The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-21, Page 9Lucknow Horticulturists plan annual meeting. and plant tree About 2O members of the L+uckuow getting volunteers to alp. Presently they Horticultural Society met at the town have help booked up into November. hall to finalize plans for the 40th Anyone intemsted rn helpingLPS gat anniversary .annual meeting un Nov. 13 5Z8 -3Q22. at the Luc;know. Legion. The.lirnsident The videca etttitfed Thi Myst • said letters have been sent to all 'pot Spectacular Train Trip in the World was, presidents; treasurers tinct secretaries shown. The train trip was from inviting them to the special meeting. Vancouver to Cadges and Jasper. The speaker for the aanttal meeting Annabelle Armstrong and Andrea will be lftoss Proctor who.' will show Feeley servcctalu.nch. slides of around the world. Earlier in the 'afternoon 'several A history of the n• Lucknow Horticultural- members' met at the. town Horticultural Society is being published hall to place a. plaque beside a Linden.... tinct will be available at the annual rtteet- tree. The tree was given Ct the Lucknow ing. The history begins when the- society Horticultural. Society by District .?l Wt. was organized in 19 921and has writeups , Ontario Horticultural Society for hosting and pictures from The Sentinel' up' to the District S Annual Meeting in April. 1998.. Frank. Alton., .thanked..Distri4�t S and Jean Marlene Campbell of 'the Lueknow Whitby for the tree and also 'Lucknow Public, School explained the need for Town Couneii for allowing us to 'plant. breakfasti for pupas. She also said that the tree. ;At the. town -hall, ' they serve breakfasts and on one oeea- lean thanked the 1.11S for hosting the sian -two dozen students.' participated: annual,rneeti.ng :and alt the work they put Mt riene saki their main Concern was into the meeting: The Luc*now Horticultural moiety planteda Under) tree at' the Town Hall on October 17th. Thetree was a thank you gi<tt'tramn the'Ontario Horticultural Society. Taking past in the tie planting were from left. Jean Johnston* Clerrat Ann Lamoureux, Batty O'Donnell, Jean Whitby,. Velma Morningstarr, Shirley Hackett, Gary Austin, Frank Alton and John Lamoureux. Wig banks, 'Small business. A funnypairring at the bst of times. Rowthe banks want to get big€ger,so:they can give .even.b g9er loans to even bigger. ,businesses: It just' keels getting funnier, daesn't:tt ,*Anti, tf.your bank giVes you the fenny feejing.yc u're in a straight jacket When.itcomes to fl iclb�lity,:.yOU should probably, drop by your local 1 PCQE Credit Union: for a chat. AEOcQE is owned ,arid operatecF by its costo ners rnac y of whom are small business; owners as well:; f it Et RCQE ;Ise a place that understands: the jays.. fears and the frustrations. ai t running a. small: compare: And, hey, compered to the big ,banks, HEP<OE's a srrtall business toe - •Talk 4L$ ut-.empatny. Novy, we can't Prornise to approve every loan application but we can prornisa, that, at the Very, least, you will receive a fair hearing and some heepful insights, into the ftnancia tip iens..availab1 tQ yoyr c !:mpeny#.Car yceu .1`ile91ne,gettir► 'th4t. arnovnt of respect from ycq.rr.banlc? Nh yo: to ix t uc hing„ 1 e','e tti iii !ogetheb' troP hyo yo. i gta1 S P(E.redh r, °di erchtti hankiing, 1dith inti r tti nits 440 $11Vert, Kincaid ne, 390-91 1 ! ; sem; foe y out$et •