scott. November 10, 1997, 1 Year Old Standing: Timber -and Logs Let 6 generations of experience In Purchasing and,. Resource Manayement work for' you!, g. t rewoodPeople for HARDWOOD SI.ABB, and BODY WOOD or a combination Load of Ira SLABS - 1r2 BODY. Woo) l( NOW OFFERING WOOD. MULCH • At181JAN; ONTARIO ' 519 42607220 ., M; s't: 'Time Lucknour Openstts Doors; during �unda�► Naveml 7:Q0`p KNOW HWY:86 Homesto be toured... t Vicky and Roger Morrison 2. Joan and Dave Black 3. Linda and Allan Andrew 4. COPen house & draw at Tourism' Office) Tickets for this tour are $10.00 and are available at the following locations: *Lucknow & District Skating Club it From Our Heart *Everlasting Flowers & Gifts Crystals Studio