The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-28, Page 181S L vknew Scritilta Wednesday. October2$ 46.1n IPAinictriank REEF. In laving memory,Qt .a dear mother and gramma Gladys who passed away 4 years ago. Oct. 22 .4,1994. You had a smile for every one You: had a heart of gold You left the sweetest mem- odes Our lives • could ever hold • To as you were the best What more is there to say Except to wish with all our hearts That you were here today, Always in our hearts. Ltoya. Harold. Julie, Jeff• and Debbie. -43ar 47* Cards. Of 1 Thanks LUCKNOW KINETTES The Lucknow Kin,ettes express a sincere thank you to the many people who made the Dream Auction a success - Allan Miller, Brian Rintoul, and Rob Thompson for auctioneertn,g; Bdb Gilchrist for being the clerk; Barry McDonagh for the use of his building• to display the donations; the businesses and: many individuals for donating items, and the people who came: to 'the auction and bought the 369. articles and services: Over $11,000,00 was realized in. • sales. The profit,will be. donated: to the pool and', the•' soccer field andother corn* • triunity , prejocts. The Kinett'e.s appreciate the tremendous effort put forth by Deb Murray and Denise Gilchrist to organize this event `--43ar • SM YTN We would like to thank all the partkCipating, merchants . tor the birth .platewe received for,Darrrren`s birth: It will,be a treasured; rnertro. r`y. Barry, Janine , and. Carmen, -•43 . 8. .• Com. Of Thanks. • BROPH We extend a sincere thank you to the .kind people who helped at the Scene Qt the cat' accident on October W. A: special thanks is offered: to Doris Caesar and the Furness farrrily, Dorothy .(Gaily (Lorraine'e mother) and Sarah are both recover- ing well. • It was a Thanksgiving weekend: to tie rernemberedt L.o.rraine and George Brophy: --43x MACt)OUGAI$. 1 would like to thank all my friends and relatives for remembering me on my. 80th birthday with cards, gifts and flowers..A special. thank you tit• my family; who- arranged hoarranged the party and to • the caterers who prepared the dinner. 1 enjoyed. it all very much, Ann.. -43X BRQOK , ' Thank you to everyone who; remembered me with '.cardss Calls, gifts, and visits white 1 was' in hospital and since returning Sincerely .. Marjorie. --43co HAMILTON I w'rstt to thank family artf'• . friends. for canis, visitsand gifts while 1 was in, the hos,'. Pitat and since. returning, home,. Ail, your kindness was greatlyappreciated. Bruce: •-43* REID. Thank you to the Ripley Fire Departrnent and the Ripley .Brew Jays for donating their time and puttingforth the effort to organize and work at our,benefit dance. Also thank you to all the girls who soldtickets, organized ' the food' and. assisted in the organizing of the dance as welt. Thank you to MacAdams MiniMart for the: time•: and effort put into find- , ing generous suppliers to complete the lunch at the dance: Most of all thank you. to everyone who attended. your show 01, support has overwhelmed Larry and t. and a simple. thank you. hardly' seems enough, But. Thank you. Larry and Kim:' 48. Coini ig. Events COUNTRY CHRISTMAS.. HOMETOUR Nov. 14 and 15, 1 0 a.m,, 'to p-rn;.. V.tsit unique Grand. Bend hones decorated with Christr'nas finery,. Larnbton Heritage Museum 5.19,243- . 9243- 2600 or 1 -$Q0. -265-Q316:, -- •RECD A :sincere and heartfelt ::' thank you is :; extended to. family,. friends nd everyone 'in the; t iptoy Corimiunity. A generous thank. you to all the ladies who quickly. rettieved and tried to' sal-' vage.laundry: for Larry end i to have clothes' te, pear: • ''Thank you te:overyone for the; inynQdtate donations ctelletous feed end getterone gifts of , rnQney: Larry. ant# :1 • truly feat'otr: cvmnunityr Cove and: support at this tiMe of toss. 'Larry. arae Kim; .-43 43-4$cG ANNUAL BEET" • SUPPER At Dungannon United Church, Nov. 1; Sittings: 6 And 6:80 p,;i . Adults $8; children tip to la $4; chil- dren 4 and undet, free. • For•. tickets. call: Jan 529.7559. =- • 41,42,43ar. . $INC�'t,ES DANtrE .Sunday, Nov. 1 at Brussets:. Legion,. 7 to .11 p.m, Musio;. by. the Joy Bringers. Band.. $8 pe'r person. For mora, info call. $67.6$62.-43 . GATHY'S 61.44 SALE .: Friday, Nov:. 6; 4 pati', to s ` PAL, Sat., Nov, 7, 'J a.m, t4.: 6 p.rn. 481. Rose St.{ Lu,eknow. Assorted. tterme. Everyone. Welcome, -- 42 43 44x 42,4344x . • HAL LQWEEN DANCE at Dungannon Agricultural. Hail On Saturday, Oct, 81; $ t4 1' ::rti : Music- by' DJ. - -{; 42,43ar Vii, Evora* Bit( Goderiob Knights of Columibus, every ThorsdaYv 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parson's Court, $4400. la prizes; progressive tack- pot $1000.; regular jackpot $1:.500 must go. t.ic. #167920: First Saturday of • every month,, 7 p.m.„Cotumb:txa Centre, $500 Mini Jackpot, ':.$1,800 Jackpot. Total, . prizes $4,600. Uo. #3109.56, Super Star Provincial. Game every Bingo Night.--O7tfar ' OPEN HOUSE Country Creations invites you to an open house an Friday. Nov; 6. 10 a.rn. to g p.m and Sat., Nov, 7, 1:0 a.m.' to 5 p.m. Parchment. arrangements, ' • swags; wreaths, Vietoriansocents and Christmas. decorations. Ina Jurjens 5297401 and , fenny Numan 529-7715..4 mites west Of Belfast, Conc. 10 Ashfield Township, 1 1/2 ,mile north at Lanes —42-- , 440 -42,44xo COMMUNITY SERVICE - AWARD; . Nominations are being accepted. for the 1998' Lucknow • and. "District •Ctramber of Commerce Annual Cprnmunity' Service Award; Forms availableat the Lucknow Sentinel. Past nominees canbe renorniw noted by completing. anoth- er form. Submit to CQO Gornrtiunity Seririoe Award, Bpx 313,, L.ucknow, NQG, 21-10 pgadlline Oct 331. -41- 43ar 50TH WEDOING ANNIVERSARY - in honor of Wetter and Jean Willits 50th wedding anniversary ; their .family: invite you to join with therm in: celebration can: Sunday, Nov; ' ' 1, at •Belmor.e> C'orinmunity Centre. Open house and visiting 2'to 4 p.tri. in the Library, *est: wishes only--42,43ar STN ANNIVERSARY • BINGO' . . • Seaforth Minor Sports coup- cit 8th anniversary binge,: Monday; Nov.. 2. . ' $1:000: JackpotNew siert time. 7;15 p.m: [Doors open 5:30, p•, m. „$eaforth 8. District Community Centre. License' 4M2671•2..42,43ec ' • NOSTALGIA -$AMA; W.IN- • TER SHOW'' ' NOVEMBER 8198, 10-4. 85 Dealers buying selling small; antiques,, gla$swore, coins, Avon, -advertising, posters, tins; calendars, postcards, Sta;Wars tOye, buttons, ooke, books, dgauntente,' .snilltaria, spertoards,. tealS; bottles,'breweriana,. auto- • n100rlia, railraadania, sheet; rrttiSiG., photographs, ethammera,' Fairgrounds: Audit:ortt rat. Woedatoak, • 'Ontario, Malar inquiries, 905-376-7363,-�430c w 2 uNIGEF CQ ,4.EQT1QN 'School' children with', oranga. moxas' wilt. C?11 err: Halloween for, UNICEF, 'Pl ase help. children around the: world with your donation RIPL i'' &DISTRICT LIONS, Midget, Hockey, Tournament on Sat.,' Nov. 7 at the Ripley -Huron Complex. t al,rn. - Ripley vs Kincardine; 9:15 a.m.-•Walkartgrt' vs Wtngharn;' 10:1'5 a:rrr. - Exeter vs Lucknew; 11:45 a,rn. - Mt. Brydges vs Ayton/Normandy. Championship tgarnes at 7:15 p.m and 8:45 p.m. Roast been dinner available from 11:300.to t:30. BAAR AND - ' LUNCHEON Pian to attend the annual Christmas bazaar and Jun- -a/eon, at the Lucknow Presttytiarian Church. at., Nova 14, 11 am. to 2 p.m, Baking, preserves, hand- made articles; bQgks and. toys, New this year a Silent Quilt Auctien. Don't miss it, - -43-45x '3RD ANNUAL CHRISTMAS: IN THE COUNTRY Local artisans display for 'sale baking, candies., talk art," quitting, decorations:. stockings Saturday,'Nov, 7, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. John and Diane,Johnston's home, 4 mites west of Belfast,. Conc. 10 Ashfield Township: --42- 44x0 COMMUNITY CHOiR' Being formed for 'Carollest Dec. 9 Altsingers Ore invit, ed to loin with church choirs for this 's ecial yearly "Oor irnunity'* event. First practice,. Nov, S in Lticttnow United Church at 7:30 part. Directed by Marianna Hogan, --4321 KNOx PAE$BY'f.ERIAN; CHURCH BAZAAR ;And Luncheon Sat.,- Nov. 9, 11 'a.m. to .1 p.4rt. Legion, Hall, Ripley. Luncheon $4. Sake table, pillowcases, oratts' and 'fist, • ponrl St,onsor.ed. by ' Krrox PRE CHRISTMAS AS BAZAAR • •Sepirday, NOV. 7, 9:30 to 1:50. St. Augustine Church. Draws ; l st - targe quilt. rad and 3rd prizes cash. Penny . table. lunch available. Free admission. Everyone wet. come, Sponsored by St, Augustine OWL '-43,44x, THE antANNuAL. smiles SHOPPING BAG EVENT Sat:.. Nov. '14,.9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. visit "the $tit annual' Santa's Shopping Bag. Event*. at the Kincardine • Davidson Community Centre. 100 vendors, Gracie 8 fundraiser bake sate, Kincardine Guiding donation babysitting. Extraordinary door prizes( Admission $2 (12 yrs and under fret/Y. A11 proceeds to the Kincardine Scottish Pipe Band and the Kincardine Toy Library. Info? Call organizer, Linda Graham 5.19.398-8149. -- 4300 ,., . CHRISTMAS; TRADiTIO.N Murray's Christmas House, 10 to 4:30, until Ciao. 24th, 14% off every purchase. 50% off selected merchant- - • dice: Imagine- ...For 20 years our. 10- room home has magically shimmered - twinkling' lights; •decorated trees, cherished orna- ments.:.all, `expertly crafted and exquisite.,enhanceyour holiday' teativitres.. Experience the ; ULTt. MATE" in Shopping, • Pteasuret 7304 Richmond St., Arkona. 1-800-675.;. 1974; -4300 OPTIONAL, 'CLOTHING OPEN HOUSE .Thursday, Nov.. Sat Angela. • Bnndley's • home: Dungannon from' 11 a.m. to 8 p.m; Coffee and calories, don't carne alone, bring. a carload. New Christmas items. Gall 529-3528 or.: cop MEEnta The Lubkriow .District Chamber of Commerce wit1 meet V104nesda. y, NOV. 4. 7:45 a..rn. at the Touriem Office...Everyonee watcome. - -48 ' IPM COUNTDOWN BEET" BARUECt9E Wilt be held an thilrsday, 'Qct:. 29 at the Stantay Comrnurriiy: Complex, Varna. You're, invited to help us countdown to Hunan County's International dowing Match in 1999. Entertainment. Supper served from 5 to T p.rrt. Tickets $t0/actult'•.$5ichitd under 12; preschoolers free. Tickets are, available from. IPM committee members or •'call Nellie Evans 519.236- 4312. --430G ELEGANCE IN THE COUNTRY Christmas Gift Show and: Sale,, Nor,. 6 noon - 8 p.m.: Nov 7 and 6. 10 to 5 p,rn Selorin9ville. Community Centre, Sebringvilte. -- 43,44ce SKINNING AND WEl VINO Sale and Exhibition, Huron Tract Spinners, and Weavers Guild 20th annual sate and exhibition, Governor's House, Huto.n Historic, Gaot, Goderich, Nov. 7, 10 a.m.. to 5. p.m.; Nov: B, it. ant, to 4 p.m. • -- 4,3,44cc LUCKNOW i , G$ON ria nowe'ert Pub Pliqhf Saturday,.00t, 31198 G 1 AM Prizes,for best costume etc... Everyone .W'eiCome Age of Majority • Pfesbyterian ghurch. 43,44 „2? -7934. -743;44 Monday Night iii*ed; AUBURN'LIONS CLUB, • sm aLES DANCE • 1,$ and HT: Wcridy BREAKFAST Saturday, Oct. 31 at the Kin Pancakes, eggs; toast: Station, Victoria 51,. sausage, hashbrow•ns: , Listowel. Dancing from 8 to. Auburn kali, Sunday, NOV, ., 12: Mesio by Ge{eration 11 t 9 a nrt.: tw t2 noon, $5/.person, /.rrin: Maple. syrup donated byg, Rttflinsons: Maple Syrup Products --43cc rlvrknol I4it?Ildt .'THS GET GOING PLACE'. 0AT 'rig nr CGoaeb Tqiirs,to.Tifi0 Royal ` 1t tt tuirai Ii 1998; ' 1114s:.,Nav, Stli - Hereford, Poultry and Lamb Sat,,Nov, 7th ._Queen's' Guineas. Thugs,,. Nov.:1211t- JortseY, Holstein - Sale of the Stars Nov. 13th - Liirioclsin, Holsteia anii'Swino Sttow 'C1ekeineludes; Transportation., by. Luxury coach and admission to The Beat i itG t99$ 11 egrxe your t ekot to Tae RoyalVita ' 1998 ( 3;5'7•-1€3.242 1 b t'Ia- .. House Fri. Nov ..6 4.9 :Sat • Nov 7 9:3045: 3' Sup, Nov; 114 Do.cotlie f or' d uisit and et: taste o f Caen , , Christmas in a gorgeous of stony :house brimming with mood, Srop. by the store f or a f flyer or, t+uitch for otic tid;irt ne,Xt utaks:Sentinel. From Our &art' 52-Z649, Ritchie 216, Erin Taylor 276, 7'47,and Anita,' Elliott. 581. Over 200 scores: John VanDiepen 22,30 220, Pave. HilroPbreY 242, Eric Taylor 276, 232, 239, Anita Elliott' 200, Harold_ Alliott 202, Wendy Ritchie 216, Nick S4ltaus 218, 2t0 Teamstandar lt4OOkoSis 16, Kangaroos. :15, , Raccoons. 13 .'Nutt!#' aok 11, Bulldogs 9. • Tuesd,•y: HS and HT: Wilma Elliott 183. 531, Bill Cooper. 274 and Ren; Elliott ,720, Oyer, .200 Scores•"$il,t Cooper 214.' Rosa Lewis.. 269, Ron Elliott 268, 259, • Wayne Rhody 25&, 237; 13i11 Stowart 256, P3 Halttenby. 252, 225, Eric: Haideriby ., 230, J:aeon;Stanley 232, 223., 'Ron . Machan 214, Leonard. Ctarko 209. Brad Engel 202, Gerald RhodY 201. Team standings: Eagles 15, Budgies, 12 t/2, Ot'iolcs 12; Pelicans 11, . . Buie Jttys.,1,)Emits lit • 1/2.