The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-28, Page 1• VO ..I2$ K, 43 WWNESD AY, OCTOBER 28 1998 65c INCLUDES G.S.T. ..09.przty takes twoppposite sups r�ga�din ancabui cep "Bruce County is taking two opposite steps un the issue of downloaded, ambulance services. On one hand, the county is ,joiningwith neighbour- ing counties to look for a consultant who will rec oiumend wayspto .provide land ambulance coverage. On the other hand, .it's lobbying: against the - downloading This week county council supported petitions from castings.. County and: the County Wardens Of Ontario, both calling. for the province to .retain responsibility.for• land antbulanho •ser Lice, woof take E.elogie, trig cut': and g' ive'thern back land: anibttlait s." said Lucknow' move Stuart Re:a,v:iet,, who. wanted a stronger statement: from council oppos'i'ng dcwn- loading cif anibulancc tier- •. vice, Ho ' said provincial estimates on the impact.of downloading aro • notoriously I 'wv; and pro dieted .the county could, end •up having to .look for "half. a -million dollars" in.,. unfunded expenses,' "Wo should continue to . put this, .before the province in thin strongest. terms possible,".said coun- ty administrator Wayne.- 7aniiesott. . "•The. province so far have shown very flute indication of willingness to change the Who Does 'What report, but there area signs the Conservative caucus realizes 'it will be very difficult to .do this and maintain the seamless (ambulance) service we've had;" Reavie didn't argue against joining the consul- tant study. whichcould take in an area front Windsor'to'bbernmry and include the counties of Oxford, Perth and Middlc�sa t as well 'as Bruce and Grey,'$ut he, said ambulance and. realtli services.. are a. provincial responsibility. " feel it isn't a county issue, it's'a provincial. issue and. they. should be looking after it," Reave said. "We don't know Much about it, we have.no contra over it, and 1. feel it would be a good thing to: got out .of if there was .a door opening," While c;c,inirty wurdens" across Ontario . are opposed the downloading of ambulance services; regional govertaments" don't have the sarne objet;-. 'tion. County clerk Bettyanne Cobcan said that if theprovince isu't, prepared to budgo. on its • plan, Bruce "better bring . in it consultant to 'look at service' options". By, . working with neighbour- ing .counties, Cobean said that cost should not exceed 55,000:, A y ;„- 1 S: ah}• f { l Thi* ecatrecro'Mathew McMurray) was kl+ttlr►, ;tom. ate. w Il . ,:fotlito01.0ormiWthat= tris' have any thoUghtik of meting OR. hi" tared when tltis Ktncrtteat • hold their •anntrat• kl ltav►ntatttt Ortir for area - children: last,:Saturday afternoon.. • (Livingston photo}' Ashfield Township' plan of closure will: be i, hasreceived a obtained from Maitland tsaunc 1 t request from the Ministry. gngineering Servt es. of Environment to prepare ' final : plan Qt closure< for the abandoned landfill site, . n Council also reviewed inlortnation froln Maitland Engineering 'Services in this regard when it met art Oct. 20 A cost estirtiate. far' the. preparation of the required oxr Co. c,13. >>a� 'S'•.,�i. �... It .. 04 an and David • Elphick talked to council 'about tlto possibility Of a • municipaldrain extension 'to -provide Brian's property. neerts report its tWO readies; Margaret Conyer'a 90th birthday doesn't actual., ly fail Until .tan. $, but her family and frienda. decided in order to boat any winter weather problerne that La Nina 'may have In atoree the party .ecoid beheld earlier., So on Sunday>. open house, was held in honour of Margaret* 90th, She ,remembers being told that the day she was born in 1909, on the fourth cocain!** of Kinl)a*,. the ground was bare but frozen, hard, (Live igatot photo) w e(1 on' the east part of 1.4t 2, Conc„12, WD,, with a suf- ficient. outlet for his drainage, Works,' Council agreed to Con- tact R.4. Burnside and Associates to`•deternnino the validity :of • a petition by Mr. ,Elphick, , A resolution from the City of Windsor isasking the provincial governnment •• turn to page 2' The cngi,noen's report on liusk municipal drain: was a topic, of discussion when Kinloss, Township council mot on Oct. 1I:° • After rcviawtng the report with Andy''McBridc' of lvlaitland. Engineering and felenry. Clark, drain inspectors council .gave the drainage bylaw two reiu1- lags, Council wait. provided +pith a draft copy of 'a bylaw to. review regarding Fisherman's;Cove lent and Trailer pant. Council wilt pass; the bylaw at its. next meeting, Arraugemesnts are, tieing made to :survey the roa.. allowance at Range : 3 S.Q'R, . just north of Fisltcrtnan's Cove, A letter. from 8a,rb Fisher, MPP was road. It explained° the progress site has made in regard•to reg elating licensing foes. to trailer;;, At. tont And trailer pie ks. ';Council approved a livestock valuer's report to :regard to a' chiirolais, .ball calf killed by. wolves. The sum of $180 will be paid to Glen 1t4aldeuhy, Sr., and an a1plication made to the province' by ,the Manic i- polity to recover the cote- pensation The licensed: gravel pit rebate for 1997 •sinounted ria $6,521: g2.. Council htd.'no -vin- in nts. to makca•on: a pro- posed rsioning anti plan. of subdivision in. i,,ueknow, as subinittcdby Barry. Mr©onagh, WW favours . . jo .p'ing with .be1d,- r oiborne, 'od er eh • West Wawariasb Township council has. decided:•to commit to a. plan of restructuring that would invetve the Townships of Ashfield, Colborne, and Goderieh. Failing that, council. sup- ports.. the grouping of Ashfield, Colborne and West Wawanosh with as invitation to east Waw•anosh. to join, This motion' was passed at council's. Oct. 20 meeting. Two readies• .were given, to= a, bylaw to, open Maar Anne Street inn the ham1et:of St, H.elen's . Council .had no con- terns regarding. ati appU. cation :of consent to sever land as submitted by R p'hitlips, tom` -awl 1, tiG and: tate tiintitrd u0100 ' ni tc; one :isr' Anyone with tnfor\ ttzotn <nbotlt the aleft aid to, cull Cruise: t: h t l' at, 3)6