The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-11-04, Page 11• • Lueknow Seiatinel,Wodbeulay, November 4, 1998 - Page 11 r' OV I. CA Ot&t.r1AN "Ai 10 X .CARISSA •TRACEY Sutton, Ontario PECIA THANKS... to the following businesses for their generous support in niaking this message possible! Than 1" I A Is. 1 I 1 1 4142‘,- ter ' To Mese who gave, fought to keep our land tree... Chisholm Fuels LUCKNOW 114. CANADIAN Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681. DEAT AssoctateN 396-8212 357-2820 • furnace Installations Wood, oil Combination Furnaces Burner Service Propane Filling Station PRODUCTS FOR FARM HOME & INDUSTRY In honour of those who served, • they truly are Canada.' s ,heroeS. at • General Store & Bakery Kincardine 395-5305 • Together we. wiltrernentkir Those brave Canadians Who: fought and died to preserve Canada.;wno rest 'beneath the crosses in Flanders.Fields Fairview Dairy )30X .399 Lucluioiv, Ont. NOG 2H0 CANADA . , DAIRY(519) 528-3725 R010(519) 528-2910 ... • ALLAN(519) 529-7508 • • 94.44 e‘itzte • 1. Brian & Kathy Knathtel& staff ' LUCKNOW 528-3026 Let us remember their seCtif10.., , for our country . '• BA IKENOBELEN.•.'.. Delores,. Debbie & CON() , • 623 CemPbett St. LUCKNOW 528-2914 • URETHANE:FOAM • ' AND. BLOWN CELLULOSE , • INSULATION ' JOAN mAr.feeNzue Pou.AnD WM. iiteinalmorg FDIJARD Ir D blAitvuuksti GRENTres F.D. Joind 11.t.wDANDF 1.11410,40W TEESWATER• ' RIK= • 528-3432 392-6011 • 395-2969 • LEST'W E FORGET, . • y • Let us remember those who fought to keep our land free. • . . • 1111/14/Sallil •iCARPENTRY • 'e000,....qe:24-, ?t,i44 satt4834 onci‘foo,2Ho . • -floorrandtiViiidOW$4-taftfrii00#1.1figa *P0410(4* 002019*PriSa*9000: • (519) 5284730 Fax: (519) 520-3349 siNcEigoi LueNhow + Computer Forms., &theques, Invoice Sets, , Business Cards rimost coign 0 ret.rintgct, C4MXNbA shop. 4,•,Other promotional items. Cowan Printing & Advertising • y • • . . Speak not of battles won or lost, but remernberthose ,Who fought them.. • . . HENDERSON Look at the: names on the •PetiOtaijh,. • and iialue4he.PriCe paid for freedom.' LUCKNOW .FARM SUPPLY • LUCKNOW 528-2331 528-3224