The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-11-04, Page 6page 6 —Iaicknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 4„ 1998 40.1.11•00000.01..0.001,110WMOKIMiNialt • 1011111 QOM "Mr Sunk 0100580 Pm*ocivairon. Loaded with festurwladuding SfewliF tOlifOent. nfinion • **dine 40.4 end tots more. '26,988• 199801,RYWROINWS snick tatzuat.cerv oasaestners' sus% fscaiv. squippwaystada: ] with nowiic fnatur0P. *VW gnaw v0100, tt stwortausatt kits Mole. Slot* *Xt. *211,988 ..„ . 1990:000CEST.I0mis - 4 0W*A00,0, Orent4;ors. Mc* eatifitEiad: with air atitarnotic, 2400HC: 0000. tilt - steering, imilSa MOW and a** "0..115,988 slOir mat MOP. Foam COMIWY V•hicle.1.04ded 390 Qf tiro Shit ES •MOW With 'V Wheel ;NOW featureNit atiedi&Whita arni,,F 1990 DODGE CARAVAN SE. Stock *OS9P Shaft kieldhe-vwil end hiciiiV ixtuinowd with VO storininc. Dowor wigatowitr,p4 I oft iFnfoirinu, colt, conum. roof , 00tHt. 16175 •018 ] STOCK 100881). Factory PrOarartf vehicle. great teettfeS ihcludinit • all Power' features. 0/14 cenSeie• 4X4 solicit/air tivIVraili. 199ICHRYSLERI POW stock 117O129. Compaity ,„ koadiid with rtaturOS indudi09 eligifie. CO Oilitterolower seatS Oritt lots lots iaore.liniato Of warranty. nam. 911'5 1,996,:vopoo Ngott s.rocK 0627p,t, Exceikat yaiuo. : 'Swapped -WO alr oaaitaxaria... • tatternatto,...itereoraisai.rata • • • dawn ristsests saem • GODERICH CHRYSLER JEEP 300sulcoAsrm, GaUCH $24•7383 11400465,1780 . • didaties :wiestioned by Dileigbt About 100 people were at the Ripley Community Centre on Thursday night for anali-canclidates meet-. hag. . . The 18. candidates for council' int h.enew munici- pality of Huron -Kinloss. faced numerous 'questions: .from the crOiNd. Nutrient management was a big coacern. Councillors were asked Candidates questioned in Luckn.ow • front page 3 reserve for a water project in PointClarkso those funds would stay there. Any reserves Kinloss has in place for specific pro- jects would remain there for Kinioss, .Starting in January, any new' reserves started will be for the new municipality. :their opinion on large hog farm operations.and their effect on the .entiironntent. A county -wide and town- sbipwide nutrient mart.!.. agementbylaw was f0014Sed itM, • Councillor 0aUdidate Mitch] TWOlan mentioned manure spreading and its effect ort Lake Huron. know from .working in Point Clark and. being on the shoreline • when 'beach closed' signs get posted in the summertime people are saying•why are our beaches closed?.It's hard question to answer,", Nolan. said, "As long as the fanners follow government guide- lines. we should allow them •to. Ontinue on." 'Nolan said. Councillor candidate James Hanna said as long as the rule t a nutrient managentent bylaw are adhered to it shouldn't have an overwhelming effect en the .eornmu.nity's economy. , "This is a large farming community and farmers do have a right to farm here," Hanna said. • eau nci lor c an di date Will Gamble wants to make sure regulation, of the rules is established before a nutrient manage- ment bylaw is introduced in the new municipality. 'Thompson mentioned the county'S promotional campaign for the Bruce County and the lakeshme, "Our .township has a limited amount of money for tourism but the county promotional tools pro- motes us further and into. Youcan have the . bigger areas," Thompson rules in the world but if satd• • • • ' you can't regulate them. sthaey:7 no ood,". 0.amble id Candidates .for mayor,. Stu Reavie and Murray Thompson, were asked their vision on promotion of tourism at the munici- pal and county level. Reavie said the county and all the municipalities have to work together to-. promote the area as Well as Huron -Kinloss. "We've got a great great. sunsets, a great beach: and a great commu- nity", Reavie said "The.whole of Bruce has to work together becauspioif anybody works individual,they •dort't • w, *44 three, feet er.five .cottneillors.-HOwever„ if Another question point- ed at the deputy -mayors was, how the entire manic- ipality would be looked alter if the whole council ey was eicett4 from one area. Answers were much the Mine from the seven men contending for the deputy,. mayor's !position. John Husk said be would represent the whole township and he hoped others would follow suit, • • Keith vender Hoek said 'council would be mire - senting all one area, "There are no bound- aries anymore," vender Hoek said. he ballot When you go to vote on Nov, 9, the•ballot you will be handed consists of three areas. The top area lists the names of canclido,:;, ,i=r,ning for mayor - you may vote for one; the h., it% on, is the names of candidates for deputy -114,k. I .nay vote for one; and the third section lists t AC... • k• andidate$for councillor - five are needed. Full instmctions are included on the ballot. The question has been raised as.. to 'whether a voter must make the required marks in each section, The answer, according to Mark Becker, Kinloss township clerk is "No." You may complete all or any • portion as • instructed. As an example, 'OA may. cast your vote for seem In get as' much you should make your mark for six councillors that por- accomplished ;" he said. don of the ballot would be spoiled because only five councillors are needed. - • in These Days Of Dectiniog tri.tereet Rates .14911TR.1111Ragi:OREDIT':ORION: . • • offers.youthp opportunity F9r a BETTEF RETuRN..00.ypurfrivpomprils. cpolief.iN.-AND- TALK TO US ABOUT OUR ALTERNATIVE • ..; TO MUTUAL FUNDS 1. C.NEDIT UNION . . ORTHHURONCREDITUNION • 8: Alfred street; vvingnarn (19) 357 -?311 Celebrating 46 Years of investing n The Local Economy • CREDIT UNION HOME HEALTHCARE CENTRE • Action Pro Series owners demand as 'Much from their..chairs ' "as' they do from, themseltoes. Andthfr, pre sorloo providos high. performArnofi with, its rigid. liOhtwoight frame. A' cured - rear . trams makes traoSportation easy. The Action A,T. provid$ 44° posterior. tilt to -tecs. of anterior tilt. 2 • with ‘stateof-the-art. hydraulic cylinders and more .adleptahilityL. • than oho,: tilt-in.space char - avaikibie. information cell ()relive 1,ea1tbc0 • •• 23 Victaria St Clinton "In The Heartc)f Huron counte. • . . . . •-1.10 ,tm.. tip or 'rout . Vvoti tio% 1. 1 pin -:‘ • Ask For Us • Sales • Rentais,•TtePairs (019) 482.0046 or i.880.233 -703a MONIKA PENNER "A commitment to quality of life Hours: .Qpen 5 days . a week Vail ahead far special • appointments" Special needs cling promised • from page I. That meant the board WAS left without funding for them and th education - 'al assistants didYlequired.: When there are normal- ly about 12 students, this• year, there Were 40: The government had, put • a four. per cent Orap on any funding increases boards could receiVe. Armstrong said they appealed to the ministry With the argument that with that cap coupled with an increase in the. servicet the board had to provide, it was like •receiving another cutback • Armstrong; who had not heard the announcement yet, on MondaY, was encouraged "They've listened to what we said," she said. Separate board gets funding for boolKs by Olt nalOin•, : The Bruce -Grey Catholic': 'School Board • will get $79,929.50- from the .Ministry of Education for the; next round of text- book and software pur- chases. • Finance manager Cathy • Colton said the amount was "no surprise" to the board. It will •be divided among the beat -Ws 13 stlX0CdP, basedon enrol- , Inent. The grant is the second phase of ministry fending for textbooks and -resource . materials to 40 along. the • new Ontario Curriculuni.'Coltou said .a third. phase Will consist of the savings 'the 'province' • made by: requi rang. pub - fisher tenders in Phase One and two. : , . , -. iRUSSELS LIVESTOCK- - 41.0o ales et.24& N*V 14 *Local 'Vaccinated Ca)f & Yetulin0" Sales - Oct 28, Nov, 11 & Nov.. 25 *Fired'Cow$ale Nov. 7 . • *Tuasdeys -9 a.m. - Piniehed Cattle & Cows *Thursdays- 8:30 a.m. Drell CAlves *Veal Followed by Lambs. Goats and Sheep *Fridays 10 Lai. - Stockers Oansiga Cattle Contact •ROB tiomPststi Nunn Local Representative 5119491102640 EfitLISSELS LIVESTOCI( (Lori Garahle) *Brussels, Chit, 51.9.881*646i