The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-28, Page 2*no Sentinel. t998.QriTARiQ CLTiZEN Or` . THE YEA.L AkWAtW 0.04,Upw- 410 tlal, pp% l'uut4ttib r;tnrNntwip., rww i'4l ,r fru.it1ml,.. eriniestlay,,Qeteher ZS, 1994 hFieid • "H p4gek tQ carzntinanu to support the opearatiion .of bingo loner,: ies by charitable targani4a- dons. . Coen it de% ided to endorse the resolutiotn' and Ove dodge of such to the Assuetation of Municipalities of Qutarit and the prrov.incc, Elect Lillian Abbo 'Councillor for in. the . Municipality of Huron 4 Kinioss. y7. Years a zerience� on lecat council ' -Understanding of Rural 3. Urban needs -Your involvement- it council matters wilt be welcome -Fair Unbiased and 4PPrga01W2Itit .by fat Lit kiwite t The • Shop Video and uirs =pelted lit week at ilk new.lu+ lilies • on Canapbeil Street •itx Lucknuw, Two months ago, owners Karen and Leo Bridges WQTV tQl114. porarily put out of busiuoss by a1%ru at their former location on the. co net of Campbell aid Inglis streets. • "We we very happy to be. back in bus'iness." says- Ka ten, as she lookout ,eraunt the huge space they no* occupy. The former M.argie's Specialty Shroppe got a facelift inside and out itt preparation for the Bridges' . b isiness. Karen is very happy to.. have, such great ilisptaty Windows and is looking forward to having some fun with them. • Most of the items:. carried are the satire:. They still offer those scrump., tions. subs anti. 4 wide variety . of movies - vlugt tw 10110. to be exact! Leo says they, have 290 .new releas- es anti they alsci have a "people'! choice movie" which are movies that were not burned in t ie fire but have no bcix to o with theta. Their adult section has been expanded and, is now housed in. a separate room tP�nMa«rraata, seAic2s. MINNSY'STVA h4QQW.gt; • 9C406Tag • Ammoutws � :.:.... +1�.,o8tc PAL . t ,M.•wrso?AYgW'64 COO 0410(04Z40fit 4,9•44Y waIr,R.mrd Kt VS HEAD • 4 HA1.. „.14rt 4 ileAia Karen and Lee lalrittges.reopened The Shap, Video- and Buba las week at a new tog,atictn art Campbell street Fed ag a which ensures they are not accessi- ble to children. Nirntend.9 (4 and,Ptay $cation games can, be rented too, They were able to salvage their membership list and. those are 5tn11 in effesrt for movie renters.. The new loCatiun offers a: small. eating, 404. ani.1 in their mini-c:onve- niernce area you t:an. fined Beatrice tnilk, and a. variety, of snack foods. • Su far they haven't: gut glee ices - credtnz. line bail in. but Kw nr wail regUCSts for their -milk shakes have btt;rt nuant;ruus • and they'll. probably have theta; available in the spring. We've, had very good response; n our re -opening,' says Karen. 'More than we expected:" "'Everybody's .tad we're: back,' added Leo. . The Shop Vitleo,anc! Subs is now.. located at• faUh• Cairipbi ll Street. I ucknow, Phone . ?2g- 714. Hours.. are Monday to Thursday 9,.w.. u. Friday and Saturday. u 'to 1 U p.ttt ad, Sunday' from noon Or 9. They also offer a drop off bo •for return. itng taauvies after hours;, )1y Piet; al i The Bruce - County petlerattoat of Agriculture wants ttrue,e' County onc;ir to set up- an Agricultura;i Advisory council, pc d.or4tiort , president Qerry l gechman said the. volunteer advisory cOuaaiail Would ttciss set;. • tion of b rrtiera. to analyse. the impi etit ons of county oirc4ies.mid bylaws, "We're really offering our services to-. help- cru;r elceted.offiieiaats de a, better lob with what they have to 4o, ptne,etnt an said. • "It`snot reasonable to expect them • terkino"v►!, everythuag about agricul- ture, even -'us agriculturists or experienced unbi rep ssentation' k4PM4tt" i, «40$0.4,. 04, 4, HEAD.. 4 HEAD i*t i WV' VIEW' TIMIS +:soiltA.tno tAvae .vkiwi.a 041040 it*wo.wet, oi u�,aocwntt.... ,::le i .d-YeAJy41 don'. -t know everything: in the county., Want between the ,,roup of its and work- ing together with • them t think tint we Qot#id have a v (1•4i((b(r4 iiput iaio ttw deusWti making.. P00400 ((.0 sad the acivi,, ti try ,eoirtmittet :is ati .effi- cient way :to•*et intta ,fotar titin (0 county' c uunci lidrs who face> bigger work- loads because of down,.. loading and represent larg. er. t»utrtctpaI areas because of restauetering. He •said , the, advisory committee will also help the county •. reeogn4e; the ,innportasat t;: of tine ,agriculture iindtsstry; which aceoun:ts; ..Por. $2;53,40;000 in. dales in "Were ri-ght.up; there with, cite UN.:4: anti: tourism," Poec#tua,aa said about the .tmpaet`of the • loa,I fartning.industry. Uoueyt: Trks is Haney -production is. wide- :sprea4.thrqughaut, the; province: -: frotta: south- w.es.tern Ontario to the onawa,Valley, to Sudbury' a»d.Tholider Bay. *: PRQQWioat t s v a mat e�:Y,�r�w-3et�0sa'� t.4iy>ert�ry �<cw -a. �: �. nu "+, y.Y. •a •-' -- --�a+,s. :ear . .. at 7 ttRamt u,Q otic ahe4i NAW PAMint 0.4 seo•tt E ptetsvu Advantanefaron)v...4299'• aftetmatammina,rebatd. "E4WIR,QNi ; 4X9ELNENi :41149k1947 39: `, hopR ' , Square, tiig4righ-;Rh: 44-44U, in, opiilr Msph sriy,N,gu saauraay. rt Xp-'rI.0r) 1t O{f •