The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-21, Page 4•r 4 -- Lneknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Orin). er 21, 199S Changes oraddress„ ddress orders for subscriptions, anti undeliverable copies treturrt postage guaranteed). are to be sent to The inChiu w Sentinel* the address indicated hem .Mvertising is accepted ort the condition that in the event of a typographical error. the pot- tign of the advertisipg space occupied by the erroneous limn together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance or the advertisement will be patdat the applicable rates. A Bowes Puaxlishers Community Newspaper t119 Campbell St., i uelsnow, Ontario 1?.D Box 400 Lucknow, Ontado NOG 2HO phone: (519) 5289822 fair (5191528-8529 ' Established187`, - TQrn Thompson - Adtl'eitis er Eat Lrvmgston M General Manager trtl Editor OPC Phyllis Matthews Helm - Geo Meratoo ' .Joan Courtney - Typesetter ler Subscription Rates advance: Regular $2L66 Band postage and . Senior $23.52 {incl. postage and G.S.T.1 Foreign e USA. -$88,00. Publications Mali Regtstratron No. 0Z656, head at Goderich. Ontario. Publtsa}e+rt 52 titres a year. • eew watt: lucrrsent9hurontel.on•ca Internet address: txttp://www.tis>wesnet.cama/rue awl Ido you fEivOtlr higher speeds on 400 highways? So, what's your opinion on raising the speed limit on the 400 series highways? This topic seems to be a hot one these days as our provincial ,government takes the matter into consideration. a recent phone-in prograrn at a Toronto radio station, 60 per cent were in favor of raising the speed limit.:Is speed a priority over safety? I'd have to think not. : I'm not sure why it is important to raise the speed, limit. The highways are now posted at 100 km and the majority of drivers exceed that speed by a long shot. If the posted limit is raised to 120 krn/hr, will those drivers who were exceeding .the 100km •by 20 km/hr increase their driving ,speed to 140 km. 'Tisa scary thought; • . The., ].eve of my life travels, the 400 series. on a regular basis. •He tends to be a very cautious driver and by no means . is a speed d'errton. Heck, I drive faster than he does. He's shared some .horror stories with me about antics On the 400 series. The frantic lane changers are a menace. He's also noticed females drive•faster than males. The larger percentage of. those speeding females 'are• younger women in. sports cars or little cars;, One point made; by a caller• to the phone-in pro- gram I referred to earlier, was that it is now hard enough when you exit a 400 series highway to adjust your speed to 80 km' road And that brought to Mind the ridiculoussituation we. face :locally; If you travel between Huron and truce counties, youwill have noticed county roads in Bruce are still posted at 80 km, while those in Huron areposted at 90 km: The'fortner Hwy. 86 runs between Bruce and Huron counties but is now, under: county jurisdiction after the province's downloading. , Travelling east from Amberley the limit is 80; once ' you get a little east of Whitechurch, the limit is• 90 because that portion of the road is in Huron County..If you continue east towards Har iston you can travel at • 90 km until you reach Wellington- County wlaere the limit drops back to,80 km, 'Inmy opinion, it's insane,: Either Make • all county's roads 80 km or 90 -km.: .i .:Sol•• like I, asked earlier, what,'s' your opinion. ;on. increasing speeds on the 400 series? the nu t , back Readers will HQ doubt be pleased to see the .letter "u returned to words such as colour, labour, honour etc. Newspapershave traditionally followed the Canadian Press style which was to drop the "u". It's; now -come full circle and you will, be seeing, "our'! not "or" on these pages. 1 The new style retlects'the spelling taught in most I Canadian schools and preferred by many readers." Ten yearsago when, I moved to the editorial depart- .ment, 1 had a difficult time, adapting. to color, labor, honor, etc. I'd been taught to use the "u" so I'm .riot complaining• about this about-face; I'll; simply have to challenge my grey matter again, (P1.) Sentinef Mrs. Hamilton rt 10 years ago, Oct. 1:9,1988 dung at heart himself, Al Hamilton's dev tion to area youth earned hi.tn an Air Canada' Heart of Cold Award. Father of five and "Papa'° to 10 grandchildren, one might conclude Hamilton has a keen interest in kids. As a . result,. 'he has involved himself in many fund-raising projects :for • low recreational activi- ties, including arena renovations, swimming pool' and a community centre The contract for .snow removal' in the Village of Lueknow has been negotiated at lastyear's price,;: Now all that remains is the see how much of the white: stuff will need to be removed from Lucknow streets during the winter of 1988-89. There was only one bid for the contract. Kinloss Sand and. Gravel will supply a blower for $5: per hour and .a truck for $35 per hour 2A...years ,ago; . Oct. 18,197t3... be . Lucknow, District Kinsmen and Kinette. Clubs have combined effortsto donate $5,000 toward the Lucknow and District Community Centre: building fund: The money wa$. recetves raised at the 1978 Kin Supunerfest staged this past summer. . St. Michael's Boys' Chou', Walkerton,provided the anthems at the Evening Worship in celebration ,of the 116th Anniversary of the Lucknow ,United Church congregation's life and work on Sunday. The choir is under the direction of William Sewers, Master of 'the Choristers. S0 years ago, Oct. 21, 1948 f October .rains continue it looks as if the month may set a record for rainfall. At the first of the. week aboutthree inches of rain had fallen, and on Tuesday, as this was written, :it was at it again. Steele's Rodeo. Circus which is playing to large,. crowds in this section of Western .Ontario; will came to'Lucknow fora one night show, on'luesday, November 2nd. Steele's, "Cavalcade of Stars" features "25 of America's finest trained horses and novelty;.circus: acts." Those .whO have seen -•the show claim it is • tops It will be presented her under auspices of The: Clansmen, with :their share of the proceeds to, `be' devoted' to the Community Recreational. Centre ,building fund.. healthy Streams.. �arkstiogblook at heart cif area steams The Huron •.. Stewardship. Connell and the Maitland, "Valley Conservation Authority (114VCA)are hosting a workshop on Saturday,' October 24th, at Hullett • Central School, Londesboro. • Entitled. 'Healthy Strean'is...Healthy, People, the• workshop Will focus on the ecological health of area streams as well as updating part pipants, on .local efforts toiniprove . stream conditions MCVA staff will begin the workshop with an overview of what is known about the condi- tion of watercourses in the Maitland watershed. ' This will be followed by a presentation by. spe- cial guest Bill Andrews. Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science, University of Toronto, Dr. Andrews will be out- fitting techniques that landowners and 'coin nu- nity residents can use to evaluate the condition of their local watercourse. : Roth physical. and biolog- ical leattires. iological.'features. are used to evaluate stream health. Phil Beard, Ac•ting'. General Manager of the MVCA, reports that although chemical rests •'read to Odle to mind', when water quality 'is dis- cussed there are numer- ous" factors to .be consid- ered when determining if • a: stream is healthy • "At the workshop we'll •be stressing ,things like bank vegetation, erosion, insect life and shade cover,"said Beard. During the' afternoon the .workshop will look at how individuals and cora; .munity„groups cart.° create Plana to -improve `stream health in their own neigh- bourhoods. MVCA staff,. and Huron Stewardship : Council;;representatives will outline local water quality initiatives current- ly. underway. . 'The workshop 'is intended to be.a casual eventwith participants and presenters. sharing information .about, how ,strearn '.health can be. improved across the watershed," said Beard. The' Hearth Streams....Healthy People workshop is scheduled to begin at 9:30 AM. Ad.m:ission,-is--free .but space is 'limited so anyone interestedin• attending is requested'; to pre -register • by, contacting the MVCA at .335-3557. Golden c Idi a schord.; Students navies remain a mystery Not'mueh information has been forthcoming about .wines Kerr who;taught at the school.frr m 1893-1897:' the, school picture at SS 10 Ashfield whicht was taken He received the sum ',of $300.00 and in,1895 he on September 12,'1894 and featured in the, October received a raise•to"$350.00 for•the•year. 7th issue of The; Sentinel: Eileen Ashton brought the picture in and while no students have yi t been identi-; tied, Teresa Courtney informed us that the tea:her was