The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-07, Page 6Page h — Lut:litiu is duel 4Yiesday. 11.7. 1998, flVitC Two former liid,,ers afar# Stanley Cup w:ltampi- ons. Larry Jef aay -and Gary Ftrek, want you to return . to Guderic:h next spying! • The pair have; issued air invitation to all players and tenches, who participated in the Young. Canada Week (YCW) Pee Wee He key Tournament over the past 50 years. to return tO Goderich next spring fur •a special reeeptiun. . • ,Ie;firey, who played fur the eupewinning Toronto Maple: Leafs in: t90,' and •Doak, , a stalwart on Don Cherry's biueline for. thin Bruin cup winning team,.' ROO iwwe .., . . Chartered Accountants Oaring full range at ssrvicsa: auditing, accounting, Ousinotta planning, room. tax nth Omit financial planning, ce.��s u_�tar and rrman .st s�erericse. Mt�� HA 4oveg nk- E..GRI NO NSW WitfOSAll 3..H.11OW%.CA figs, Entre, GA KL Oneer. CA T tN 14, Hurt CA tt e, Kitisr, CA ' e.,1. Kuno, K Qersuhiaaai; CA •F Thomson, FGA Millen, CA G.H. Mum, CA p Thar, CA RG.'thomes, QA. t$8t441t a*: 223,41 pIa; both of Gttderacb. are plan- ning a special reception to hunor•the legal Lions Club for their efforts in making hockey a unique expert- once for Pee Wee players, coae:hes and parents for SCI. years. The first hockey tourna- mint in the world for Pee Wee age players wits taunt:heti ire Qvderieilz in 1949 to give yuung heekery players an opportunity EQ engege in friendly canape, titiun From .the simple begin- ninge, when six teams 40nipeted in a one -day event in the town's .new arena, the YCW tourna- ment blossomed into a pre- mier event that featured 100 teams involving. over 2000 young hockey play. ers from across the cvuaatry in 1967, Canada's Centennial Year: • The small town on:, the shores of Lake ' Hurons embraced thepokey tuur4 nament and it soon become, the elite, competition cif its kind under the tutelage vt ;AO PQM" Club. It grew h miiers ers back into a i0 -day affair in.vo1v in thousands of hockey players, most of wttunt Would be ted entl•hilteted by people the curnmuni- ty. Next year, that little' tournament ;that grew out of «t one -day competition, will ‘3iebrate. its ,50th anniversary. While other tourna- ments have grown ;and overshadowed: Guderielt's Young Canada. Week tuuebee representati ves visited Goderich and p ,t- terned their exclusive tour-, nartaent after YCW1the local Lions Club and •hen deeds: of volunteers have continued the .tradition of thistop notch Pee Wee event, In 1999, the 50th edi- tion of the tournament protnises to be an out- standing event will? over 100 Learns fruiter ac:rcisk Canada, the United States, and oversew invited to catnpete and celebrate this. auspicious milestone. Over the fives devades ut the tournament, hundreds of thousands of volunteer. referees. hockey players and: c:uae1tes and families. have experienced Young: Canada Werk in Guderi :h, Many NHL stars have played here 'minding Wayne taretzky, Rick Met.ersh, Don 8 aupre. Boit Crainev And: of cerur c , Goderie:h'S own Jeffrey anti bale. In March 1499, the tOwn of Godcr'ieh will celebrates 50 sut.cesstul years of staging: one of the first and longest running tournaments for young hockey players. • All hockey , atayers, ceaehes. referees who :par- ticipated in: the tournament and Journalists :. who worked on the deity news- paper that has provided tournament coverage for 25 ,years, are invited back to Guderieh in March 1999 to a•special reception that' will pay tribute to the Lions Club. If von have -been involved in this: tour- rtatuent please contact Larry and Gary at: yporterWodyss: y.en.e:a ux: tax; .519-524-9.320, or**OW* 8***01 It Sort have something. of value that you eon't use, whyt jyst gave it eiway,.when ytou could advettiSe.it for salon) out goggled ed pis? :- $imeone out, thea ftiet•.might :be linking for4'the very thing you have th offer, and with the ettsli Make Ott an buys yrourSelf that. • new winter GoatOr other Trust have, iterix. So take. it from $aa Baa; and salt eis.at 52872 to plane your elaasified ad, today, b)ri: t tbidpin Amabel Townshi : c idtt ' _:t -anywhere with its attempt to have the money budget :The township wanted`. Bruce County to 'rt:visit'` its• budget and ex;prtnses to.eliminateany, levy increase in 19*., The request wasGireulated. tQ othe't miraicipalities and: • wcroa •suppi tt front. Sauthatrtptone Kin ardi:n : Lion`s-:Rad; and . the.. townsbips of 'Eastnnt, Teo.water.-C:u,trc ss Lindsay, Saugeetl and., Swag. A;Iberuarle tgveu- ship vcoted down the raga: While the rE"mai'ning nxt> tt•i 4pa,litie rlidn t . respond' in time to .he tt'atc 4:at .the September ssian of county council. • Altorrespoi de nee on tl'to ,issuer wus filed with the frttatee division of the : Corporate Servicee, C:a'fan m i t t e.e 'Correspondence marked 'for filing with a committee usually does not get, any further action . . Webster ivoegt oil eddtng vo tsw.ere exchanged Sept. h2,, isologtweeo Webster and ,elty Lynne Noonan. e11y; is, the daughter of Danand acrilyn Noonan, at London and Van is the savor en and Julie' Wehlst t'#'of Lticicoew.