The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-07, Page 18loge Illd
l~uekil Sentinel, Wednesday, October 7, 199 -.
Court model improves safety for female
victims of assault in. a rural community
The Grey Druce Court
Co-ordination Committee
has released a new model
for •cou'rt co-ordination
that will improve safety
for women who are vic-
tims of domestic assault in
a. rural community. By
improving the court's
access to women's safety
information and speeding
help for assaultive men,
the model addresses many
of the recommendations of
the. May/files Inquiry.
Arlene May was killed
in, Grey County by her
boyfriend in a murder sui-
cide that became the sub-
ject of an •extensive
provincial .inquiry.
A local ,research project
with women victims pro-
vided the Committee with
key findings suggesting,
that the laying of -a first
charge of domestic assault
does not stop or reduce the
violence, and that women
rapidly lose faith in both
court's ability to address
the violence, and in police
services willingness and
ability to respond •effec-
tively to further assaults.
The First Charge
intervention Process
model was developed after
consulting with assaulted
women, assaultive men,
and professionals. This co-
ordinated. approach to jus -
Lice "fast-track" men, who
are charted with aassault-
ing.their partner for the
first time. pato an intensive
information program that
makes immediate linkages
with addictions, mental
health, and abusers' ser-
vices. Victims are also
linked to -support services
and are helped. to construct
a detailed safety plan that
can be taken into consider-
ation in the bail hearing.
Prior to the court dale,
the man and members of
the family voluntarily
attend the Domestic
Ass,a.ult . Intervention
Panel, a- variation on the
DART Committee
(Domestic Assault
Response Teams) recom-
mended by the inquiry.
The panel is carefully con-
structed setting within the
court process.
Occurring prior to his.
day in court, the panel
provides the man with the
opportunity to consider the
impact of his violence on
his partner and children
and the options the com-
munity offers to helphim
change. During the panel
meeting he can choose to
make a voluntary plan for
change before he faces .the
judge. His progress in fol-
lowing his change plan,
and the woman's°eoncerns
about safety: can be used
by the Crown Attorney
and the judge for consider-
ation in the dispensation
of the charge.
Bight of Ontario centres
now have domestic assault
courts which effectively
focus on the special
requirements a domestic
assault cases, but these are
seen aas too costly for
small Ontario communi-
ties. The new model,
which the Grey Bruce
Court . Co=ordination
Committee hopee to pilot
in the two county courts;
is an innovative and cost
ctfective way of•address-
ing the recommendations
of the May/Iles inquiry iii
small and rural communi-
ties. • •
More information about
the First Charge
Intervention Process is.
available at ww.w.victi-,•link to
the . First Charge ,
Intervention. Process
Motel Report.
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